Example sentences of "[noun] [that] [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Having recently announced a new health warnings to be placed on packets in fulfilment of the EC Labelling Directive , the Secretary of State for Health , William Waldegrave , has now reportedly agreed with the tobacco industry that the same warnings will also be used on advertising .
2 And for every tyme that the same shalbe omytted the partie that shalbe in the fault there of shall forfett to the said Churche iiis. iiiid. to be employed on the reparation of the same Churche .
3 Further , it is the current practice of AIB , at any rate , to provide more detailed factual information to representatives of those seeking to establish a claim on condition that the same information is made available to all other parties to the action including , of course , the potential defendants .
4 It is dangerous ( and forbidden to employees ) , but is you observe common-sense , stand firmly and hold the wood in same way each time , with all soft pink bits well away from the blade , you will not end up like the man in the story that the same Health and Safety Officer delighted in telling me .
5 This is the finding that the same kinds of factors responsible for increasing lexical accessibility of single words ( mainly in studies of word recognition , but also in some studies of production ) are also responsible for affecting word order in sentences .
6 And the London-based scientist said he believed it was more than a coincidence that the same colony seemed to have been affected by a second strain of the gizzard worm infection which killed 137 birds last year .
7 It is a great pity that the same word — depression — is used to describe both the common human experience of Monday morning blues and also a clinically diagnosable illness .
8 There is now the danger that the same media circus will be dispatched to Sardinia next summer looking for the same headlines which will produce a similar outcome .
9 There were also fears that the same trends of homelessness among mentally ill people as had become apparent in the USA were being repeated in Britain .
10 Any fool can boost spending by taking out an overdraft ; no bank manager would deduce from such figures that the same growth could , or should , be extended indefinitely .
11 There is evidence that the same trends have begun to permeate the private sector .
12 At the time of publication the county courts in London have yet to adopt this rate , but it is submitted that there can be little real argument that the same rate should not be applied .
13 Furthermore , I have it on good authority that the same arkie has been invited to attend the South of England Rally this year .
14 According to Le Monde of May 22 , the report contained implicit suggestions that the same structures of repression still existed , in spite of the change of government .
15 And when he looked at her in mystification , as well he might , she realised , she went on , ‘ I 'd no idea until this morning that the same Naylor who came for you yesterday morning is my new boss ! ’
16 Althusser denies the need for a more detailed account on the grounds that ‘ As the formal structure of all ideology is always the same , I shall restrict myself to a single example , one accessible to everyone , that of religious ideology , with the proviso that the same demonstration can be produced for ethical , legal , political , aesthetic ideology , etc . ’
17 On my first arrival it stunned me so as to be insupportable : but such is the power of habit that the same noise is now heard by me with pleasure ; in the night particularly , when in bed and afar , on my terrace , this music sounds in my ears as solemn , grand and melodious .
18 The subject continues to invest itself in cultural forms , identifying , for example , with sports , cinema , clothing , a political line , or certain relationships ; but such is the scale of modern society that the same individual may become absurdly overextended into essentially superficial relationships , none of which augments his or her being , and yet simultaneously , may have nothing at all in common with another overextended individual who has selected entirely different areas of the surrounding culture .
19 The Philips Report ( HMSO 1954 ) forecast little change in the dependency ratio overall in the following twenty-five years ( 1954–79 ) , on the assumption that the same proportion of persons would continue to be employed in each age-group .
20 The assumption that the same constituent game is repeated period after period also implies that collusion , if achieved , is perfectly stable and never breaks down .
21 Furthermore , new varieties come into the lists in such numbers that the same numbers have to be deleted , otherwise the lists would become far too long , and the nurseries quite unmanageable .
22 In anticipation that the same problem might recur this summer I tried sowing some sweet peas with the runner beans .
23 I was bitten by a neighbour 's dog and heard from the police that the same dog had bitten two other ladies — a Mrs Gentles and a Mrs Savage !
24 ‘ The police think she — Sybil — must have disturbed an intruder , and there 's some suggestion that the same person killed Angy .
25 But we are concerned with a fundamentally different matter , the possible ways in which some entity ( or property ) , already accepted mentally , might be identified by a speaker , either for the purposes of his own thought or for communicating some idea to an audience ; in the latter case , there is no reason at all to object to the suggestion that the same item might be referred to either by ( 7 ) , or by ( 4 ) or ( 5 ) .
26 If we take from ( 1 ) the phrase distant cousin , we can remark that it is closely analogous to another phrase — near relative — in which it is quite plain that the adjective is not assigned to the referential locus of the following word , but qualifies the property which it expresses in just the way that the same word does in : ( 5 ) a near impossible task The facts of intensional qualification are not in the least altered because traditional grammar has customarily described near as an adverb in phrases like ( 5 ) , but as an adjective in near relative .
27 It 's the second time in a year that the same company has had produce destroyed by French farmers angry about EC imports .
28 Er , now to move on to events that have happened since the , er , annual report was printed many of you will no doubt have seen in the press that the same time as we announced our results at the end of March that we agreed to buy , er , the Alton Towers theme park er , in Staffordshire , from John , for sixty million pounds er , the purchase has now been completed .
29 This statement should be issued with an application form to all applicants of both sexes in order that the same information is available to all potential candidates for jobs where mobility is required , or may be required on completion of training .
30 A second problem which besets the researcher investigating the effects of unilateral cerebral lesions is the possibility that the same functions may be organised in different ways in left and right hemispheres ( Semmes , 1968 ) .
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