Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [to-vb] as [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Find black tin trunks to act as coffee tables or side tables .
2 Labour will establish mortgage rescue schemes throughout the country , enabling home buyers to remain as tenants or part-owners .
3 The terminal concentrator allows other Unisys Unix systems to serve as client controllers for asynchronous terminals , off-loading client management functions from the Open/OLTP server .
5 Northern Ireland Office Civil servants have approached a number of community and church groups to act as go-betweens with loyalist paramilitaries .
6 In the meantime , the decision to allow purchases of gilts by banks and building societies to count as part of the funding programme will ease the monetary squeeze for the time being .
7 It is important to note in this context that courts have an inherent power to permit anyone to act as advocate , though this is seldom exercised except for the massive exception which at one time allowed police officers to act as prosecutors in the magistrates ' courts .
8 He showed that condensation would not take place under normal atmospheric conditions , even at high supersaturations , without the presence of dust particles to act as nuclei .
9 Morgan Hill , California-based Puzzle Systems Inc has brought out SoftNet Utilities , software that will allow HP , IBM , SCO and Sparc platforms to act as Novell Inc NetWare-compatible file servers as well as run Unix applications .
10 The success of any bombing sortie rested on the map reading ability of the bomb aimer who had to pick out relatively insignificant and optically difficult land features to use as navigation datum points .
11 The barracks were single-storey huts , each with forty raised stone slabs to serve as beds. prisoners were allowed no personal possessions such as photographs of their families , let alone items like radios or hobby materials , so , apart from some religious paintings on the walls , the dormitories had an austere look , each ‘ bed ’ furnished only with a jute mat and pillow , together with the prisoner 's plate , spoon and mug .
12 A special provision applies in the case of those firms which have set up wholly owned , unlimited executor and trustee companies to act as executors and trustees for clients .
13 If it so wishes , the Bank can provide assistance only at penal rates of interest , if for example it wishes interest rates to change as part of its overall monetary policy of controlling the money supply .
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