Example sentences of "[noun] [adv prt] [to-vb] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Which you used to light with a taper or something like that and they had little chains on to adjust your light .
2 Without warning , he 'd slowly reached his hand forward to touch her cheek , slid his fingers down to grasp her chin between his thumb and forefinger , tilting her face to the light .
3 Have you thought about getting a temp in to do her job , while she goes on a course ?
4 It would n't do for him to reveal the truth to Tyler Blacklock , because then that young man would no doubt turn heaven and earth upside down to find his sweetheart .
5 For the next four years he sat as an engrossing clerk on a stool in the dusty office , so thick with dust that it entered the sunbeams ; and bent over crabbed writing in the books , or showed dull clients in to see his father , or sat the examinations , which he passed .
6 Jane Pargeter was determined to look relaxed , Dexter thought , even though the number of times she kept bobbing her mouth down to sip her tea showed that she was not .
7 What one is supposed to do is put a screw in each side of the head , put on calipers and hang weights off to put their head in traction .
8 Tumbleweed put them in his pocket and we picked our rucksacks up to make our way to the station .
9 As Sharapour fell back it seemed for a moment as if he would get in the way of Mill Reef on the rails , but Lewis was alert to the perils of getting boxed in up the short Longchamp straight and pulled Mill Reef out to begin his challenge .
10 Without so much as a glance back to see his reaction to such an abrupt departure , Isabel scurried to the postern , yanked it open , and fled .
11 DRINKERS out to disguise their boozing are swigging £3.60 pints of garlic beer .
12 Roll your eyes back to slow your mind down .
13 They have their hind shoes removed , just in case they kick , but I leave their front shoes on to protect their hooves .
14 I shall probably still be here when you 're a buba sending your grandchildren over to spend their holidays with me ! ’
15 Well he was probably actually hammering on the door now to er come and see where he 's going to put his ladders , he wanted er a bit of wall to put the brackets up to put his ladders but Paul said that he Paul thought you could suspend ropes from my garage roof , you remember what a lot of criss-cross bracing there is
16 Telling me to take my earring out to have my passport photos done .
17 Was the underdog about to have his day ?
18 Although insistent scolding , nagging and criticizing may be counter-productive , the effects of a really loud , convincing ‘ No ! ’ — the kind of short , sharp verbal ‘ shock ’ which a mother can produce when she sees her child about to poke her finger into her baby brother 's eye — may well be highly successful .
19 On difficult and urgent occasions — in 1356 , 1370 , 1371 , 1373 and twice in 1377 the king sent lay councillors and magnates along to exert their pressure upon the clergy .
20 We sent Martin over to operate our North American office because we produce a magazine that goes all over the world , and based in Canada he ran the office for us there and was doing a very good job .
21 As it was , she was very much aware of the healthy return of her appetite , so why cut her nose off to spite her stomach ?
22 Ruth had decided to say she 'd been unwell , and had been given a few days off to recover her strength .
23 If you decide you want a couple of days off to take your grandson shopping
24 He discovered that his nose was bleeding where Scruffy had scratched it + when he put a paw up to stroke his whiskers , he found that they were n't there !
25 When she again hitched the linen up to ease its weight , he said , ‘ Well , I must be going .
26 ‘ Career breaks would enable women to choose to take five , six or seven years out to have their families but in that time they would be kept in touch , ’ said Miss Armstrong .
27 For example , TV stations about to close their books for the weekend often have some blank shots to dispose of at a bargain price .
28 Eli himself for the most part does not appear in a bad light , but as the one responsible for the proper functioning of the sanctuary , he is implicated in his sons ' guilt , is at one point accused of sharing their greed , and is doomed to share in great disgrace about to befall his family .
29 That 's just to put the water in to put your urine in you see .
30 It has been suggested that Lord Castlehaven 's case is authority for the proposition that a man can be liable for rape of his wife But Castlehaven was indicted as praesens , auxilians and confortans for holding his wife down to facilitate her rape by ‘ one of his minions . ’
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