Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With regard to the actual mechanics of testing , it is of course possible to apply the load to each specimen directly , by means of weights .
2 At times it seemed a bit strange to have a university degree and be working so physically hard but in many ways those three years were a very good period .
3 The only leeway occasionally permitted to Member States is the ability to choose the means and the pace of implementing a policy : a Commission Regulation is applicable in all Member States equally , while a Directive specifies the end , but leaves the Member States free to adopt the method .
4 Anne and Dad both bought her paintings and displayed them prominently , and Cameron used his fee from a sanitary napkin commercial to finance an exhibition in London .
5 People with his sort of skills willing to give a bit of time to the Church are in rather short supply . ’
6 It is sometimes argued that indirect taxes are , in welfare terms , preferable to direct taxes , as they leave the taxpayer free to make a choice .
7 His argumentative gifts as a popular orator attracted crowds willing to pay a penny or two to hear him .
8 Darlington Memorial Hospital should see increased income from GP fund-holders in the coming year with a North Yorkshire practice due to become a fund-holder from April 1 .
9 The pianist due to play a concerto in public spends many hours in practising the techniques of using his instrument that the piece requires .
10 For instance , Barnet have to go to Scarborough , with fans due to begin the trek at 6am for an 11am kick-off .
11 In contrast , the Antarctic stratosphere with its PSCs provides conditions which prevent the usual reactions between chlorine and nitrogen compounds , so leaving chlorine free to deplete the ozone .
12 Was Morley wrong to try the stuff ?
13 Major Owens was one of the handful of mostly Black and Latino lawmakers willing to oppose the war during two days of nationally televised Congressional debates .
14 The basic principle of the UGIX design is that in order to make a GIS easy to use the process of making a database enquiry , plotting a map or carrying out spatial analysis must be broken down into manageable parts , linked by a pathway for the user to follow .
15 During the summer of 1716 , a sensitive time since i August marked the anniversary of King George 's alleged usurpation of the throne , considerable unrest occurred in London where taverns associated with the Whigs were attacked by mobs which would break up the premises but leave enough of the stock undamaged to drink the health of ‘ James III ’ .
16 Neither are subsequent hearings of this album likely to cause the listener to shout ‘ Christ almighty !
17 On one occasion , ‘ action likely to cause a breach of the peace ’ was invoked by Kent police successfully to turn miners back at the Dartford tunnel , over 100 miles from their intended destination .
18 The use of stewards was banned at open air meetings , and insulting words likely to cause a breach of the peace were declared unlawful in public speeches .
19 Neither is an overexcited horse likely to win a showjumping contest , because at every jump he is likely to get more and more excited and to concentrate less and less on what he is meant to be doing .
20 This raises the more general question of the overall policy and practice likely to influence the nature and scope of residential social work in years to come .
21 TV botanist David Bellamy will help judge the competition backed by Hillhouse International to find a name for the new Wyre riverside centre .
22 The league season starts on Thursday week with a home match against Belle Vue and with Shane Parker injured and Miroslaw Kowalik unable to obtain a work permit , the Witches only have four riders signed for their top six places .
23 It seemed as if , after eighteen months of complete stalemate on the Western Front , with neither side able to make a breakthrough , the subordinate German commanders at Verdun had lost confidence to succeed where so many others had failed .
24 A mortgage valuation may be considered sufficient for a lending institution able to spread the risk across many loans , and which also has the benefit of the security of each borrower 's income as well as the property .
25 The use of questionnaires fed back to teachers revealed the base of interest and enthusiasm for science too often missed by schools concerned to promote a curriculum informally based on male interests .
26 Only with levels of NCp7 which completely cover the DNA was the protein able to protect the DNA from digestion ( data not shown ) .
27 Elephants , which lack colour vision but have a strong sense of smell and favour large , smelly , dull fruits , are the only animals able to swallow the pyrene of Panda oleosa ( Pandaceae ) and collected seeds do not germinate unless passed through an elephant , in whose dung they germinate .
28 British scientists at a conference last week , organised by the Institute of Physical Sciences in Medicine and held at the Royal Marsden Hospital , London , described neural computers able to diagnose a host of medical conditions — from heart problems to eye defects — with up to 98 per cent accuracy .
29 These are the mainstay of many an army — tough , reliable fighters able to hold a battleline against almost any enemy .
30 Under STV there are multimember constituencies , with each elector able to indicate a preference on the ballot paper , putting the number 1 beside the name of the candidate most preferred , number 2 against the name of the elector 's second choice , and so on .
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