Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Before the guidelines were introduced the referral rate from general practitioners for examinations covered by the guidelines was 88.4/1000 registered patients ( table I ) .
2 Like many of the gentry all over the country , he was convinced that the wound now bleeding Christendom might yet be healed , and the Church , the Body of Christ , made whole ; so when he gave sanctuary to young men on their way to train as priests in France , or secret agents from Spain or Ireland , he did so believing that he was acting in the best interests of his country , claiming that if anyone was a traitor it was the ardent puritans like Walsingham and Drake , who by their political manoeuvrings and piratical attacks on Spanish merchantmen were pushing the Queen remorselessly into a confrontation with King Philip of Spain .
3 However most walkers were enjoying the view of me with a glove covered in steaming soup and a face streaming with tears .
4 Voluntary schools were given the choice of becoming ‘ aided ’ or ‘ controlled ’ schools and provision was made for a few ‘ special agreement ’ schools ( see Chapter 6 ) .
5 You do in fact remember as c Councillor has said , that when Labour took over and schools were given the chance to change their minds and withdraw at least to change y to change the decision and withdraw from immediate L M S , then half of the schools chose to delay it 's introduction .
6 These hostilities and complaints from readers were occupying the Editor 's attentions as much as his war memoirs : one correspondent , for instance , was angry about an attack he had made on James Joyce , while another accused him of letting Christopher Stone ‘ drag the paper down into the subhuman world of jazz ’ .
7 So peaceful had the volcano been , in fact , that its fertile soils were extensively cultivated , vineyards flourished on favoured sunny slopes , and the people living on and around the volcano were enjoying the prosperity and security of the Roman empire at its height .
8 On 30 June 1989 , Captain Knowles and Warrant Officer Fowles were visiting the Army 's transit training camp at Scarborough to ensure that 35 Signal Regiment ( V ) from London on their annual summer training camp were enjoying a satisfactory standard of catering .
9 Under the 1980 Social Security Act this system was maintained but local offices were given the discretion to pay in full the charges made by private and voluntary residential homes .
10 All staff in these offices were offered the opportunity to go to Bristol to work at the head office .
11 In some instances local authorities have approached housing associations suggesting that the problem might be remedied if an association were to buy the properties and convert them into assured tenancies or into shared ownership .
12 Since the last World War , soldiering , as a profession , had lost its romantic appeal , but in Vietnam the journalists were given the chance of acting out fantasies about themselves , war , love and death .
13 Behind him there was a crescendo of applause , and before it could stop the guards were ushering the members of that sinister audience to their rooms .
14 It would therefore follow that unless Molla Yegan were using the title though in fact an ex-kadi , he must have become kadi again in the years alter returning with Molla Gurani .
15 Nevertheless , religious organizations were given the right to set up their own schools .
16 Battlefields were called the Lands of Badb , and her appearance was anxiously sought to determine omens .
17 To Abbott and Hornsby were added the names of Captain Lawrence , with whom Wilson had been associated in the formation of the Certificated Officers ' Union , Maurice Darby , the originator of the first Glasgow branch who was alleged to have gone over to the Shipping Federation in 1890 , Robert Pleasance , former secretary of the Tower Hill branch who had been expelled from the union in the same year , and a Thomas Carey , an official of the NSFU discharged for unsatisfactory conduct in 1911 who , Wilson claimed , immediately became involved with the Federation and , while still in its pay , assisted Lewis in setting up the British Seafarers ' Union .
18 The aims of the present study were to characterise the antibody response to Giardia in these children and to investigate the significance of antibodies to Giardia heat shock antigen in chronic infection .
19 The aims of the present study were to characterise the dose response relationship for cholera toxin after intrajejunal administration , to develop a standardised model of intestinal secretion using an intestinal perfusion technique , and to expand our information on the action of cholera toxin on the human jejunum .
20 The aims of this study were to determine the frequency of the 3849+10 kb CT mutation in Israeli CF patients and to assess the disease severity in patients with this mutation compared with that of patients who have the mutations that are known to cause severe disease .
21 The RF Defence and Foreign Ministries were to negotiate the status of troops on Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) states ' territories not forming part of those states ' armed forces or of the CIS strategic forces .
22 Three congressional panels and the Justice Department were conducting the investigations , which opened in mid-May , and which centred on the HUD 's Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Programme .
23 My own dismay at the way those kids were savaging the flora of Stonethwaite is a good example .
24 Visits to sports grounds in London and Birmingham had made me realize just how many second generation black kids were following the likes of Hope and Cunningham and channelling their efforts into sport .
25 In the papers the next day it looked as if the funeral parlour heads were sanctioning the transfer of power , as if they were acknowledging Creed 's pre-eminence , as if they were paying homage .
26 There were also indications that branches of physical geography were acknowledging the necessity for studies of processes in view of the way in which processes were featuring more prominently in related disciplines .
27 The dismissals were announced the day after Girija Prasad Koirala , the general secretary of the Nepali Congress Party , had delivered a message to the King warning him that unless substantial powers were quickly turned over to the new government , crowds would be called back on to the streets of Kathmandu .
28 At once more flares were identifying the target area and a fair concentration of bombs directed on the aiming point .
29 The designers were facing the question : - Can the search space be kept within manageable proportions until this disambiguating information is reached , or should one try to find the ‘ narrow ’ point and start from there ?
30 As the rain beat a dull rhythm on Milan 's sludge-coloured buildings this spring , Italian designers were proclaiming the return of brilliant colour behind the facades of the word 's most industrial fashion capital .
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