Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Such fiction marches happily with political impassivity and an acquiescence in things as they are .
2 Carpet cleaning needs no chemicals ; handle fits on to heat shield , and steam hose clips on to this
3 Gordon Taylor points out in last Friday 's Echo Soccer in Crisis investigation that not all players enjoy rich rewards from the game when their careers can be cut short .
4 With his parents and sister involved as well , Larkins Brewery produces up to 30 barrels a week ( each barrel is 36 gallons ) and they are sold to discerning pubs in Kent and Sussex .
5 We all liked Alfred very much , and our sympathy goes out to all his family . ’
6 I DID not see the London Marathon this weekend , and so can not complain about it too loudly , but my heartfelt sympathy goes out to those who found themselves confronted by 25,000 runners , all anxious to show how goodhearted they were and what fun they were having .
7 Lord Lawson lines up alongside other members of the old guard such as Lord Howe , the late Lord Ridley and Lady Thatcher herself , who have been banging on the monetarist drum with the message that the deficit is one of the keys to the economy .
8 An intense young woman , passionate about her are — and perhaps less passionate about being regarded as a ‘ portraitist ’ — Sarah kicks out against preconceived notions of current portraiture .
9 But Mum goes on about that wretched place as though he was chief jailer at Broadmoor .
10 In fact , the rate at which a bee learns each component differs dramatically between various geographic races of honey bee , strongly implicating a genetic basis for the different learning curves .
11 Well A Alison goes out for one evening so that means I have to get back early for that evening
12 Recall that constructivism refers only to mental representations at the level of the input systems , as entities which can be translated , more or less directly , into the language of neuropsychology .
13 The child 's alleged psychological need for unbroken maternal presence fits neatly with dominant conceptions of ‘ proper ’ family life , in which the mother 's role in upbringing far outweighs that of the father .
14 This concerns the stages a case goes through from initial instructions to its conclusion and the physical appearance of the file throughout that time .
15 Since many people are unable to meet the costs of litigation from their own resources , the availability of representation under the legal aid scheme will often be the crucial factor in deciding whether the case goes on at all .
16 As I have already noted , some kind of political change goes on at all times , produced by the succession of generations , the rise and fall of dynasties , competition among various social groups , economic and cultural developments , changing external circumstances , and more idiosyncratic factors , which can only be understood fully through detailed historical studies .
17 William Howitt , in his Rural Life in England , 1838 , wrote of the Dent knitters , ‘ The knitting goes on with unremitting speed … they burn no candle but knit by the light of the peat fire . ’
18 Utilitarianism agrees well with these adaptational functions .
19 There is only the conductor-CEO — and every one of the musicians plays directly to that person without an inter-mediary .
20 News from Parliament in these programmes goes out to huge audiences ; some 11 to 15 million people watch the main national news .
21 The world at that instant splits up into many worlds , in each of which one of the possible results of the measurement is the one that actually occurs .
22 MY heart goes out to all Scotsmen and women , who watched the World Cup Third-Place Play-off at Cardiff .
23 In the first place , the left has a strong tradition of defying authority , and smoking fits neatly into this .
24 The route lies predominantly within agricultural land of good quality apart from a section to the south of the Edinburgh/Carstairs main railway line where it is flanked by residential developments .
25 The difficulty lies principally in that , whereas most scientists and engineers operate in a three-dimensional world capable of reasonable representation on a television screen , the multivariate nature of data analysis goes far beyond this into a space of m dimensions conceivable to the human mind only as an abstraction .
26 One you are accepted , payment drops straight into this ‘ business ’ account every fortnight .
27 The human heart beats continuously from three weeks after conception until the moment of death — about three thousand million contractions .
28 Let's go to see you tomorrow Other languages have PrOnominal systems much richer than the English one : in Japanese , pronouns are distinguished also with respect to sex of speaker , social status of referent and degree of intimacy with referent , so , for example , the second person pronoun kimi can be glossed " you , addressed by this intimate male speaker " ( Uyeno , 1971 : 16-17 ; Harada , 1976 : 511 ) ; and village Tamil has up to six singular second person pronouns according to degree of relative rank between speaker and addressee ( Brown & Levinson , 1978 : 3206 ) .
29 This case illustrates how by changing behaviour one can also affect attitudes .
30 The present looks back at some great figure of an earlier century and wonders , Was he on our side ?
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