Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] be [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The staple crop has for centuries been rice , and wet-rice agriculture has been of crucial significance in the evolution of Japanese society .
2 Last month Amnesty International called for all charges against him to be withdrawn and concluded : ‘ At every stage the behaviour of the authorities has been in open defiance of the authority of the courts and the rule of law . ’
3 One of the Moths now at Mandevelle has been on static display in a motor museum for years , and is now almost ready to leap into the air again ; an excellent idea .
4 Both suggest that in the area of sexual morality the change has been towards less restraint , less control and more choice .
5 In broad terms , the division has been between those who see an accumulation of reforms and a gradual erosion of bourgeois dominance as leading to a situation in which a relatively easy and peaceful transition to a socialist society will be achieved ; and those who regard reforms largely as mere palliatives , value the struggle for reforms mainly for its effect in developing working-class consciousness and organization , and envisage the achievement of socialism as a more abrupt event ensuing from a more or less violent final confrontation between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat .
6 The chief way out of this difficulty has been for empirical studies to focus on surrogates for power , rather than directly on the exercise of power itself .
7 Inter-rater reliability was assessed across codes , individuals and data-points ; mean weighted occurrence/ non-occurrence reliability has been between 84 per cent and 95 per cent on each occasion .
8 March has been in financial difficulties for some time and does n't have a sponsor for this season .
9 erm The response has been for that authority then to groin its bit of beach , and so we end up with a situation today where along the Sussex coast practically the whole of the coast is groined , except for the areas which are backed by high cliffs , erm where we have the sorts of rates of erosion that I mentioned .
10 On balance , I believe that Britain 's membership of the EEC has been of some benefit in terms of the home market which she has gained and will continue to gain as and when her partners honour their commitments to complete the Single Market ; however , as should be clear from the figures quoted in Chapter 5 , the assertion that EEC membership has been good for Britain is open to question .
11 Norfolk has been for many years one of our Medau strongholds and it is for this reason that the Society decided to select this prestigious location .
12 But staff here agree the assessment has been of little value .
13 The census has been for many years now an important instrument , among a range of such instruments , in the administration of the welfare state .
14 Joanne works at a grammar school and almost all her teaching experience has been at this school .
15 Golding 's own fictional worlds , unlike Amis 's or Murdoch 's , have tended to be enclosed , which may be natural to one whose early experience has been in naval life and schoolteaching ; and unlike theirs , powerfully concerned with the perils of code-breaking and a sense of shame .
16 We believe that the diagnosis of hiatal hernia has been over exagerated and only manometric studies combined with precise endoscopic evaluation can say whether we are dealing with a true hiatal hernia or a small initial Barrett 's oesophagus .
17 Most of my contact with other musicians has been with other improvising musicians , and to get to work with one of the major American composers on something like that was fascinating .
18 Probably , for we later read that ‘ want of opportunity has been in some respect a prejudice to my business ’ , and , ‘ the noble act of embalming has been entirely ruined by the undertakers ’ .
19 Our Regional Association has been through difficult times , mainly due to isolation and communication problems .
20 Local Management of Schools has been to many of our schools .
21 The car has been through several variations of engine size , but now like an ageing but still beautiful dowager , repeated facelifts can no longer wholly hide the ravages of time and progress . ’
22 Wilko said : ‘ David has been in tremendous form in the early games and we can only hope the trouble clears up by Saturday . ’
23 MIND has been of enormous importance in widening understanding of the social aspects of the problem of mental disorder and stimulating progressive work in this held .
24 Our talk has been of non-commuting observables or the Fourier analysis of wavepackets .
25 The colt has been in constant demand for the 2,000 Guineas and is a 12–1 chance .
26 The British Library Research and Development Department , which , along with the National Foundation for Educational Research in England and Wales and the Schools Council , has funded most of this research , is aware of that problem , and using a standing committee called the Discussion Group on User Education in Schools , it is endeavouring to bring the research into general practice , and even to extend the influence of the work into other levels of education , eg primary schools ( the concentration has been on secondary education so far ) .
27 In November , he warned that if the likes of IBM and DEC did n't implement drastic measures they 'd go through ‘ Holy Heck ’ — DG has been through that and if the company is confident about one thing , it is that the worst is over .
28 One way out of the dilemma has been for larger Japanese companies to reduce transaction costs with outside suppliers by promising continuity in their subcontracting arrangements .
29 Ken has been into western styling since he was a child .
30 Their crushing electoral defeat of 1983 in conjunction with the realisation that their share of the popular vote has been in steady decline since 1951 has , however , forced a reassessment .
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