Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] and [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And go I 'm a bit shy you see , erm well I 'm a bit shy and tell the truth I have to admit I 'm a bit shy so , I when I come on I 'm gon na say hello and then you say hello back to me .
2 So , to get the exposure right and get the the whole thing right throughout is , is not an easy task to do .
3 it 's gon na be flat to the , and I 'm gon na build a wall about two foot high and level the garden
4 Pipeline could suck the coral dry and dump a solid fifteen-foot wave on it .
5 Because we joined Club Social and come the bitter frosty nights we can gather round for another glass for old time 's sake and really get it on at the Club 18–30 reunions at South Coast World in November , Blackpool in March .
6 If large curtains are vacuumed in situ with a hand attachment , this will keep the fabric fresh and prevent a build-up of dust , reducing the need for frequent cleaning .
7 They also need to be reasonably labour intensive and give a high level of added value which can be retained by the production unit or community involved .
8 They are likely to be included in a new employment Bill , alongside measures to make all secondary action unlawful and abolish the pre-entry closed shop .
9 The return of Jim McInally in midfield — he also missed the cup-tie because of suspension — will also bolster Dundee United and increase the strain on Aberdeen not to make any false moves that could fatally injure such title aspirations they may harbour .
10 I do not think that the Labour party has anything to crow about , because Labour-controlled local authorities have the most empty homes available and have the highest community charges .
11 Lay the blind out flat with wrong side uppermost and form the lath channel by turning 1cm ( ⅜in ) up to the wrong side along the bottom edge , then turn up a further 4cm ( 1 ½in ) .
12 Now 's the time to give your looks a spring clean and face the summer with confidence ?
13 It would keep our industry competitive and offer a future to our miners .
14 And you 're not working Saturday morning , instead of going to work late we can go a bit early and do a bit of shopping ourselves .
15 You spent some time describing how the linesiders were disappointed but nothing about the sterling work done by the loco department at Loughborough to put matters right and ensure a full days running on the Sunday .
16 It is simple to test for adductor strains , just lie on your back with feet outstretched and ask a friend to attempt to separate your ankles while you hold them together .
17 By tying together the two most important heavy industries in a modern economy , the Schuman Plan would make war between the two countries unthinkable and foster a rapprochement between them .
18 He would go to a bar late and sip a long drink very slowly .
19 But she would put up with all that to make Tina happy and give the children a secure childhood .
20 The research is aimed at drawing on the history of Soviet economic relations with the LDCs as a basis for monitoring the changes brought about first by ‘ perestroika ’ and then by the disintegration of the USSR ; it will then analyse the effect on the developing countries concerned and evaluate the profit and loss account of their economic relations with the Soviet Union ; it will also look at the relevance of these relations to the Soviet economy and that of the constituent republics ; and finally it will try to look at the future prospects of the relationship between the less developed countries and the individual republics of the former Soviet Union .
21 Simple words make your meaning clear and allow the reader to concentrate on the message .
22 Philip put the picture straight and shut the cupboard that Lee had opened .
23 You owe it to them and all decent people to put the record straight and slap the Nazis back into the gutter .
24 Second , ensure there is a supply teacher available and prepare a schedule of work for all your classes .
25 What I know of Moscow is that you keep your nose clean and do the work you 've set out to achieve , and that way there 's no hassle .
26 All you got to do is keep an eye open and watch the break lights .
27 He came up with ‘ Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord . ’
28 Drivers over the pollution limit get 10 days to put things right and take an MOT test , or their vehicles have to come off the road .
29 After some periods of discouragement , attempts to put things right and make the effort needed to achieve the kinds of adjustment required for mutual happiness are often postponed , then shelved .
30 Instead , you held your head high and let a glazed look mask your eyes .
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