Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] be [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He says that when he first learned that his father had been in prison he expected the crime to be something on a grand scale , something melodramatic , like murder , something novelistic , like ruining in bankruptcy thousands of trusting small investors , as the Town & County Bank had done in Cranford , or Mr. Frothingham in The Whirlpool or Ponderovo [ sic ] in Tono - Bungay .
2 Even as she prayed for deliverance , her body shook with the desire to be one with him .
3 The desire to be everything for somebody , the yearning for ultimate closeness , reached its lunatic peak in the sublime schizophrenia of ‘ If I Was Your Girlfriend ’ ; ‘ if I was your one and only friend would U run to me if somebody hurt U even if that somebody was me ? ’
4 One could imagine the room to be one in Bacon 's House of Solomon , about which Joseph Glanvill remarked that it was ‘ a prophetic scheme of the Royal Society ’ .
5 That an English hero should become so popular on historically alien ground is a phenomenon best explained by Charlton 's instinct for being nothing but himself , a characteristic that appeals mightily to the Celtic nature .
6 I would imagine that almost the easiest subject to start with is something like mathematics .
7 Allow your friends/family/lovers to be themselves within your shared relationship .
8 Cuckney also feels that a top executive needs to set an example by being something of an entrepreneurial risk-taker .
9 The National sometimes has bad jockeys , enthusiastic amateurs deemed by the pros to be something of a menace .
10 ‘ When I grow up , ’ he said , smiling at her phrase , ‘ I do n't want my life to be anything like theirs .
11 His contempt for her had been occasioned , as Ellie understood it , by her father 's disdain for Madame 's previous occupation as an actress , since , as he said , he had always held the theatre to be nothing but a den of iniquity .
12 A pupil who is making a constant effort to use vision as fully as possible in school tasks may sometimes find this effort to be somewhat of an overload when his or her general level of well-being is low , for instance , when suffering from a cold or feeling particularly tired .
13 Bleached hair , a diamond stud ear-ring and a reputation for being something of a hell-raiser were wonderful extras for the media to latch on to .
14 The third earl , who built Brizlincote , had the reputation of being something of a rake .
15 Adored by his public and his pupils , feared by the phoney , derided by the reactionary , de Pomiane 's irreverent attitude to established tradition , his independence of mind backed up by scientific training , earned him the reputation of being something of a Candide , a provocative rebel disturbing the grave conclaves of French gastronomes , questioning the holy rites of the " white-vestured officiating priests " of classical French cookery .
16 Of Dustin 's performance , though , Clive Barnes in The New York Times wrote , ‘ He has the strange ability to be himself on the stage .
17 We are a class-ridden society and no one feels this more than we Northern middle-class girls ; but the one quality which transcends class consciousness is self-consciousness in its literal sense , the ability to be oneself in whatever company .
18 He was still barely conscious and had n't the energy to be anything but himself .
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