Example sentences of "[noun] [not/n't] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Department not in a position to undertake this at present .
2 Laura was not tough , but possessed a strong character and would see this sort of action not as a sacrifice , but as an act of fulfilment , she was able to project herself through her husband .
3 The longing for home embodies the feeling of loss not of a place , but of time , and , if I understand your teaching aright , we must not cling to it , but turn outward to the real world .
4 As I had to go to Beskett this young woman had not long been married and she always used to ask me to call at her house in Palfrey , cos I used to go on a bike not in a van , on a carrier bike , she used to ask me to call at her house in Palfrey to see if there were any mail from her husband and he was , there sometimes was sometimes there was n't nothing you know that he 'd written and er one day I 'd got back and er she was all in tears and er he , he had been killed in France and I was glad I did n't have to be the harbinger of the times you know she still lives in Palfrey now Mrs yeah .
5 In other words , party leaders in the UK are selected from experienced national politicians whose competence and party loyalty have been regularly tried and tested , who have been subject to a careful process of peer review and have come to the fore not as a result of their electoral appeal , but because they have won the confidence of the people with whom they would have to work in government .
6 The theory of evolution was a modern heresy , we I earned ; for God , in this instance not without a taint of mortal sadism , had created the world perfectly finished as it is now , in an instant 's flash of concentration .
7 Attendance is slightly encouraged by the payment not of a salary but of an allowance for attendance .
8 The first genuine American station , Mount Clare in Baltimore ( 1830 ) , was a small octagonal street-corner building not unlike a tollhouse .
9 From a functionalist perspective , mental processes are inferred processes — they gain their status in our theoretical base not as a result of being directly observed or experienced , but from the way in which they enable us to understand and explain human behaviour .
10 Naturally this enforcement pattern could be justified by the inspectorate who see their primary function not as a kind of industrial police force , but more of a pastoral mission rounding up wayward factory owners and showing them the light and contentment to be gained from compliance with current standards of safety , health , and welfare required by law .
11 If we reject the idea that context is situation ( although I have accommodated the concept of situation in my definition of context ) we can treat deixis in poetry not as a kind of " pseudo-deixis ' , as some critics such as Culler ( 1974 ) have suggested , but simply as deixis framed by a particular genre .
12 This functionalist style views law not as a phenomenon which exists on an altogether different plane to government but rather as an instrument which is part of the apparatus of government .
13 The Jews of his day had come to see the Old Testament law not as a pointer to the life of trusting obedience in God which it was meant to be but rather a code to be scrupulously followed in every detail .
14 S. F Perry saw the exercise not as a disappointment but as an heartening indicator of future progress :
15 As I will suggest in chapter eight , the black sportsman sees sport not as a hobby , but as a central life interest , a sphere in which he might find scope for self-expression and a possible avenue out of his mundane , everyday existence .
16 In other words , it 's a question not of a sprint but a marathon .
17 Spenser wrote A View of the Present State of Ireland not as a vindication of Elizabethan policy towards Ireland but as a document highly critical of it under a necessarily respectful guise .
18 If anything , by this time I would have welcomed the security not of a rope , but of seeing Sgurr a Mhaim about a mile closer .
19 By the time morning came he was convinced he had been wide awake the whole night , though by that time he had remembered with the utmost clarity that the whole performance had taken place not in a television studio at all but in an enormous public lavatory , with Sir William and Lady Paice among the large crowd around the coffee table , and that his final humiliation was to discover at the end of the programme that he had been sitting on one of the lavatory seats throughout , with his trousers down around his ankles .
20 Now , as the party fodder turned up in their glittering clothes , I began to see that Eva was using the evening not as a celebration but as her launch into London .
21 Gulf War pollution not as a bad as expected
22 As Sikes , Measor and Woods have found in their life history interviews with secondary teachers , many teachers regard examinations not as a constraint but as a resource for motivating pupils at an age when their enthusiasm for school might otherwise be waning .
23 Comparable remarks could be made about Theseus and Achilles because they too at times wore women 's clothes and had their ideal relationship not with a woman , but with a man , as Gilgamesh did .
24 It would be important to promote a culture in which the discovery of mistakes is regarded by officers not as a method of policing their colleagues but as a means of improving the service and therefore as a source of professional pride .
25 There was then an open toughness about party tactics ; before the Buckingham Palace Conference in 1914 he had Central Office work out the electoral effects of excluding nine , six or four counties of Ulster from an independent Ireland the concern of a calculating pragmatist not of a bigot .
26 Predictably , perhaps , I regard this argument not as a demonstration that the acquisition of new concepts is impossible , but as another reductio ad absurdum of the representational theory of the mind .
27 Ultimately the process of creation is one of intuitively balancing formal elements , and , in the case of the most abstract tribal sculpture , the finished product has the quality not of a representation but a symbol — a re-creation rather than reinterpretation .
28 When one complainant alleged that he had been sitting in the Common Bench while the complainant had had his proper challenges to jurors refused , the auditors of complaints simply accepted his statement that he had been sitting on the bench not as a justice but as a well-wisher of the complainant 's opponent ( the prior of Sempringham ) .
29 The documents here are proposed for use not as a sword but as a shield ; this is hardly a floodgate situation .
30 By contrast , the Co-operative Wholesale Agency , proposed in a report to a Co-operative Conference held in June 1851 in Manchester , was to pay one half of the net profits not as a bonus to its employees but as dividends to co-operative retail stores on their purchases from the Agency .
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