Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [conj] [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 The recent paving of the Piazza della Signoria was undertaken by the City Council with the advice and support of the relevant heritage authorities and replaced the paving laid by the Grand Duke of Tuscany , Ferdinand III , in the late 1790s .
2 ‘ It 's like fairyland , ’ Susan commented referring to the candle light and the light from the storm lanterns that illuminated the various windows they passed .
3 Greg pondered on this information during his teaching hours that occupied the remainder of the day .
4 He knelt on the sanctuary steps and began the Divine Office .
5 In 1990 , Guinness Import Company completed the acquisition of All Brand Importers and established the company as one of the leading importers of premium beer in the US .
6 He said the products shortages that hurt the company in the first half are virtually behind it now , and Apple will be better able to meet demand in the second half .
7 She then talked to some pig experts and compiled the following pig compendium .
8 Prodip Guha , group marketing director and deputy chairman of stores points to random buying policies that left the stores without a clear direction .
9 He awoke towards evening , put on fresh clothes and took himself out to one of the modest eating houses that lined the bank of the river on either side of the harbour .
10 Abdominal pain was still present in 27% , stool withholding in 45% , constipation with <3 bowel movements per week in 39% , bowel mvoements that clogged the toilet in 45% , laxative use in 33% , and soiling in 48% of the children who did not recover .
11 In his History of the Royal Society ( 1667 ) Thomas Sprat reclaimed the name of Francis Bacon from the hands of puritan visionaries and reaffirmed the role of an inductive method , which , by promoting consensus rather than disputation , was at one with the quest for political stability .
12 As war in Europe approached , Yakovlev began looking at fighter and bomber designs and produced the Ya–22 twin-engined , high-speed combat aircraft which entered series production as the Yak–2 bomber and was later completely redesigned as the Yak–4 .
13 However , he said he trusted his blood brothers and left the treasure with us when he took ship from Cyprus . ’
14 Captain Vic Ridges , who spotted their distress flares and alerted the English and French coast guards , received a ship in a bottle , made by Rene' .
15 Without looking at him again she riffled through her leather handbag , found her car keys and opened the door of her Mercedes .
16 She rooted through the cupboards , turned her nose up at the dishes in the sink , selected tea cups and located the caddy .
17 To co-ordinate with the modern kitchen , it is finished in dove grey and charcoal with discreet red styling lines and had the full complement of the labour-saving features you demand .
18 Having looked at the growing success of the Editing for Industry awards and noted the fact that Alan Peaford was due to step down after a three-year stint in the chair , I decided to ask him to continue in the post for my year of office .
19 We have set up new Regional Arts Boards and supported the Scottish and Welsh Arts Councils in order to diversify and enrich cultural life throughout the country .
20 Miller was confident about his coaching abilities but lacked the management skills needed to run a Premier club .
21 The company declined to project revenue targets but said the storage business is an $8,000m market .
22 Clinton , who the opinion polls consistently suggested enjoyed a significant lead , continued his relentless attack on the economic record of the Bush-Reagan years and repeated the underlying message of his campaign that it was time for change .
23 On and on he droned about how we should n't fear death but welcome the joys of heaven , so I picked up my two horse pistols and gave the sod both barrels .
24 We have clearly defined our investment priorities and established the right strategy to meet the challenges which face us , to exploit LASMO 's business strengths and to achieve our objectives .
25 The 26-year-old striker later claimed he had picked up a groin injury but then breached club regulations and widened the rift with Wilkinson by failing to turn up for training or treatment on Monday and Tuesday .
26 They came to office unsullied by royal service or political intrigue , and with the political principles and ideas of the schools fresh in their minds , but Stratford had won office by his service to the crown ; he was one of those who managed the early wool loans and spent the opening months of the French war recruiting allies and spies on the continent ; he may have resisted and condemned the malpractices of tax collectors , but he did not protest against royal taxation , burdensome as it was , before these crisis years .
27 A low drone of talk hummed in the hut , and Holly lay on his back on his bunk and gazed at the roof rafters and counted the time between each fall of a water drop to his feet .
28 The patients with gastric ulcer had significantly fewer gap junctions than did the healthy volunteers .
29 One of the models had peeked at the audience from behind the heavy velvet curtains that draped the stage and reported breathlessly that every spindly-legged gilt chair in the crowded hall was taken .
30 She poured the water over the tea bags and felt the tears again .
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