Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Probably written in the winter of 1857 , those two words were to propel him into prominence and , ultimately , the White House as newspapers across the country broadcast his speech ( est. $300,000–500,000 ; £196,000–327,000 ) .
2 It is significant , and ironic , that their twentieth-century successors were to define them as an ‘ intellectual aristocracy ’ .
3 They had demolished Leeds in such a pyschologically damaging fashion on Saturday at Maine Road that Howard Wilkinson 's side were steeling themselves for disappointment .
4 In these pre-Cubist paintings of 1907 and 1908 it is as if Picasso were preparing himself for the difficulties involved in creating a new style by taking stock afresh of some of the basic problems inherent in all painting since the invention of illusionistic perspective .
5 The initial record of all food and drink consumed for a week helped us to see if our clients were depriving themselves of food for long periods and if they were eating balanced meals .
6 I thought that if FAKINTIL were confining themselves to bringing the mast down , then they would be just escaping now , shooting their way out of town .
7 By the end of the tour kids were throwing themselves at the stage like little ‘ kamikazis ’ .
8 The effects of the war locally are explored , as families with differing allegiances were set one against the other .
9 Hurst 's voice had risen a little , but he dropped it again as he realized that several pairs of eyes were watching them with interest .
10 The dark eyes were raking her from head to toe , appraising her — from the long , tousled russet hair to the bare feet protruding from beneath the hem of her wrap .
11 She glared up , aware of the slight change in his tone , and saw that his eyes were scouring hers with a strange kind of intensity .
12 The blue eyes were studying her with an intentness she found exceedingly disconcerting .
13 These were the fifth and sixth centuries , when Byzantine designs were forming themselves from early Christian patterns , and the tenth to thirteenth centuries when more elaborate buildings were erected in a new wave of expansion .
14 However , the body of the report was accepted by the Americans , who if they needed any further confirmation were given it in the form of a 72 per cent failure rate among recently qualified army medical officers who had been given a questionnaire on the venereal diseases and their control .
15 Teachers , though in some cases suspicious that these new demands were turning them into social workers , realised that this role brought them benefits .
16 No wonder Mr MacGregor produced his paper and called for full public discussion just as political pundits were tipping him for promotion in a ministerial reshuffle .
17 Most infants ( 92% ) excreting cotinine at three weeks were excreting it also at one year ; moreover , 61% of infants not excreting cotinine at three months were excreting it at one year .
18 His partner had suddenly remembered her brothers were to meet her at the door and take her home ( an old trick , this ) .
19 As far as the programme itself was concerned , she felt it was a ‘ classic example of the way in which the BBC , with its penchant for ‘ South Bank ’ religion was allowing itself to be used as a launching platform for the ‘ new morality ’ ’ .
20 This first Report was read by Professor Brian Griffiths , whose duty as Prime Minister 's adviser was to present it to Mrs Thatcher with his comments .
21 Its irresistible force was pushing everything before it .
22 Jean was pulling him by the hand towards the dance .
23 He noticed that Hari was watching him with dull eyes .
24 And so the relevance of that to what Andrea was telling us about is what ?
25 And they were both agreed that the thing to do with the club was to use it for their private purposes .
26 But Platt insisted that his only interest in Diego Maradona 's old club was beating them at the weekend to boost Bari 's survival chances .
27 But Platt insisted that his only interest in Diego Maradona 's old club was beating them at the weekend to boost Bari 's survival chances .
28 By then Cameron 's mind was rousing itself from shock , there were many things he wanted to say to James , but the moment they stepped down under the massive archway of the prison they were hustled in opposite directions .
29 There is no notable deceleration , but I do n't know that my mind was recording anything but fear , nor is there any particular screech or roll , but suddenly we 're around the corner and accelerating down towards the tunnel and Jackie 's saying , ‘ You can relax now , Keith . ’
30 remember what Richard was using it as yesterday .
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