Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] which could [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We are convinced that the philosophy which was originally intended to predominate in the post-war UK child care legislation — namely that the work of public agencies was to provide supportive services to families , part of which could include admission to care as a means ultimately of preserving family relationships in the long run — has been lost from current practice .
2 Unfortunately some of this work was done without a proper appreciation of the fact that the presence of tree growth , and the shade it gave , prevented or at least discouraged the growth of water weeds , the existence of which could form an even greater obstruction than much of the tree growth .
3 She accepted it as a convenience , like an improved system of telephones ; she did not dedicate herself to it as the expression of a moral idea of comradeship and equality , the avowal of which could leave nothing the same .
4 BGS staff on secondment prepared detailed geological maps of a reclamation area in the New Territories of Hong Kong and delineated the portion underlain by cavernous marble , the presence of which could affect development of the area .
5 Intelligence reports had indicated that such a reactor , the plans and equipment for which could have been supplied by China in 1990 [ see p. 38548 ] , had been built in the northern mountains .
6 My right hon. Friend the Minister for Overseas Development is trying to arrange a donors conference to bring further help , but , as my hon. Friend would agree , the best relief of human rights would be if the Iraqis accepted resolutions 706 and 712 and began to sell oil , the proceeds of which could go to the relief of poverty as well as the compensation of those whom they have victimised .
7 Their unpicking of our trade union law reforms , which would deliberately make strikes easier , longer and more frequent , their support for every last dot and comma of the European Commission 's social action programme , just one directive of which could add £5 billion to the costs of British employers —
8 In addition , the cost of equipment and armour , the quality of which could vary considerably , added greatly to the expense of going to war .
9 But a view of Co-operation which admitted only those who are thus motivated would make it an exceptional and exclusive creed to which could subscribe only those for whom Co-operation was itself the end and not the means to a better life , to one which enhanced what Dahrendorf calls a man 's life chances .
10 An Act passed by the US Congress now provides Federal resources to clean up these hazardous sites — the number of which could increase 10-fold in the next few years .
11 After his long , slow climb Stoneley had found himself to be a novice at office in-fighting , some examples of which could make the brutal intentions of a common criminal seem almost harmless .
12 However , we helped secure an enhanced sea bed survey , the results of which could help put an end to this dumping in future .
13 Googol fiddled ostentatiously with the bandana round his brow as if toying with the idea of removing what masked his third eye , the warp-eye , a hostile glare from which could kill , as was widely known though seldom tested .
14 Be alert for stones with natural pebble and water worn cups two to three inches across which could have been transported from the shore .
15 Since she represented the Emperor and the government , her task was to serve as a sheet-anchor and a symbol around which could rally the national will to resist the enemy .
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