Example sentences of "[noun] [art] [adj] ['s] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , in January 1948 Don Juan had been advised by American representatives to mend his fences with Franco , and in August he accepted an invitation to meet Franco on board the latter 's yacht , the Azor .
2 Gregory the Great 's decision that English converts to Christianity might continue to use their traditional places of worship provided they were sprinkled with holy water was a revolutionary extension of clerical tolerance , with momentous implications for later missionary activity .
3 Ivan the Terrible 's treasure/ Loch Ness monster
4 In this they suffered from the same defects as the streltsy , the small force of regular infantry originally set up during Ivan the Terrible 's reign .
5 If the changes set in train in Ivan the Terrible 's reign recast secular society , the impact upon the Church was no less momentous .
6 Last month , after checking with the experts in Moscow , we felt compelled to publish the disappointing news that Ivan the Terrible 's library has not after all been found , whatever Pravda and The Times might say .
7 In the 1970s a prisoner from one of the labour camps had assembled a group of volunteers , including experts on dowsing , to investigate what he claimed to have located — Ivan the Terrible 's library .
8 The results of what followed have led Ivan Koltsov , who led the research and was a Member of the Geographical Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences , to announce that there was no longer any doubt that what had been found beneath the monastery at the Alexandrov settlement was indeed Ivan the Terrible 's library containing priceless works of art .
9 Their interest has been titillated by occasional manuscripts said to come from Ivan the Terrible 's library , which have periodically come to light in Moscow .
10 This is only the most recent of a number of ‘ discoveries ’ of this elusive library , which really belonged to Ivan the Terrible 's father , the Grand Duke of Moscow , Vasily III , who in turn had inherited it from his father , Ivan III , husband of Sophia Palaeologus , the niece of the last Byzantine emperor .
11 He , as well as Anne and Joan herself , was of Plantagenet stock , being a descendant of Edward the Third 's son Lionel , through the female line .
12 Richard Duke of Gloucester , the late king 's soldierly youngest brother , was at his castle of Middleham in Yorkshire when he received news of Edward the Fourth 's death .
13 Elizabeth Mowbray , faced with the conflicts and uncertainties that had beleaguered the court during the weeks following Edward the Fourth 's death , had made plans to return with Anne and Joan to Framlingham until the tumult had died down .
14 Outstanding among these was the Help the Aged 's Retirement Garden — a small garden for a retired couple who are both keen gardeners : the designer was Robin Templar Williams .
15 In July the Southern 's south-east , central and south-west divisions were abolished , new passenger business manager posts created and a reduced number of area manager posts ( but each with increased responsibility ) set up .
16 The drachma is the unofficial currency of southern Albania ; four new 100-drachma coins , pointedly displaying Alexander the Great 's head , and worth $1.90 , are a day 's pay for a labourer there .
17 This inscription names Athens , Corinth , Thebes and Alexander the Great 's mother Olympias as recipients .
18 In 323 BC Alexander the Great 's funeral carriage was drawn by 64 mules , and much earlier , around 1000 BC , Homer had extolled mulish virtues .
19 Pippin " fled " back to Aquitaine , and welcomed an unexpected ally : Bernard , who had lost forever any chance of recovering great influence at Louis the Pious 's court .
20 According to the author of the Annals of Xanten ( he had been Louis the Pious 's court librarian and perhaps a protégé of the emperor 's wife in the 830s ) , " The Empress Judith , Charles 's mother , died at Tours , having had all her wealth taken from her by her son " .
21 He lost both office and influence at court as a result of factional enmity , but Louis the Pious 's disfavour ensured that the losses were permanent .
22 There is no direct evidence at all as to even which year Charlemagne was born ; in Louis the Pious 's case , the year ( but not the exact date ) of birth was recorded by the Astronomer , his anonymous biographer , because Louis was exceptional as the survivor of a pair of twin boys .
23 An important ecclesiastical recruit was Louis , a bastard grandson of Charlemagne and Louis the Pious 's archchancellor since 835 , who had transferred his post and his loyalty to Charles without hesitation in June 840 .
24 These losses , politically damaging , and bad for morale ( they were seen in Louis the Pious 's entourage as divine retribution on former rebels ) , weakened Lothar 's resistance to his father 's pressure .
25 Without his Histories in Four Books we should know virtually nothing of what happened in the months following Louis the Pious 's death , and , more importantly , we should have had to guess at the motivations of those involved .
26 For Ebbo , after five years in custody at the monastery of Fleury , Louis the Pious 's death unlocked the prison door : the abbot of Fleury brought him to Ingelheim , where Lothar took him under his wing .
27 The appointment of a Benedictine abbot as chief adviser to the king was sufficiently unusual to call to mind Benedict of Aniane 's position in the early years of Louis the Pious 's reign .
28 Walter Map , reflecting on the changed character of French kingship in the twelfth century , saw the period between Louis the Pious 's reign and the accession of his namesake Louis VI as one of deep depression , with 1108 marking a decisive turning-point .
29 The marriage between Robert the Pious 's daughter and the count of Nevers brought obvious political gain to the king because it strengthened the royal hold upon Burgundy ; the count on the other hand gained only temporary advantage , and subsequent generations in Nevers made little of their royal connection .
30 They have vigorously contested in court the Metropolitan 's assertion that the Turkish government was tardy in pursuing its claim .
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