Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [Wh det] she [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Melissa will make her own decision about what she will read . ’
2 This may take several hours during which she will lay small groups of eggs , which the male fertilises and covers with more bubbles .
3 Gripping the hammer in one fist and propping the hatch up with her free hand , she crouched low so that she had about an inch gap through which she could see the back door .
4 She hoped that she would not disgrace herself by fainting , or by being unable to help him through fear or disgust of what she might be seeing .
5 Still , in this poem she is examining a condition into which she would enter by seeking patrons for her verse .
6 She was almost on top of the river before she realised that this was where the path was leading , and here she found another seat from which she could see a boat or two plaiting lazy fans of rippling wake through the smooth water .
7 The two were now inside the grille together and Mena Iskander had been given strict instructions to try to secure Miss Postlethwaite a seat from which she could see Zoser clearly and if possible his wife as well .
8 High ladders from which she must not look down ?
9 Cordelia , like Coriolanus , is being forced into a ceremony in which she would have to be false to her own nature .
10 Faced now with the future upon which she dare not hazard herself , the other seemed suddenly quite possible .
11 He could imagine the words in which she would later report to her husband .
12 She has been feeding intensively in the neighbourhood , building up in her body the reserves from which she will produce her eggs .
13 Each member of her family and each of her close friends will have different strengths upon which she will need to draw , and together you should try to form a bridge over which she can gradually cross from the barren wasteland of her sorrow back into society where her new role awaits her .
14 Run from the ambitious young man who was her husband and who was bringing fear into her existence , a horrible fear to which she dare n't put a name and which had sprung into life a month ago .
15 But , since she could n't do anything about the car situation until that wretched part had been delivered , should n't she concentrate her worries on what she could do something about ?
16 Like her French contemporaries Elizabeth Vigee-Lebrun or Adelaide Labille-Guiard , Angelica Kauffman was caught up in the contradictory politics of class and gender through the elite patronage without which she could not work .
17 Yours will most probably be the arms she needs at this point , and the best thing you can do for her is to show that you share her grief , and that as far as possible you are going to be the rock on which she can lean while the sands of her life are shifting so frighteningly beneath her feet .
18 That statement is also an apt description of what she will be asked to do at NIST .
19 ‘ And that from an Aussie ? ’ she was startled into answering , then went pink when he gave her a look of what she could only describe as approval .
20 As she got into her car , she pushed away the worrying question of what she would do if she found evidence that implicated Veronica in the murder of Hugh Puddephat .
21 In a way she hoped he had not and yet , on the other hand , she believed the news would have made his final days very happy , however heinous the deceit with which she would always have to live .
22 Maria turned clear eyes , golden-brown tonight , on Luke and said what needed to be said , eschewing preamble , cleverness and a host of other possible costumes in which she might have dressed it up .
23 In the exercise of his power of arrest , it was perfectly proper for the constable to have taken into account that ‘ there was a greater likelihood … that Mrs Mohammed-Holgate would respond truthfully to questions about her connection with or knowledge of the burglary , if she were questioned under arrest at the police station , than if , without arresting her , questions were put to her … at her own home from which she could peremptorily order [ him ] to depart at any moment ’ .
24 In the case of a woman who elects not to pay the full National Insurance contribution the full National Insurance benefit to which she would have been entitled if she had not so elected is deducted from the sickness allowance .
25 The articled clerk then advised the wife to buy a small house in an unsuitable area with a mortgage in order to obtain mortgage relief , even though she had no taxable income against which she could claim relief .
26 The spider may wait for developments sitting in the centre of the web or she may retreat to the side and lurk there with one of her eight legs resting on a cue-line through which she will feel movements in the trap .
27 I called home and spoke to my then seven-year-old daughter who had been rehearsed by her grandparents about what she should appropriately say .
28 Molly felt similarly safe , brought to this strange place about which she would have clearly so much to learn .
29 He might have some ideas about what she should do next .
30 However , Joshua Smith intervened by buying it all up before the sale , and advanced Emma a sum on its security with which she could pay more outstanding bills .
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