Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] them [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Like the others Brian remembers minimal preparation and no protection for them during the tests .
2 However , there are several Mira variables which can be found with binoculars when near maximum , and can even show some colour ; I have given notes about them in the pages which follow , but it is rather pointless to go into detail , because long-period variables are the province of the telescopic observer , and estimates made with binoculars are inevitably rough .
3 However , since Brezhnev 's proposals for the Gulf were linked to the broader issue of the Indian Ocean ‘ zone of peace ’ Soviet officials still made an effort to gain support for them from the Indian Ocean Third World states and the non-aligned nations in general .
4 If there are enough requests for them in the web , I 'll stick them in .
5 At the same time as I was writing some correspondence ( including the note to you ) , I was attempting to organise the hand-over of certain severely disturbed patients to various colleagues who were to assume responsibility for them during the long vacation .
6 Only Mozart playing serenely on the car 's stereo masked the tension between them during the drive home .
7 In a Welsh mining village the boys were told to go and carry water for the old people … and see about firewood for them for the week .
8 Look up such excellent works as J. Rachman and Clare Philips ' Psychology and Medicine ( Temple Smith ) or Richard Totman 's Social Causes of Illness ( Souvenir ) and you will find a total of 14 words between them on the subject .
9 The length of the adjusted pack was enough to cater for my unusually long back and after making a small adjustment to the shoulder strap attachment plates which can be swivelled to close or widen the gap between them at the neck , I had a very good fit .
10 I had hoped to find the original bill for the chandelier in the Abercorn Papers , but a day 's search for them in the Belfast Record Office revealed nothing : in true British fashion , all feed and stapling bills were meticulously preserved and carefully tied in small bundles , but bills for plate and jewels seem not to have been preserved .
11 The idea was that the private sector would build and finance a number of roads and the department would pay a rent for them on the basis of how much traffic used them .
12 If they are churchgoers , but unable to go out alone , it is usually possible to organise lifts for them in the cars of other church members to Sunday services as well as week-day activities .
13 The spiritual area is concerned with the awareness a person has of those elements in existence and experience which may be defined in terms of inner feelings and beliefs ; they affect the way people see themselves and throw light for them on the purpose and meaning of life itself .
14 A man as highly educated as Augustine changed his mind about them in the course of his life .
15 There 's no competitive disadvantage for them in the Intel decision .
16 Four strikers on the pitch had amassed 161 goals between them since the start of last season .
17 The woman floated down the steps towards them on the cloud of her gossamer gown .
18 There had been a small number of ‘ slum clearance tenements ’ built in 1924 , but there was major slum clearances in North Shields in the 1930s after the Greenwood Act , when the banksides were almost totally cleared and some 9000 people were moved out , the bulk of them to the Meadowell Estate where 1961 dwellings were built , of which 84% were flats .
19 They live only in warm parts of the world , the bulk of them in the tropics .
20 I see , so that measures the speed of them across the screen this way you can time it .
21 They were so close now he could feel the wind of them on the back of his neck .
22 From the very first page , where he both mistranscribes and then mistranslates further the opening of Terce in a Book of Hours , he matches marginal pictures with random words of text beside them , wildly associating words out of context with pictures near them in the margins , apparently grasping the flimsiest of puns and word associations .
23 They certainly wo n't complain if Harlequins field a weakened side against them in the held-over match on Easter Monday .
24 The other result is a lot of prejudice against them in the city .
25 The RHAS take centre stage with the DHAs beneath them on the left and FPCs on the right .
26 It is a wise precaution to meet new clients , rather than to deal with them over the telephone or by correspondence .
27 There were reports that two religious parties , United Tora Judaism and the NRP , were pressing Labour to enter into a coalition with them to the exclusion of Meretz .
28 To show enthusiasm for a glance with them through the pages of old photograph albums , can often give immense pleasure ; and half an hour spent like this can mean more to them than a whole evening of television , for they are warmed by memories of happier days .
29 He remembered a homespun breast rough under his sleepy cheek , and an arm that cradled him , and the steady rocking of the horse under them on the long ride into the fringes of Wales that day ; and suddenly at parting the terrible knowledge in him that , if he let go of Master Harry now , he would never get him back again .
30 They were getting there the cheap way and combining adventure with the bonus of having their cars with them at the end .
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