Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] the time [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If the litigant in person has not actually suffered pecuniary loss in the preparation of the case ( which this sum would compensate ) the court will only allow up to £7.50 per hour for the time reasonably spent in preparation .
2 The Bulgarian Communist Party renamed itself the Bulgarian Socialist Party on April 3 , calling the decision a clean break with " the dictatorship of the time before Nov. 10 , 1989 , which was a dictatorship not only over the people , but over the party as well " .
3 He makes clear in an interview with the Times today that in a hung parliament his party would ‘ bargain very hard indeed ’ to stop Labour removing the £21,060 ceiling on National Insurance payments and introducing a 50p tax rate for top earners .
4 People usually start to feel better about a problem when they have some explanation for it , but hang-ups relating to very early patterns of relating between mother and baby which we have been describing may not come to light within the time normally allowed for this type of treatment .
5 So I went out , feeling distinctly lonely , and wandered through the empty , narrow streets of lunch-time Parma until the time really came to go back to school .
6 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the opportunity for this country to help support genuine refugees abroad through various aid programmes is not helped by the fact that , according to a headline in The Times today , bogus refugees bleed Britain of £100 million through benefit fraud ?
7 The powerful states of the time normally were empires , and had been for many centuries , though a few shadowy forerunners of the nation state could be seen by 1500 .
8 Thank you erm well that was a very interesting introduction usual political statements there are many of interest to this County Council and its services , erm their worth repeating as part of the time just to add to the with the labour party er for us prices .
9 Since there is also other well known evidence collected by Sachs , Kirkpatrick , Zaslaw and others from L'Affilard , Pajot , la Chapelle , Marguet , Quantz , Pasquali , Choquel , Engramelle et al. , indicating that from 1717 to 1775 minuets were danced both fast and slow , anywhere between MM 53 and 80 per bar , is it really likely that it was only during the 1780s that musicians of the time just happened to slow down the minuet , playing only the bottom side of minuet tempos and not the top side then to speed up again afterwards by the 1790s and 1800s ?
10 So at that time , the midwife would only come for a a quite a small proportion of the time then ?
11 But his concentration was poor these days : he could hardly keep his mind on anything for more than a moment … and even when he heard what the Padre said it made no sense … " the Editor of The Times as wise as God Himself ! "
12 The personal column of The Times once carried the following advertisement , ‘ Statue required , size approximately four-feet-seven-inches to five feet , reproduction of Michelangelo 's David , without fig leaf . ’
13 The police car can be said to be represented as a " welcome sight " , and there is therefore a reference to the time before its appearance which is not present in the sentence with the subordinate clause .
14 If you have a particular problem , please tell the tour escort or representative and/or the Hotel Reception Desk at the time so that , if possible , it can be dealt with there and then .
15 Much would depend on the particular circumstances at the time either in the context of a planning application or a local plan proposal .
16 Somewhere in the period between the time that early man first made for himself a ‘ god ’ , and the time when evidence of ‘ god ’ worship was left for later generations to find , the use of ‘ gods ’ for purposes which were largely intended to create unfair privileges , and were therefore a source of evil , gradually crept in and became a widespread part of the social scene .
17 Not being for the direct benefit of a particular class of persons it is in the general enlightened opinion of the time wholly for the benefit of the community , although such benefit be intangible .
18 How very kind of the Prime Minister to concede that Scotland entered the Union voluntarily ( though just how many of the population of the time actually volunteered is not mentioned ) and that they remain members voluntarily .
19 At the expiration of the time thus set aside , debate ends .
20 In November 1986 he wrote an article in The Times specifically about the effect of GCSE on those pupils who wanted to proceed to university .
21 His great courage at the time eventually earned him the Military Cross , but the harrowing experience was for a long while foremost in his mind and symbolized by the walk back to his commanding officer over a mass of dead German and British soldiers in which his feet scarcely touched the ground .
22 A hollow-eyed Maltote had taken a strangely exhausted Ranulf off to their own lodgings so the clerk and his wife had dined by themselves in the small hall below and spent the rest of the time here in their bedchamber .
23 Compared with the continuous damage , though small clearings , of polycyclic systems , monocyclic ones involve clearing large areas at one coup but there is then less disturbance in the time thereafter .
24 She was in credit at the time too .
25 In the early 1970s something of a similar competitive battle emerged in which a series of well known holiday firms at the time either collapsed or got into severe financial difficulties ( Clarksons , Horizon Midland , Court Line amongst others ) .
26 I think of that week as the time before everything went mad .
27 It is reported on the front page of The Times today that the common agricultural policy — that squalid policy which is costing British families an average of £18.50 a week each — will destroy the world free trade talks , which have been going on for four or five years , and involve just about every country in the world .
28 Notice of a day fixed for a hearing includes notice of the time so fixed ( Ord 1 , r 12 ) .
29 For centuries therefore , statute has placed a limit on the time after which a claimant to an interest in land may bring an action to establish it in the face of the possession of another person holding under a later title …
30 Have actually already covered them another time and I do n't want to get deeper in the stealth now than that , there 's a limit on the time now available this morning .
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