Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] by the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Carter 's success in obtaining the nomination rested on three strengths : first , a long , energetic and assiduous campaign aided by media hype ; second , his position as a centrist candidate able to unite the liberal and conservative wings of the party ; third , his position as a Washington outsider untainted by the current collapse of confidence in political leaders .
2 On the basis of the much more complete seismic data available by the late 196()s it was being suggested that the inclined zone of seismicity ( the Wadati-Benioff zone ) associated with island arcs and active continental margin mountain belts could be explained by the existence of a slab of lithosphere plunging down into the mantle .
3 As Iris Murdoch has remarked in admiration of Dickens and Tolstoy , the great novelist creates a house fit for free character to live in : free , that is , to live lives untrammelled by the allegorical or the stereotypical , to be as quirky , unpredictable , and self-contradicting as beings one knows in a real world .
4 The discovery of Eoraptor supports the hypothesis that dinosaurs diverged rapidly at small body size from a common ancestor , with the principal herbivorous and carnivorous lineages present by the middle Carnian .
5 The cuckoo continued calling in the far recesses of the wood undeterred by the surrounding stillness .
6 Is not the hon. Gentleman concerned that the true asylum seeker should be protected so that he is free to make his claim for asylum unhindered by the illegal actions of others who misuse the process ?
7 I am like the child spell-bound by the accumulated powers of the night , — darkness , the sound of silence , loneliness , infinite possibility , all mingled in a vast horror .
8 Many more are dealt with ( often much more cheaply and quickly ) by direct , informal complaint to the official , department or body concerned by the aggrieved citizen , or by some body on his or her behalf such as an MP , local councillor , union , pressure or interest group , or other voluntary organization .
9 Tivoli Systems Inc is porting its Management Environment from Solaris 1.1 to 2.1 , expecting it to be ready by the second quarter , with all applications available by the third quarter .
10 In brief , the actual Westminster model is that of authoritarian single-party governments in a House of Commons dominated by the Prime Minister and composed largely of disciplined parties with most votes in the House of Commons being highly predictable ; every three or four years there is a general election held under a crude simple majority electoral system with minimal participation by the electorate in the choice of who shall be their candidate , though they do have the choice between the candidates who are selected by the party activists ; between 20% , and 30% of the electorate do not vote at all .
11 Standing awkwardly in the doorway of what was obviously the family room , and for the moment unnoticed by the three people present , she stared round her .
12 The six legal opposition parties declined a government invitation to contest nine parliamentary seats unopposed by the ruling RCD .
13 Before the provision contained in rule 3(7) was enacted , the law governing standing to apply for prerogative orders was , in simplified terms , as follows : a person could apply for certiorari or prohibition provided he or she had a genuine grievance or , in other words , provided the applicant was a person aggrieved by the challenged decision .
14 For all its inadequacies , when the first pensions were paid on l January 1909 , 490,000 people qualified , a striking testimony to the extent of severe poverty in old age untouched by the Poor Law .
15 And here was the finest country air , transparent sparkling sun , the distant low hills and soft basking meadows half-hidden by the blue haze of noon .
16 Lyell made people aware by the 1830s of the great age of the Earth , and he also divided up the Tertiary period , using a statistical method based upon the proportions of existing species found among the fossils .
17 At first she was a bit shocked by the primitive conditions .
18 Each unit , once landed , had therefore to make its own decisions undirected by the higher command , with the result that one company , though separated by only a short distance from the next , could be unaware of what their comrades were attempting .
19 ( 1964 ) listed N. lapillus as one of the species unaffected by the cold winter of 1962/63 in Britain , Moore quotes Caullery ( 1929 ) as saying it was affected by a cold winter at Boulogne .
20 A practical ideology for a catholic Ireland was worked out and the aim of a society uncontaminated by the outside world was pursued .
21 It might seem that so artificial a superiority was certain to prove as transient as the hegemonies that it had replaced , although those in whose hands power lay were for the most part undaunted by the new challenges to Britain 's position that they sensed …
22 Your choice or preference is important ; if the charges of the home you choose can be met by the fees payable by the Social Work Department and the care provided meets your assessed needs , the Department will support your placement .
23 If the costs at the home you prefer are greater than the fees payable by the Social Work Department , your placement will be dependent on a third party being willing to make up the difference , ie a relative , a charity or a trust .
24 She shows that to assume that all those aged 16 — 64 are economically active is a gross assumption unsupported by the available data .
25 ‘ Thank you , miss , I 'm sure , ’ he said , as she unearthed a pile of the fearsome periodicals beloved by the lamented Mrs Dibdin .
26 On a recent occasion , he was forced to shop in the local supermarket unaccompanied by his lovely wife Mary , who was keeping their children quiet by the exciting new pindown method .
27 Ten years later , in 1935 , the year of McDougall 's retirement another attempt at explanation was made in that year 's annual report : In view of the fact that there appears to be a feeling in some quarters that the British Deaf and Dumb Association has outlived its usefulness the executive committee desires to make the position clear by the following statement : The British Deaf and Dumb Association is the oldest National Organisation for the Deaf in the country .
28 The relevant Article , Article 5 , begins by declaring a new principle , that ‘ the processing of letters rogatory by the Central Authority of the State Party of destination and its judicial or administrative authorities shall be free of change ’ .
29 The emphasis was on the burden of cost unpaid by the elderly .
30 The earliest steam-pumps of Thomas Newcomen and others in the eighteenth century were not erected from the kind of detailed and accurate drawings customary by the nineteenth .
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