Example sentences of "[noun] [adv prt] with the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Britain wanted to hold a preliminary meeting of the Dominions along with the USA , and the Americans wanted to invite the Soviets .
2 By the time of King Hussein 's Aug. 13 visit to Iraq for talks with Saddam Hussein , his efforts to contain the dispute within the Arab world had failed and he was directing his efforts at constructing an effective bloc along with the PLO , Yemen , Sudan , Algeria and Tunisia .
3 Erm I think that in in broad terms that covers the architectural aspects we we have of course , as er , Paul mentioned at the beginning erm talked the these designs through with the Clark Hill , Honey Hill and Fern Hill Resident 's Association and they have erm been , been shown the exhibition on the estate and er we believe that they 've been well received towards seeing what
4 He , he was a real friendly guy and like I say he never said cheerio before he went , but one day he just painted his aircraft up with the D-day landing signs which we did n't know at the time and the next day he was gone of course it was very much top secret that was but the town just emptied of all Americans it was like a ghost town after them but it had been previously .
5 In addition to emigration out with the United Kingdom , many of the best products of their excellent education system have gone to the mainland for university studies , and then stayed on to work because of the dearth of suitable employment opportunities in the islands .
6 we we 've taken the contract up with the Chad , have n't we ?
7 Impressed ‘ I was looking forward to a night out with the England Students squad on their training weekend at Bisham Abbey , but I wo n't say no to a bit of warm weather instead . ’
8 The aircrafts and space vehicles featured in the programme are expected to be in big demand along with the Captain Scarlet costume .
9 He could throw his lot in with the Lord General , and perhaps become a governor of one of the colony worlds .
10 The central issue is whether or not a Third World bourgeoisie can become hegemonic in its own realm and drive towards ‘ real ’ development ( as Becker asserts for Peru 's ‘ New Bourgeoisie ’ ) or whether the only realistic option for Third World bourgeoisies , under the present system of global capitalist hegemony , is to throw their lot in with the TNCs , as Evans argues for the triple alliance in Brazil .
11 Renault Senior League winners Randalstown , were scheduled to meet the Dubliners along with the Munster and Connaught champions in Cork on May 22–23 but Muckross have applied for a re-scheduling to help their preparations for their European Club Championship campaign in Italy which begins a few days later .
12 But seriously , I follow this report along with the Lancashire Region , the comments made by the mover of this motion and in the interests of financial commonsense , I urge the conference to support this motion .
13 ‘ I am taking this matter up with the DoE Roads Service as a matter of urgency , ’ said Alderman Hugh Smyth .
14 As noted above , however , on 31 March 1986 these six metropolitan counties along with the GLC were abolished and their functions largely relocated to metropolitan district councils ( boroughs in London ) or to non-directly elected joint boards .
15 In April 1992 , the UK Department of Energy approved the development of the Caister and Murdoch gas fields in the southern North Sea along with the Caister/Murdoch System ( CMS ) , a new gas gathering and transportation system .
16 But our home market along with the USA are both in decline .
17 This goes to the Inland Revenue Accounts Office along with the NI contributions and tax deducted in the previous month .
18 And we can still go for cocktails at the Frasers ’ and bridge at the McAlpines and tee off with the Gordons and cruise with the Hamiltons with a united front , a respectable face , ca n't we , Fergus ? ’
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