Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [verb] [pron] with " in BNC.

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1 As the snake closes in for the kill , its mouth sensors guide it with deadly accuracy .
2 Other drawing packages provide you with easy to use drawing tools but only IntelliDraw tries to understand the nature of what you might be drawing .
3 The heron 's special neck vertebrae provides it with the speed to spear fish and donates to the neck a broken ‘ S ’ shape which is very dynamic .
4 The enemy bowmen showered them with arrows , to break up any semblance of order ; and the English horsed might , charging downhill , everywhere overwhelmed the Scots leadership by sheer weight and impetus .
5 To carry all that baby gear and be prepared for the small crises babies present us with so frequently , there 's nothing like a really good changing bag .
6 Prince charles presented them with three accolades — including his special patron 's award — at the National Training Awards organised by the Department of Employment .
7 I have discovered for example that the acute stress of being interviewed makes me sweat a lot , an afternoon of difficult telephone calls leaves me with lower back pain , while the run-down-at-the-end-of-a-long-hard-term kind of stress makes me irritable and forgetful .
8 With increasing demands on caterers to provide top quality food quickly and efficiently , chefs are turning to well-established equipment manufacturers to provide them with state of the art equipment which will make their job easier .
9 Apart from the deepening and modification of the existing central window openings of each main gable to create garden access doors , the only other alterations to the external appearance were modifications to the existing very high classroom windows of the east and south elevations to reconcile them with the newly inserted upper floor and gallery .
10 As marriage partners view themselves with regard to the prospect of being loved there is something to be said for considering the phileo model .
11 No wonder brewers find themselves with unprofitable outlets in such areas , whatever pub concept they apply to them .
12 Most of this was hidden at night , the garish neon signs dominating everything with their flashing instructions to smoke this , eat that , wear those .
13 Forest Goblins decorate themselves with colourful feathers , often sticking the quills directly into their skin as Goblins feel little pain .
14 With all the oscillation that was involved in that er shop stewards taking cases up , the shop stewards discussing it with the management , the management 's involvement , the management 's attitude becoming gradually , not weakened but er inured to the stewards ' fundamental logical claims on behalf of their members , made it easier you know , and progress was , was being noted that , and earnings were rising , earnings were rising .
15 In disregard of this fact , Winans engaged in a scheme with certain Wall Street financiers to provide them with the contents of the column prior to its publication .
16 Next Thursday is the 25th anniversary of his death and Atlantic Records commemorate it with re-releases of all his work , including the classic album Otis Blue .
17 Their Citizen 's Charter spokesman Brian Wilson said : ‘ Ofwat 's failure to deal firmly with the greed of the privatised water companies leaves them with little credibility when alleging a need for huge further increases .
18 Pinball barons chance it with Japanese MPs
19 The court proceedings provided us with a platform ; fines and suspended sentences conferred on us an aura of minor martyrdom …
20 He could have the li you can have your licence back offenses to endorse it with .
21 But these two nice bombards that bastard Sor de Naves presented them with ?
22 Labour will establish a network of one-stop advice centres providing them with access to high-quality specialist assistance .
23 Of late years the Westminster scholars amused themselves with tearing it to pieces ; and one in particular , who bore a principal character in the police of India , lies under the imputation of having contributed in an especial manner to that havoc .
24 I have been asked by Messrs Grant Thornton , our financial advisors , to write to Parish Priests to provide you with the information regarding Pay As You Earn regulations .
25 The industrial relations problems of the docks in the 1950s and 1960s could , in the eyes of many commentators , be ascribed to the institution of casual working and the ( ultimately successful ) attempts by the trade unions to replace it with a system of regular employment for dock labourers ( see Wilson , 1972 ) .
26 If Ferguson was in any way troubled by erroneous morning headlines linking him with a £3 million move to England , he showed no outward signs of discomfort .
27 In order to handle the requirement w k > 0 , we use the freedom to multiply weights by positive scale factors to replace it with , which is equivalent to W k = 1 + v k , v k > θ .
28 Unix pioneer Larry Michels , president , chairman , chief executive and co-founder of The Santa Cruz Operation Inc , has resigned in the wake of a civil suit filed by three former executive secretaries charging him with sexual harassment ( UX No 415 , 416 ) .
29 WE asked five city fashion shops to provide us with clothes which they considered epitomised Merseyside style :
30 IN a season of goalkeeping faux pas — namely the blunders of John Lukic and Bruce Grobbelaar in Europe — the weekend 's FA Cup ties surpassed themselves with a collection of laughable errors by lads in the No 1 jersey .
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