Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] an [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Our message is that have a think about an alternative possibility , about being much more high-key , much more pro-active rather than reactive .
2 With the increase in public transport costs , road tax and insurance , more and more people are changing to the humble bike as an alternative form of transport .
3 Day at leisure , or hire a bike for an extra day .
4 ‘ … is would be helpful if the Listing Division of the Department of the Environment could revise their own guidelines in order that certain pubs could receive more protection as an integral whole .
5 The owner of ‘ The Hollybush ’ at Elstree proposed to infill an original coach arch in the pub 's facade and to demolish the timber framed side walls of the passageway behind in order to form a larger and open interior , even though it was this feature that distinguished the building as an historic inn .
6 The University 's strategy of expansion over the past few years has been aimed to take full advantage of the UFC 's new policy of rewarding those universities that have demonstrated their willingness and ability to expand by retrospectively awarding full grant for an increased number of so-called fully funded students .
7 A disabled constituent of mine was short changed by more than £2 in his community care grant for an orthopaedic bed .
8 ‘ I wo n't get a grant for an extra year and I do n't suppose you 'll pay up . ’
9 This submission would make a nonsense of the rule that a grant for an uncertain term does not create a lease and would make nonsense of the concept of a tenancy from year to year because it is of the essence of a tenancy from year to year that both the landlord and the tenant shall be entitled to give notice determining the tenancy .
10 A grant for an uncertain term does not create a lease .
11 A grant for an uncertain term which takes the form of a yearly tenancy which can not be determined by the landlord does not create a lease .
12 With hindsight , it was a good preparation for an in-house career . ’
13 The use of rests can be particularly telling , and a moment of silence can be even more poignant than sound , especially as a preparation for an effective utterance .
14 To put the matter in a slightly different way , reading art criticism is a preparation for an aesthetic event .
15 In Egypt President Mubarak urged the introduction of confidence measures in preparation for an international conference .
16 If you take down notes by writing from edge to edge of the paper , leaving no blank spaces and no outstanding features , you will make very heavy weather of re-reading the notes during regular study or in preparation for an imminent examination .
17 Preparation for an Offline Run
18 This is essentially a distinction between assessment as an integral part of the curriculum and assessment which is designed primarily to be a form of communication serving the needs of the outside world .
19 But also Swindon as an ex-railway town , that is looking to the future .
20 AT&T Co has a $22m order from the United Arab Emirates ' Emirates Telecommunications Corp for an Intelliverse Wireless System to create a network for all the seven emirates .
21 Meanwhile , Chancellor Helmut Kohl yesterday described German longing for unity as an historic fact and said those trying to ignore it were making a ‘ serious mistake ’ .
22 To use the videoconferencing for an inter-site meeting contact Debbie Hancock ,
23 Put this way , 2A , the practice of reading language itself , self-conciously understanding a text as an illustrative example of one 's linguistic theory , is an extraordinary and peculiar hermeneutic practice .
24 The flaw of monism is that it tends to view a text as an undifferentiated whole , so that examination of linguistic choices can not be made except on some ad hoc principle .
25 Thus the chorus — often relegated to a small or virtually non-existent role in similar Italian operas , comes to the fore as an integral part of the action , lending real drama and vitality to scenes such as the appearance of the avenging sea monster .
26 This is simply an agreement by each creditor to hold off and not to press his claim for settlement for an agreed period as long as the other creditors do likewise .
27 An out-of-court settlement for an undisclosed amount ended 14 years of litigation for BDO .
28 Various more or less precise suggestions as to the structure of such a federation were put forward by different writers in the earlier years of this period — by the Quaker William Penn in his Essay towards the Present and Future Peace of Europe ( 1693 ) , by another Quaker , John Bellers , in his Some Reasons for an European State ( London , 1710 ) , by the author of the anonymous Cardinal Alberoni 's Scheme for reducing the Turkish Empire to the Obedience of Christian Princes ( London , 1736 ) and by Saint-Pierre himself .
29 Thus in university towns and cities , there is often comparatively little gonorrhoea compared with the large urban areas , where shifting populations seem to be one of the reasons for an increased prevalence of the venereal diseases .
30 There are two reasons for an inadequate performance .
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