Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Giving evidence , Capt von Humbracht said that he picked up the uniform , hat and sword belonging to Napoleon which lay on the ground .
2 Living at a time when the value of works of art in the market was one of taste and appreciation rather than of mere commerce , he was able to avail himself of an ample fortune to buy the finest specimens of the Fine Arts which came into the market . ’
3 When John Lehmann published the second issue of Orpheus , an annual symposium of the arts which folded after the first two volumes , he employed Minton to design its dustjacket and small tail-pieces .
4 The other guideline which was issued was namely that of capital , where the a accepted the general guidelines which appeared in the county papers and as far as this Committee was concerned , would mean the general acceptance of all those items which appear in that the first year of that capital programme , subject to the proviso that the revenue contemplated and the benefits of the capital programme will be considered by Policy Panel in its forthcoming meeting .
5 The biographer of T. S. Eliot , who was himself to speak of the ‘ dark ’ experience , of the ‘ rude unknown psychic material ’ , incorporated in his poem The Waste Land , can be seen in Hawksmoor to contribute to the tradition of romantic fabulation which began with the Gothic novel — a tradition in which darkness is privileged , in which a paranoid distrust is evident , in which can be read the evergreen message that the deprived may turn out to be depraved , and in which there can be two of someone .
6 THE NUNS in Northamptonshire who are battling to save their 5,000 chickens from slaughter said yesterday that the Ministry of Agriculture had changed its story over the type of salmonella responsible for the outbreak of food poisoning which led to the flock being tested .
7 INFORMATION required on a rescue attempt by a Walrus which went to the aid of B-17 2102610 Boomerang on Saturday December 30 , 1944 , after it had crashed into the sea approximately 16 miles off Beachy Head .
8 This was the thinking which lay behind the Bonnefous Plan , named after Edward Bonnefous , who was the main architect in the Council of Europe for a European Transport Authority linked to the Council .
9 The sciences were at one time supposed to generalize from observations by a logical operation called induction , claimed to free them from dependence on the merely analogical thinking which prevailed in the mediaeval proto-sciences , and which regrettably remain for the time being indispensable in dealing with everyday problems .
10 These interventions , associated with the Keynesian revolution in economic thinking which called for the state to become involved in maintaining the level of aggregate demand in the economy through the use of budgetry policies , have been seen not as a triumph of democratic struggle but as a further example of the use of the state as an instrument of the interests of the ruling class .
11 Such conditions led to areas of swamp which were a natural trap for unwary animals which ventured to the river to drink .
12 When war broke out in South Africa MacBride was one of the first and most prominent members of the Irish Brigade which fought for the Boer republics , and at Ladysmith , Colenso , and elsewhere he proved himself to be a brave and resourceful soldier .
13 A state entrance was under a porte-cochère on the Downing Street side which led to the suite of reception rooms occupying the entire first floor of the northern wing .
14 These gateways gave entrance to avenues with covered arcades on each side which led to the centre of the enclosure .
15 The catalogue raisonné which the German collector Dieter Blume has been compiling since the late 1970s has now reached its ninth volume , and has a general index listing well over 2000 unique sculptures , from Caro 's schoolboy efforts under the tutelage of Charles Wheeler , through his heavily modelled ‘ geometry of fear ’ period when he was Moore 's assistant , to the more distinctive Caro of the welded steel constructions which began in the 1960s .
16 Yet , despite the five centuries which passed between the creation of these two buildings and their different geographical location , they have much in common .
17 He found the warehouse which corresponded to the number on the invoice lying beside him on the passenger seat and slowed the Golf to a halt in front of it .
18 The main ones were post-war reconstruction , a productivity gap between the USA and the rest which drew American dollars and know-how into Europe and Japan , a sharp upward shift in peacetime levels of public expenditure ( caused by defence needs and welfare transfer payments ) and the absence of general synchronisation in the downswings which occurred in the major economies from time to time .
19 This was the reasoning which lay behind the foundation of the Zollverein in 1834 .
20 The reasoning which led to the discovery of the antimalarial pyrimethamine was applied equally fruitfully 15 years later , to the drug trimethoprim , which was as specific for certain bacteria as pyrimethamine was for malaria parasites .
21 Reference has already been made to the examination by the Sumner Committee of the 1905 Hague Convention , and the reasoning which led to the Committee 's recommendation that the United Kingdom should not accede to that Convention but proceed rather by way of bilateral treaties .
22 Now in that room at Fontainebleau so many years ago , I studied Francis but my eyes were drawn to that bloody ring which sparkled on the fourth finger of his left hand .
23 In holding that the ban was not ultra vires , Sir Denys Buckley J. made the points that the order-making authority should put clearly before the courts the considerations which led to the making of the order .
24 Although the PDM held fewer seats than Namaliu 's Pangu Pati , Wingti successfully constructed a coalition which consisted of the PDM , the People 's Progress Party ( PPP ) , and the League for National Advancement ( LNA ) — which had formerly participated in the Pangu-led government of Namaliu — together with a majority of the many independent MPs .
25 More than 40 antique and warbird aircraft flew in for the auction which coincided with the National Championship Air Races .
26 There was nothing imaginary about the shooting which erupted in the street outside .
27 Corbett slipped and tripped as he was pushed down a flight of steep narrow steps which ran under the keep .
28 These agreements are the latest in a series of steps which began with the visit made by Gu Xiu Lian , Minister of the Chinese Chemical Industry , to Montecatini 's Italian headquarters .
29 But they forgot about him as soon as he disappeared out of sight down the steps which led to the promenade and beach .
30 So up I 'd get , wellies on , anorak over nightie , and stump up the steps which led to the sluice to start work .
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