Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] which they would " in BNC.

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1 The legal basis was being created for workers to set up their own professional , cultural and leisure-time organizations through which they would become integrated with the rest of society .
2 To keep prisoners so near to a frontier on the far side of which they would be free , could seem a casual or risky policy , but it is hard to imagine anyone actually escaping from Le Portalet , whose grated windows you can see from the road , with a nasty drop of a good 100 feet straight on to the rocks beneath them .
3 Three of the 64 Berkshire commoners are refusing to accept a deal under which they would be paid about £750 each to forfeit rights over the built-up part of the US Air Force base and agree not to exercise them in other areas .
4 Fourth , many participants frankly admitted that they had very low expectations at the outset : specifically that the course was simply designed to punish them , in return for which they would give the minimum amount of attention possible .
5 They would chat and flirt with the legionnaires , making them buy champagne and other expensive drinks , in return for which they would provide female company and , if they found the legionnaire attractive , they would sleep with them .
6 Just imagine the abuse with which they would be showered by people who would tell them : ‘ Since it is easily possible for the economy to grow at 4 , 5 , 6 per cent or any other figure you like , the public are being cheated of the growth of public expenditure which they have a right to enjoy by this niggardly Government which is only counting on being able safely to increase public expenditure at a rate of 2 to 2and1/2 ; per cent . ’
7 At the appropriate times of the year , caged migrant birds regularly hop in the direction relative to the sun in which they would normally migrate .
8 A fast ship was sent to recall de Tourville but fog in the Channel delayed it and the French prepared , all unknowing , for a battle in which they would be seriously outnumbered .
9 Even now , they were following their own destinies , being drawn towards some Last Battle in which they would stand against things Hawk called the Dark Spirits , whose front man on Earth she recognized as Elder Seth .
10 At home in London she rarely bothered with such irrelevances ; here she knew it was expected of her and accordingly she had showered , dumped her travel-weary jeans into the laundry basket from which they would be rescued by a maid , washed , ironed and returned to her next day , and dressed herself in a loose silk jersey jacket and pants suit , simple and easy enough to please her yet enough of a transformation to satisfy her father and Sally .
11 In this example , No. 3 is the same as No. 1 , but it is easy to imagine many circumstances in which they would be different in practice .
12 ‘ They had talked openly of their respective marital difficulties at Sandringham last Christmas , although the Duchess insists that they did not make a pact by which they would both end their marriages this year . ’
13 In Denmark seven of the eight parliamentary parties had reached a national compromise on Oct. 27 on additions to the Treaty on the basis of which they would support a second referendum in 1993 [ see also p. 39158 ] .
14 These people would not be trained in law ; they would represent the interests , the social groupings and the nature of the community in which they would serve .
15 If joint and several liability is accepted , there is nothing to prevent the vendors from settling between themselves in a private agreement the basis on which they would each be required to contribute if a successful claim is brought against any one vendor .
16 Although based on research of lasting value , the draft Articles on service of documents rest overmuch on United States perceptions and would not have survived the sort of examination to which they would have been exposed at an international diplomatic conference .
17 Members also felt the constitution was counter-productive , especially when capital projects called for an injection of cash over which they would have no control , and which was seen as improving someone else 's investment .
18 To our surprise it was only possible to predict in half the patients the point at which they would block their coronary artery .
19 All CIS member states signed an agreement on a single defence budget into which they would pay fixed contributions to be determined by the Council of Heads of Government .
20 But the remaining 43 were to be elected by local and national politicians on a vocational basis : that is , they had to be elected to five panels for which they would qualify by having the requisite vocational expertise — administrative , cultural — educational , labour , industrial and commercial , and agricultural .
21 The arrangement whereby builders in competition with each other were invited to quote a price for which they would carry out all the work indicated on drawings and a specification , and to sign a contract to that effect , was introduced as a standard procedure by Hunt into the Office of Works as a means of controlling expenditure .
22 Much of what is approved of may match up in their self-image with how they see their strengths and qualities of which they would like more .
23 True scientists are always willing to state the conditions under which they would abandon their theories and to accept a refutation when the conditions turn out to hold .
24 Young people were looking forward to a modern China in which they would play an active role .
25 She scraped them carefully and put them in a steel pan , covering them with the bottled still water in which they would be boiled , thereby retaining the vitamin C which would otherwise have been poured down the sink .
26 The unfortunates were sent over to the other building from which they would ring clients who owed money , and would demand of them immediate payment .
27 Before the first day of the project , both groups had been given a very general outline of the activities in which they would be involved .
28 The whole thing hidden beneath layers of ice and rock , untraceable from the air : a flexible and formidable system of defences from which they would launch their attack on the Seven .
29 Later that afternoon the duty sergeant allowed him an hour off to dig the grave in which they would bury Private Prescott .
30 Two prominent New York takeover lawyers , Martin Lipton ( who invented the ‘ poison pill ’ defence ) and Steven Rosenblum , have proposed a way to help institutions get involved : elect board directors for five-year terms during which they would be sackable only for criminal or scandalous behaviour .
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