Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [pers pn] may [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Other long-tail types impair flight and show greater sexual dimorphism , but variation in their initial evolutionary cost suggests differences in how female preferences for them may have evolved .
2 A DoT spokesman said : ‘ These trips of his may sound like jolly larks , but he is being very irresponsible .
3 Under the present definition of such schemes , the beneficiaries of them may include not only present employees of the company concerned , but also employees , or former employees , of it or any company in the same group , and the spouses , widows or widowers , children or step-children under the age of 18 , of any such employees .
4 Some aspects of it may shock you . ’
5 For example , It turned scarlet does not entail It turned red , since the referent of it may have been some other shade of red to begin with ; nor , obviously , does the reverse entailment hold .
6 This introduction to a scene and the gradual unfolding of the action within it may seem to be a rather academic restriction on the freedom of the cameraman , but it is a most important movie-making technique because it gives the viewer the feeling of involvement as a participant in the exploration of the location .
7 This will produce different responses as both people and animals around her may react differently to each ‘ phase ’ .
8 We hope that people trying to read the shell-growth record will now be aware that part of it may have been erased .
9 Attempts to improve occupational mobility for them may concentrate on a few professional openings where their colour is defined as an occupational advantage ( e.g. race relations advisers ) or on employers ( e.g. local authorities ) with positive action policies , or self-employment ( small businesses ) .
10 A night in a good hotel with many nationalities around you may bring you to your senses and perhaps you will not wish to return to the Hacienda de Nieve . ’
11 These are perfectly adequate for most gardeners , but the more technically appreciative and extrovert amongst us may wish to try some of the more adventurous systems currently available especially those that incorporate varying spray patterns or coloured lighting .
12 Erm sort of I may deal with sort of solicitors letter , that sort , the , the more complicated legal side , and , and that sort of thing .
13 The shame of it may have caused the slight stroke that overtook him , or perhaps it preceded the disaster .
14 My main concern , however , on this throbbing morn , is to reassure any of my admirers whose opinion of me may have been diminished by David and Ted 's startling revelations concerning the use to which I have been known to put my sinuses .
15 The opportunity to see a semantic net and dynamically generate outlines from it may help authors mold the desired document .
16 Although creeks are thought to be largely areas of non-deposition rather than areas of erosion , the scour of the tide along them may cause some lateral erosion and water draining at times of very high tides from areas behind the zone of creeks may plunge into the heads of the creeks and so cause a certain amount of headward erosion .
17 On the other hand if I am in a drama experience my own actions and things about me may trap me into believing I am in an actual event .
18 Politicians , accountants , television producers , newspaper editors and all such mandarins who have set themselves up as authorities with power to say yea or nay to us , to sift right from wrong , good from bad , lawful from criminal , and to decide what the rest of us may know and what we may not ( ‘ All the News that 's Fit to Print ’ ) exploit this wondrous paradoxical nature of language with uncanny skill to attain and retain their hegemony over others .
19 With her grace , and a few prayers the rest of us may find for you , you can hardly go unblessed . ’
20 Obviously any of the rest of you may feel some of these are irrelevant , or that other important ones should be added .
21 The concepts behind it may seem alien , but there 's no occult jiggery-pokery about them . ’
22 Great chunks of it may require changes in Company policy and I assume that those are being investigated in the same way as we have been asked to comment .
23 Do n't pull away as chunks of you may detach themselves .
24 You see , while his manner towards you may have seemed jovial enough , in reality he was involved in a feud .
25 At least your writing to us may prevent the same thing happening to another reader .
26 The locomotive was ‘ Perseverance ’ , and the damage to her may have included boiler damage , as old tubes were sold and new ones bought as a consequence of the accident .
27 What kind of right to the goods must the plaintiff have in order that interference with it may amount to conversion ?
28 At the same time , however , discussion tended to be dominated by certain sets of people ; by academics , by Americans , by mathematicians and scientists , by people with little experience of younger children or of the teachers who normally guide them , by scholars whose passionate concern for their own disciplines and the elegance of thought within them may have outweighed their concern for the school curriculum and the balanced development of school children .
29 Investors are reminded that as a consequence of the general nature of the investments held and of possible exchange and interest rate fluctuations , the value of their shares and the yield from them may go down as well as up and that past performance is no guide to the future .
30 Making love to me may help you to forget for a while , but it wo n't change the feelings you obviously still have for her , whether you care to admit it or not . ’
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