Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] which [pron] would " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Doone phoned me yesterday to say he 'd been to the boatyard and taken away some objects for which he would give me a receipt . ’
2 From this , nursing managers can calculate the peak periods across the whole unit and also identify times for which it would be beneficial to employ part-time staff .
3 The legal basis was being created for workers to set up their own professional , cultural and leisure-time organizations through which they would become integrated with the rest of society .
4 You are bound to have many questions you would like to ask , as well as certain anxieties about which you would like your mind set at rest .
5 To assess the damages it is necessary to form a view upon three matters each of which is in greater or lesser degree one of speculation : ( 1 ) the value of the material benefits for his dependants which the deceased would have provided out of his earnings for each year in the future during which he would have provided for them had he not been killed : ( 2 ) the value of any material benefits which the dependants will be able to obtain in each such year from sources ( other than insurance ) which would not have been available to them had the deceased lived but which will become available to them as a result of his death : ( 3 ) the amount of the capital sum which , with prudent management , will produce annual amounts equal to the difference between ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) ( that is " the dependency " ) for each of the years during which the deceased would have provided material benefits for the dependants had he not been killed .
6 I decided to make one last attempt after which I would start looking for a place from where I could obtain a map of the city .
7 To keep prisoners so near to a frontier on the far side of which they would be free , could seem a casual or risky policy , but it is hard to imagine anyone actually escaping from Le Portalet , whose grated windows you can see from the road , with a nasty drop of a good 100 feet straight on to the rocks beneath them .
8 This was our ‘ Marche Képi Blanc ’ , on completion of which we would have passed the tests to become legionnaires .
9 Three of the 64 Berkshire commoners are refusing to accept a deal under which they would be paid about £750 each to forfeit rights over the built-up part of the US Air Force base and agree not to exercise them in other areas .
10 Still , in this poem she is examining a condition into which she would enter by seeking patrons for her verse .
11 The colour left her skin , her pale face showing a deep fear at the way he was crushing her to his body , the whipcord strength of his arms and the determination of his roaming fingers giving her an idea of the violence with which he would take her .
12 However , BA is now expected to announce a revised partnership deal in which it would gain a 20% stake worth about $340m .
13 He foresaw a partnership in which he would pursue his sporting and eccentric intellectual interests and keep in close touch with female confidantes .
14 Naihe from Ka'u on the Big Island was so expert a surfer that his fellow chiefs grew jealous and plotted to lure him into a surfing contest in which he would die .
15 Again it had slithered in on his holiday , and , worst , it was a murder in which he would be interrogated .
16 She had known their affair had to end or it would destroy them both , but now that it was about to do so , she was terrified of a future in which there would be no Luke , not even Luke causing her unhappiness .
17 As the campaign proceeded , I kept quiet as I began to have a vision of some grisly post-polling day ceremony in which I would be on a platform like a performance artist from the sixties , vomiting and gagging while attempting to ingest yet another page : ‘ You 're doing okay .
18 Cordelia , like Coriolanus , is being forced into a ceremony in which she would have to be false to her own nature .
19 He soon became a familiar hazard with his dog Kim , ‘ the village terror ’ , and his car in which he would career at fully twenty miles an hour down the narrow lanes .
20 He could imagine the words in which she would later report to her husband .
21 Cruttenden 's data also tend to confirm that congruity has a greater effect when it is paired with gender cue , which is the condition in which it would seem , a priori , to be less useful .
22 There was nothing to suggest the reduction in capital was brought about with the deliberate intention to obtain legal aid to which he would otherwise not be elegible .
23 They had been thinking of a job in Parma to which I would commute daily ; but this one sounded very interesting , something after my own heart .
24 Describe an experiment by which you would determine the relative molecular mass of a gas or vapour .
25 With many populations we are already aware that the units fall into sub-groups of which we would wish to take account in any sampling .
26 The question posed is , What is the minimum acceptable budget below which anyone would be accepted as poor ?
27 The Knack also provided Crawford with the opportunity to do the sort of daredevil stunts for which he would later become famous .
28 Artai was young , but once he chose a wife — an honour for which there would be contenders enough — reasons for breaking her betrothal might be easy enough to find .
29 While the consortium had offered to put up £2,500 million in private capital the project would also have involved ERL taking over a £1,000 million government loan already allocated to BR to improve commuter services along the route , a further £400 million investment by BR ( in exchange for which it would have had a 50 per cent stake in commuter services along the route ) and a government " capital grant " of £500 million .
30 Fourth , many participants frankly admitted that they had very low expectations at the outset : specifically that the course was simply designed to punish them , in return for which they would give the minimum amount of attention possible .
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