Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At return visits to the clinic women are questioned by a doctor or a nurse and the information recorded on a special form , including details of pregnancies and their outcome , changes in contraceptive practices , and reasons for referral to hospital .
2 Is it a convention of the Constitution that the government of the day must consult with interested bodies before formulating a legislative measure for presentation to Parliament ?
3 But damages awarded by juries in libel cases for injury to reputation are ‘ at large ’ and only subject to the general guidance by judges and limited powers for the Court of Appeal to correct those that are excessive .
4 The college in question identified a number of emblematic companies operating in commercial/industrial sectors in which the college had corresponding courses ranging from engineering and electronics through marketing to beauty therapy and graphic design .
5 As far as the residence requirements were concerned , the Commission considered that , as it stated in its communication of 19 July 1989 on a Community framework for access to fishing quotas ( Official Journal 1989 No .
6 The Commission 's communication of 19 July 1989 on a Community framework for access to fishing quotas ( Official Journal 1989 No .
7 The Commission communication of 19 July 1989 on a Community framework for access to fishing quotas was not appropriate to resolve that conflict , because it did not tackle the problem of the effective exploitation of the catch quotas allocated to the member states .
8 The Commission points out that , in is communication of 19 July 1989 on a Community framework for access to fishing quotas ( Official Journal 1989 No .
9 Working class women 's groups and the Workers ' Birth Control Group , formed in 1924 , which played a major part in the struggle for access to birth control information , also found it impossible to ignore the maternalist framework in their campaign .
10 Personal ornaments , including jade buttons of floral design , bracelets , pendants , hair-pins and ear-rings , emphasised still further the link between access to jade and high official status .
11 Though the system has now been modified for some years , local authorities still play a crucial role in the shaping of the local environment by , for example , forecasting the need for roads for travel to work or leisure , and thus plan on the basis of that need Planners seek to influence behaviour , for example , by deciding that particular zones will be devoted to industrial estates , others to shopping centres and residential use in order to harmonise traffic movement and so on .
12 The " Out " tray held two manila files , the top labelled " Chapel — Proposals for transfer to Department of the Environment , and the second , a large , old and unwieldy file which had been much mended , was marked " New Laboratory — Commissioning " .
13 An increase in the incubation time did not change plating efficiencies ( data not shown ) and plateau values for adhesion to type IV collagen varied between 80% and 85% of total cells seeded .
14 The necessity for submission to greatness had now come to be placed in stark opposition to a scholarly pluralism .
15 The Lothian Region ( Placing in Schools ) Appeal Committee is likely to meet on several occasions during late May and throughout June 1993 , to deal with appeals against refused placing requests for admission to primary and secondary schools for the session 1993/94 .
16 ‘ Instead of a rate for carrying oil throughout to Bedale we just got a rate for bringing it to Middlesbrough for trans-shipment to road , which was illogical to me .
17 The central relationship in the novel between Serena and Stella is emblematic of the contrast between adaptation to convention and rebellion .
18 The term ‘ carrier ’ seems to have been coined in Anglo-American legal discourse largely to aid in the assessment of liability for damage to cargo .
19 Programme for transition to market economy
20 In Nord-Pas-de-Calais there is a plentiful supply of vacant land and general support for development from the public , local and regional authorities who are generally convinced of the value of public investment as stimulus to growth .
21 Egyptian liberals noted with disapproval that a group of clerics at the Al-Azhar Islamic university on the previous week that had issued a public criticism of Fudah for hostility to Islam .
22 If the rainfall lasts more than 2 hours , each character must make a T test ( +10 bonus for Immunity to Disease , +20 if the character has specifically prepared for the trip by buying waterproof clothing ) .
23 The company also pays the equivalent of full salary ( less state maternity pay ) for up to 18 weeks , which is payable as a lump sum three months after return to work .
24 2 further patients ( 1 man aged 60 and 1 woman of 61 ) were brought to our institution after exposure to CO at the home of an older relative who had died .
25 Safety includes safety in the context of risks of damage to property as well as in the context of risks of death or personal injury .
26 Section 3(1) of CPA 1987 provides as follows : ( 1 ) Subject to the following provisions of this section , there is a defect in a product for the purposes of this Part if the safety of the product is not such as persons generally are entitled to expect ; and for those purposes " safety " , in relation to a product , shall include safety with respect to products comprised in that product and safety in the context of risks of damage to property , as well as in the context of risks of death or personal injury .
27 What was needed was the kind of laws and regulations , and tax structure , that would make the market society work , or allow it to work , and the kind of state services — defence , and even military expansion , education , sanitation , and various sorts of assistance to industry , such as tariffs and grants for railway development that were thought necessary to make the system run efficiently and profitably .
28 Strictly speaking the former ought to Read MEDIA RELEASE — important , perhaps , if you send a good deal of material to TV and radio .
29 In most Western democracies in the twentieth century , legislatures have lost a great deal of ground to executive branches .
30 This auto-haemorrhage , as it is called , is an astonishing refinement of the death-feigning strategy , implying that predators pay a great deal of attention to minute details of their prey 's condition .
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