Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] [noun] [vb base] for " in BNC.

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1 But in the end , the whole of side one and Revelation from side two of ‘ Talk To Your Daughter ’ were culled from demos which Robben cut for the record company .
2 First , there are the needs which individuals have for self-actualization , development of capabilities and other sources of job satisfaction and motivation which may not be satisfied by the organization .
3 The Commission 's draft Directive proposes that laws on the minimum wage and paid holidays in the country where a worker is being contracted out should apply solely to workers whose assignments last for more than three months .
4 The knowledge which men desire for its own sake is never mere information , mere acquisition of separate isolated facts , like trains in a timetable , or careers in Who 's Who ?
5 Thus a focus on the emotional dimensions of relationships — whether on feelings of affection or feelings of duty — tends to suggest that if there has been any discernible change in a single direction over time , it has been an increase rather than a decrease in the significance of the feelings which people have for their relatives .
6 One factor which investors look for in a safe haven is liquidity .
7 as if the fancy and unnecessary packaging which manufacturers use for Christmas gifts is not enough , we then destroy a few more forests to encase them in acres and acres of wrapping paper .
8 We have already seen evidence of this in Zande witchcraft beliefs with their eager concern to assimilate and ‘ naturalize ’ new information so that it is consistent with the basic assumptions which Zande take for granted .
9 The society 's main aim is to help the victims of cerebral palsy , and the campaign will highlight the way in which disabled people are continually denied rights which others take for granted .
10 It refers in particular to the forms of sacrifice which parents make for their children to expand their genes into the ‘ gene pool ’ of the population as a whole .
11 To ask the Minister for the Civil Service what opportunities exist for civil servants based in Great Britain to gain experience in duties relating to Northern Ireland as part of staff development programmes .
12 There are plenty of occasions when the High Court exercises a supervisory jurisdiction over tribunals or bodies whose procedures allow for a more relaxed approach to the rules of evidence , but this does not detract from the fact that the High Court is performing the functions of the High Court when it exercises this jurisdiction .
13 Personal and Social Development , ( PSD ) , is a non-examinable subject which pupils study for one period a week in S1 and S2 .
14 Is ‘ chance ’ the word which people use for their perception of the operations of ‘ those ’ , the mysterious senders of Scyld and of Gandalf too ?
15 The measures which others discuss for ten years , it carries out in one . ’
16 In Sunderland everybody has heard of " the courts " , the place is talked about with that combination of ignorance , fascination and repulsion which people reserve for child-molesting , torture and exotic oppression somewhere else .
17 The argument is often that a classification designed in the South ( no matter what alterations exist for Shetland ) does not take specifically local conditions and local interests into account .
18 Sixthly , although a court may hesitate to order production by those not officers of the company whose administrators apply for the documents , there is no embargo in principle against ordering ‘ third parties ’ to produce documents .
19 Overtime is a dreadful disease which companies pay for dearly .
20 In Miami alone there are reported to be more than fifty botanicas — shops selling all the necessities of the cult — and there are also pet-shops specializing in the doves , chickens and peacocks which devotees require for the rituals .
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