Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] the child [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Emergency admissions to residential care were unplanned with no chance of preparation for the child or of pre-placement visits by the child and his or her family .
2 It may not appoint a legal guardian for the child or consent to an adoption order or an order freeing the child for adoption or providing for his adoption abroad ( s33(6) ( b ) ) .
3 As more and more is understood of the way in which interactions between the child and the environment create privileged opportunities for language learning , so it may be possible to reduce the burden of explanation which has fallen on innate factors .
4 The second part considers how interactions between the child and her linguistically more competent caretakers may create privileged opportunities for language learning , and thereby constitute a form of environmental support for the child 's mastery of language .
5 You could feel sympathy for the child that you were , but you would not actually experience that pain today .
6 ’ And all the activities for the children that one can attend — sports days , Christmas parties , the Mod — you can get involved in them along with the children .
7 The applicant must specify the order sought , summarise the evidence in support and state the future plans for the child if a final order is made including arrangements for contact .
8 Plus glasses of bubbly for toasting the newlyweds — the real , fizzingly alcoholic stuff for those who like it , and elderflower champagne for the children and incurable romantics like me .
9 If a person seeking party status has parental responsibility for the child but has not been named as a respondent , the court must grant his request .
10 The person named in the order will have parental responsibility for the child while the order is in force .
11 " Family " in this context includes any person who has parental responsibility for the child or with whom he is living ( s17(10) ) .
12 In this context " the responsible person " means any person who has parental responsibility for the child and any other person with whom the child is living .
13 Instead , it promotes a new philosophy — that both parents have parental responsibility for the children and not just , as was often the case under the old law , the parent with whom the children were living .
14 When we include fairy stories in our consideration of ‘ the short story ’ , we realise how central they have been to our childhood , adolescence and adulthood , too : how we have pored eagerly over them because we ourselves , like Snow White , have feared our mother 's envy ; because , like Little Briar Rose , we imagine the gap between the child and the woman to stretch over a hundred years ; because , like Cinderella , we long to be protected by the good mother from the bad mother .
15 Invariably the cases studied had been referred for a variety of concerns and worries about the children but there was no unequivocal evidence that the children were abused according to any definition .
16 Playgroups and mother and toddler groups offer safe and stimulating play opportunities for the children and friendship for mother and child .
17 With the new proposals it seems the needs of the children will be put first because you wo n't be granted a divorce until a period of a year has elapsed and during that period you 'll have to work out access and maintenance for the children and put their needs first and that seems very good .
18 Almost without exception , if any comment is made it includes a reference to the immense improvement in the health and manners of the children and to their gains in weight …
19 ‘ I ca n't believe that a trade union like the NASUWT , let alone the NUT , would wish to put children 's education at risk , would wish to disturb parents , would wish to affect their own professionalism , would wish to diminish their own standing in the eyes of the children that go to their schools . ’
20 Christmas is for most of us a magical moment in the year when we gather with our families , sing familiar carols and see the delight in the eyes of the children as they open their stockings and presents .
21 Shannon started to shake , hearing again the playground taunts , seeing the looks in the eyes of the children as they danced about her , holding hands and chanting , keeping her captive in the middle of the circle .
22 Any of these is quite traumatic enough to cause long-lasting and damaging effects upon the mind of the child and yet each event simply ‘ happened ’ and there was no way that those caring for the child could have prevented it .
23 Along with his paternal role as protector of the weak , defender of the state and dispenser of justice , the Inca , Pharaoh s ) r divine king summed up in his person much of the image of the parents in the mind of the child and in the unconscious of the adult .
24 We which I would hope when will itemise the qualities and strengths of the child that you want to cover , like when we do personal statements or joint statements in the tenth and eleventh year that if the form teacher just ca n't write well Fred 's worked very well , he 's done extremely well in English we 'll actually start to talk about him as an individual and his strengths and weaknesses .
25 The parents ' relationship must be examined , the vulnerability of the child or children assessed , and their situation within the family .
26 I know that the industry and the Department of Health are to consider what further action is needed to publicise the law in the light of the Children and Young Persons ( Protection from Tobacco ) Act 1991 .
27 This problem is not so common with the bell and pad as it is the alarm doing the waking of the child and the child is already wet .
28 Parental prompts and encouragement to eat are highly correlated to the relative weight of the child and increasing probability that the child will eat .
29 But teenage pregnancy is still associated with a variety of physical problems for the mother , low birth weight of the child and high rates of foetal , perinatal and maternal mortality , as well as psycho-social risks such as non-accidental injury ( Bury , 1984 ) .
30 But other women do help a lot , in fact they have such strong relationships with the child that it is not uncommon for them to be called Big Mother or Small Mother .
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