Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] them [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Other long-tail types impair flight and show greater sexual dimorphism , but variation in their initial evolutionary cost suggests differences in how female preferences for them may have evolved .
2 Those are important and worthwhile projects , and we must ask the Government where the money for them will come from , especially if £1.4 billion is gobbled up by the proposals for King 's Cross .
3 Under the present definition of such schemes , the beneficiaries of them may include not only present employees of the company concerned , but also employees , or former employees , of it or any company in the same group , and the spouses , widows or widowers , children or step-children under the age of 18 , of any such employees .
4 The conventions are so rigorous that any break with them would require a new genre ; the editorial leaflet makes this clear enough :
5 At all events the rent from them must have been very considerable .
6 Loyal and moderate as the noble constitutionalists seemed , any concessions to them might open the way to federalism , separatism and even more dangerous tendencies .
7 A preliminary assessment suggests that perhaps three quarters of these specimen clauses would be caught , but that the remainder of them would need specific implementation .
8 So loud are these calls that a single insect can be heard half a kilometre away and a chorus of them can set a whole forest ringing and echoing .
9 By and large , these and other regional officers ' reports from the second wave of evacuation did not indicate that the outcry of September 1939 was justified ; typical of them was the verdict of one officer in October 1940 that ‘ the general standard of those evacuated is good and 80% of them should offer no difficulty at all in billeting ’ .
10 Many pioneers of women 's education made it quite clear that they did not accept Emily Davies ' view that girls might be trained in the same way as boys , and argued that they should be given an opportunity , by way of , for example , domestic science classes , to prepare for the lives a majority of them would lead as wives and mothers .
11 A gang of them would meet there , graduating from Meccano and toy farms to risqué games of Dare , illicit cigarettes , speculation about sex .
12 Bureaucracy for them will have two important dimensions .
13 Attempts to improve occupational mobility for them may concentrate on a few professional openings where their colour is defined as an occupational advantage ( e.g. race relations advisers ) or on employers ( e.g. local authorities ) with positive action policies , or self-employment ( small businesses ) .
14 A family member who is addicted to " fixing " others and being a caretaker for them can hinder the chances or primary sufferers finding progress or recovery for themselves .
15 Their total vote of 1,510 was 600 votes short of Conaty ( Independent ) with 2134 , and no amount of vote transfer between them could have postponed the elimination of any of them until after Conaty .
16 He claimed that Iran badly needed TOW anti-tank missiles and in return for them would get the American hostages being held in Beirut released .
17 For instance , it is estimated that around 1m of the 1.7m new jobs forecast for the mid 1990s will be in the professional and managerial areas , and demographics suggest that a substantial proportion of them will have to be filled by women .
18 According to Eadmer there were over sixty in about 1080 , and a high proportion of them must have been Englishmen of the old foundation .
19 Yet a recent survey showed that a quarter of the ‘ patients ’ do not need to be in a mental institution at all and a half of them could live in the outside world given proper support .
20 McLeish had to remind himself that the dead girl behind them would have felt none of this dank chill .
21 It would not matter that the consequence of so holding might be that the defendants , if they should lose the action , would satisfy the European Court of Human Rights that any verdict against them would constitute a breach of article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms .
22 For the devout Christian , there has been no need to reconcile fact and faith , history and theology , simply because he has never had any reason to believe that a distinction between them might exist .
23 Certainly , this broader remit seems eminently sensible , partly because the existence of strict demarcation lines between advanced and non-advanced further education is harmful to both and partly because the distinction between them will become more blurred as and when the provision of recurrent and continuing education is expanded .
24 In Doctor Faustus whether heaven and hell are ‘ discovered ’ in a manner which confirms conventional expectations of them can have drastic implications for the play 's destination , the impact it makes on its audience .
25 When boys reach puberty , in primitive societies today as in ancient Greece , a group of them will go away into the mountains , jungle , or other hostile environment to undergo hardship and trials which , if successfully endured , allow them to return to society at a higher level , as adults .
26 The idea was that a group of them should take back the second of the Shahs planes to Teheran , contact those military commanders known to be most loyal to the Shah and convince them to hijack Khomeinis plane when , as the assumed he would , he flew back to Teheran from Paris .
27 Hong Kong says that only a handful of them should qualify as true refugees fleeing persecution , while the rest are ‘ economic migrants ’ escaping the pitiful poverty of their home country .
28 They are even optimistic about conflicts between women , on the grounds that paying attention to them can produce gains in feminine self-realization ( e.g. Caplan 1981 , Orbach and Eichenbaum 1987 ) .
29 Although creeks are thought to be largely areas of non-deposition rather than areas of erosion , the scour of the tide along them may cause some lateral erosion and water draining at times of very high tides from areas behind the zone of creeks may plunge into the heads of the creeks and so cause a certain amount of headward erosion .
30 If they are not moving relative to each other at one time , the attraction between them will cause them to start falling toward each other .
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