Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] from a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Corbett rode quietly between them , keeping a wary eye on Ranulf who , after staring round-eyed at everything , began to mimic the strange accents , and drew dark looks from a number of passers-by .
2 The ley starts from a wayside cross next to a crossroads , goes through Saintbury Church , noted for its pagan survivals , through a Bronze Age round barrow , a Neolithic long barrow sited in the middle of an Iron Age fort , through a Saxon pagan cemetery , and an eighteenth-century beacon tower , ending at an ancient farmstead , Seven Wells — which was the subject of a fictional book on witchcraft by Hugh Ross Williamson entitled The Silver Bowl .
3 Engels quotes from a description of one such development , produced by the cooperation of a carpenter and bricklayer , in which a whole street followed the course of a ditch to save the cost of excavating cellars in which people were to live .
4 This is often an unintentional form of steering which happens when the sail is not at the correct angle to the wind — the section of the sail next to the mast does not fill with wind and the driving force acts from a couple of feet farther back .
5 The action stems from a letter Apple sent Quorum lawyers on March 17 accusing it of infringing its intellectual property rights .
6 In some of these disorders there may be direct sexual effect and this point will be discussed in Chapter Indirect effect on sexuality and later sexual relationships stems from a number of them .
7 The company will be performing ‘ Desequilibre : The Challenge ’ in which a gang of four teenagers escapes from a school party .
8 Such thinking comes from a belief that swing technique has nothing whatsoever to do with playing well .
9 And that prediction comes from a man who should know — George Best , who witnessed the brilliant individual goal by Giggs which put United in the driving seat at White Hart Lane .
10 Cell vulnerability arises from a number of known factors that influence cellular metabolism ; e.g. sustained adverse mental or emotional conditions , environmental discord , nutritional shortcomings , ultra-violet irradiation or genetic factors .
11 The growing distrust of such methods arises from a mixture of sources .
12 For example , the following extract comes from a discussion of rusting with a group of 5 and 6 year olds .
13 This ritual comes from a time when the apple was recognized as a gift from something greater than ourselves — though by then she was only a minor goddess .
14 Then one can address the question of whether rape should be confined to cases where submission arises from a threat or fear of violence , or whether it should be phrased more widely .
15 The title of this chapter comes from a song in Oliver Goldsmith 's play She Stoops to Conquer , sung by Tony Lumpkin , a character who misspends much of his time in a tavern called ‘ The Three Pigeons ’ :
16 The weaver works from a paper design which shows the full size , the pattern repeats , in the colours that are to be used .
17 Because the data comes from a survey conducted at one point in time , we can not tell if the relationship is conditional upon age or period , however .
18 CBP offers two major products : its Integrated Trading System or dealer board , which provides traders with a telephone system enabling them to access multiple lines and conduct simultaneous conversations ; and its Open Trading System , a software package that enables financial institutions to take in live data feeds from a number of information vendors and exchanges .
19 The problem with the conclusions in both sets of experiments is that they are based on the assumption that we can infer when an experience occurs from a subject 's verbal report .
20 For a number of shopaholics , however , that price turns out to be dizzyingly high — when shopping turns from a pleasure , or an occasional treat , into an uncontrollable obsession that chomps its way through the bank account , with sometimes disastrous effects .
21 A speed-table differs from a speed hump in that it is designed as a ramp up to a raised plateau with a descending ramp on the other side .
22 I have said that the anorexic starts from a position of helplessness and hopelessness , and I have tried to demonstrate that this was so in my case .
23 Concern for this issue stems from a range of different interests , from allotments to aesthetics .
24 Quite apart from the conceptual fragility of the enterprise , Kane 's work suffers from a problem of method : his evidence for the above assertions was collected from a sample of sportsmen who had already achieved a level of success , in other words the sportsmen he studied had ‘ made it ’ .
25 The focus of social work shifts from a concern with achieving personal change to social change , so the targets of intervention become the economic , social , and political processes which generate social problems .
26 Most of what is known about Leapor derives from a letter by her friend and mentor , Bridget Freemantle , to a gentleman in London , probably John Duncombe though possibly John Blencowe .
27 Mr Noel Stock , who speaks as one who had Pound 's confidence in recent years and was in daily contact with him , explains that this passage derives from a hint thrown out by Jessie L. Weston in her from Ritual to Romance , to the effect that the charges of heresy brought against the Templars were not wholly unfounded , since some of the practices of the Eleusinian mystery-cults from the pagan Near East survived in the heart of Christendom in the rituals of the Templars , a survival to be traced in literature in the stories and poems about the quest of the holy grail .
28 This in itself created a double problem because the action of this scene moves from a point where Nicholson is talking normally right through to the point where he is stoned and slurred through smoking marijuana .
29 To summarise : to prove that an asserted conclusion B follows from a hypothesis A one can proceed directly or prove , equivalently , that unc is deducible from hypothesis
30 ( Some suggest that part of its secretiveness arises from a fear of becoming involved in the litigation instituted by injured patients . )
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