Example sentences of "[noun] [adv prt] [prep] [art] more " in BNC.

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1 If an employee trades up to a more expensive model and the employer makes a charge , an output tax liability arises on the value of that charge , except where the employee pays by way of deduction from gross salary .
2 That would probably do little to bring so-called advances on royalties back to a more sensible level , but it might give the publisher some added stability , and therefore a greater incentive to put sustained effort into an author 's career .
3 You talk about the inevitable ; as I see it , the inevitable is that you will have to move your mainly large-animal practice out into a more rural area , say , ten or twelve miles away .
4 But at least it had the effect of setting Lucy 's mind back on a more even keel , and she worked steadily until she was disturbed by Doreen sweeping into the office .
5 Inwards , it is expressed in a bid to lead the community in question back to a more meticulous observance of the canons of Islam according to which it is supposed to be living .
6 Nevertheless , the move back towards a more generous welfare policy for older people was hesitatingly slow .
7 Its use can be regarded as a move back to a more " managed " approach to the determination of interest rates .
8 Nor did the reinforcement of Havelock Wilson 's powers in the new union , or his patrician and domineering style of running it , make allies out of the more independently minded of the local leadership , while his attempts at centralised financial control left him open to frequent accusations of mismanagement .
9 I suppose the winning streak had to come to an end sometime and really it 's better now when we can do something about it than at crimble when it 'll be more difficult to start shifting the team around in the more hectic fixture list .
10 Many others joined the SPD , and eventually had a major influence on changing its policies back into a more radical line than the Bad Godesberg programme .
11 ‘ What was needed to rejuvenate the industry was a reduction on excise duty to get beer on to a more equitable level with other drinks , ’ said Angus Meldrum , president of the association .
12 However , this is scant comfort as it simply brings the dates for payment of tax by the self employed such as partners on to a more current basis similar to that applicable to companies and PAYE employees .
13 On each occasion , however , the currents flowing in world affairs swung Defence policy back to a more balanced Maritime/Continental course .
14 The purpose of this chapter is to review such developments along with the more mundane business of recruiting new partners and opening new offices generally , and to analyse some of the problems they involve .
15 In the London case at least , this recovery can no doubt be attributed in part to the strength of its economy , the support given by central government to the Docklands redevelopment and other schemes , and the associated attraction of young professionals back to the more central parts of the city .
16 Also , innovative ideas do tend to work their way down to the more affordable guitars and equipment , so it might not be for you now , but maybe in a year 's time it will be .
17 Yep , yep erm these officers are all trained in , in fire prevention work erm at the Fire Service 's technical college at Morton Marsh , and er they practise those skills they learn there over many years erm I 'm looking back , I mean the time that I spent in training schools and er and in , in the job er I suppose when you total it all up it must be two or three years away from home really , er in courses you know , in my day we went away on fire prevention training classes six months , six months ' course was the , so you went away to the Fire Service college which in those days was at Dorking , a lovely place in Dorking , and you did six months there solid , and then nowadays about thirteen weeks , the courses run about thirteen weeks , and you are constantly fire , fire officers from the ranks of erm probably a Sub Officer , leading fireman in some places , but Sub Officer onwards and particularly Station Officer up to the more senior ranks are away on courses regularly for , it 's really updating people erm new legislation coming in , new techniques coming in , erm which have to be these people have to be updated so they are very well trained , erm more so than most local authority people I would think , fire , fire officers are , erm purely because the job is such a wide range of , of things to deal with .
18 On the other hand , when the family atmosphere becomes particularly strained or difficult , the counsellor should attempt to bring the discussion around to a more harmonious matter .
19 Every cracker contains a packet of seed along with the more traditional contents .
20 This was defeated , partly because speculation forced the Watney shares up to a more realistic ( i.e. less attractive to Clore ) level , but Watney immediately launched its own series of defensive mergers , nearly doubling its size between 1959 and 1965 and giving itself national status .
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