Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] a time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To be fair , these materials performed a useful function for a time in the propellers of Spitfires and similar aircraft .
2 Himself an illegitimate son of Mary 's father , James V , and a collaborator in the murder of Darnley , Moray held on to his captive for a time in that Loch Leven castle where the queen had also been imprisoned .
3 Arthur immediately started to tell a story about a time in music hall when he had set out to behave less admirably and had cost a theatre manager a packet .
4 Mrs Thatcher , like Mr Heath before her , clearly regarded Opposition as a time of preparation for government .
5 Before 1781 it had consisted of only eight houses , but in that year the Strutts — who had gone into partnership for a time with the then-needy Arkwright — built the large cotton mill that still stands there .
6 Despite the entry for a time of media conglomerates such as the Mirror Group and Thomsons into the West African press , I think it is still fair to say that the primary motivation for producing a newspaper in Nigeria is political rather than commercial .
7 Albini — unlike many — recalls '80s alternative rock as a time of goofiness .
8 Yet Brandt , born illegitimate , exiled under the Nazis , who had even become a Norwegian citizen for a time after the war , had come through many trials .
9 But the record books of course will show it was Cambridge 's year … worthy winners in a time of seventeen minutes …
10 It is often possible to restrict these by cutting into the ground with a spade along the face of the hedge , doing one side at a time in alternate years .
11 Furthermore all heavy trucks and a growing number of vans are diesel-powered , so such a move would have the additional benefit of giving the road transport industry a boost at a time of recession .
12 Perhaps , they argue , it is because it suffered two sudden floods in quick succession at a time of year — summer — when the invertebrate populations are least adapted to cope .
13 Sometimes we crunched across crystalline ice , or slid tiny steps at a time over glass ice , so we created shiny black footprints in the dusting of snow .
14 Ranged against these pro-Green Belt interests are those who feel that existing restraint policies have outlived their usefulness at a time of rapid socioeconomic change , and are positively detrimental to the communities they are meant to protect .
15 To recommend further financial investment in the area of research at a time of serious retrenchment in H.E .
16 These are old , and they were made in the mind at a time of great fear .
17 Fishkeepers are reporting finding up to 100 dead frogs at a time in their ponds .
18 The real signs of a healthier economy will only be seen when factories stop closing down , employers start taking on staff , and consumers flock to the shops at a time of year other than the annual pre-Christmas splurge .
19 For these reasons , and together with the appearance of a number of wealthy families in the village , Blockley joined the silk industry at a time of great expansion for the industry .
20 But it shows my profession in a good light at a time of tragedy , not always the case .
21 LIFESPAN will now display details for up to 20 Clients at a time in the scrolled area and a message if more Clients are available for viewing .
22 Such a title , and a book written by a political figure at a time of great controversy …
23 It may be hard to move away from traditional gender roles at a time of unemployment .
24 I 'm a social smoker but I can go for months at a time without even thinking about it .
25 For me the most dangerous aspect of the job has been not so much the very real dangers in the field as the psychological vertigo of alternating for months at a time between the utter extremes of the planet ; from the film markets of California 's Hollywood Hills , where I rented an A-frame , to the remotest jungles of the East .
26 Antibiotics are also prescribed for acne treatment and need to be given for several months at a time to be effective .
27 Hamilton was based in the press office but seconded for three months at a time to other departments , including the news room .
28 It was intended that John would spend six months at a time with each of his parents , but when Grace was due to have him back , Herbert took her into John 's room , which was the larger of the two bedrooms in the flat .
29 He virtually commuted between London and Sydney , his Australian birthplace , where he would stay for months at a time with his parents , making award-winning films , before returning to London in his safari suit , sun-bleached and fit .
30 Thereafter , warrants were issued for only two months , though they could be renewed for one month at a time in the case of those issued to the police , and six months at a time in the case of those issued to the security services .
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