Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] which may [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am to be questioned and interfered with and hounded , not to be left , doing a job of work the way I choose , a necessary job , a job our sister has made tediously inevitable , a job the result of which may save us from potential disgrace , even if we can not go so far as to expect it to improve our situation out of all recognition .
2 It has a trading character , the defamation of which may ruin it .
3 You must also take into account any local exchange control regulations , the effect of which may make it sensible for the contract to stipulate that part of your salary shall be credited to you elsewhere .
4 Astaxanthin ( 3:3 — dihydroxy — 4:4 -diketo — B -carotene ) and B-carotene both occur as chromoproteins in the integument of locusts and the green chromoprotein pigment of many insects ( known as insectoverdin ) is a complex , the yellow-orange component of which may have as its prosthetic group B-carotene ( Carausius ) , lutein ( Sphinx , Tettigonia ) or astaxanthin .
5 Quartz grains may also contain solid inclusions , the mineralogy of which may give evidence of provenance ( e.g. sillimanite inclusions are excellent evidence for a metamorphic source area ) .
6 As I sit at this word processor , the chips of which may have been assembled by a young woman in the Philippines for a pittance a day and for such long hours that her eyes will be damaged in a tax haven created specially for foreign companies , I am acutely aware of the link between the health of the people of the Philippines and my life here in Britain .
7 I can for myself see no argument in favour of the privilege against producing a document the contents of which may go to show that the holder has committed a criminal offence .
8 Watkins probably heard mention of these ideas , the seeds from which may have lain dormant in him for over fifty years .
9 The borehole proved an important condensed interval as well as a thick sequence of sandy limestones , the sand content of which may have been eroded from fault scarps nearby .
10 Katib Celebi 's assertion that Abdulkerim was Mufti in Edirne , however , adds yet another unknown to an already difficult set of equations since it suggests the possibility that there may have been a separate official muftilik in Edirne ( and perhaps by extension in Bursa ) concurrently with the Muftilik of Istanbul — this would run contrary to the underlying assumption of the traditional view that the Mufti was the Mufti of the capital , successively Bursa , Edirne and Istanbul some of the holders of which may have become , with the passage of time , confused with the holders of the Muftilik of Istanbul .
11 Particularly important for these bees are certain groups of orchids , each species of which may offer 2–18 ( mean 7–10 ) different compounds , some of which are unattractive on their own ; however , eugenol , methyl salicylate and vanillin are highly attractive individually .
12 ( 2 ) A general immunity , possessed by all persons and bodies , from being compelled on pain of punishment to answer questions the answers to which may incriminate them .
13 ( 2 ) A general immunity , possessed by all persons and bodies , from being compelled on pain of punishment to answer questions the answers to which may incriminate them .
14 More probably , decay and deterioration of materials and installations is the result of lack of maintenance , the results of which may include blocked or broken rainwater drains , displaced roof tiles or peeling paint finishes , all of which can lead to timber decay .
15 We may conclude that violence is such a wide term that we need a typology , each item of which may have its own consequences and causes and so be best dealt with by different interventions .
16 It has a long , narrow plan , the northern end of which may have been used for stabling horses or housing the cattle .
17 However , it may also involve the firm indicating having given advice to its client in public documents the content and form of which may need to be agreed with the Stock Exchange .
18 The concept of an implied term , with its inevitable uncertainties , is inconsistent with the nature of an injunction , breach of which may give rise to the sanctions attendant upon contempt of court .
19 When acting as a lead adviser in respect of an acquisition of a private company or business by a listed company there is the normal requirement for due diligence , the coordination of which may fall within the deal management role .
20 Similarly , in Moore v Central Electricity Generating Board , 1974 IRLR 296 — the facts of which may cause those interested in civil liberties some concern — an employee who had been held in custody for one month pending trial was dismissed after being convicted not of the original charge preferred but of related offences .
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