Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [pers pn] would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Golda Meir replied that ‘ if he was ready and willing to confront us and the world with a fait accompli [ i.e. annexation of Arab Palestine ] — the traditional friendship between us would continue and we would certainly find a common language in arranging matters of interest to both sides . ’
2 She began inching towards him , hugging the face of the cliff , praying that the rock beneath her would hold .
3 The conventions are so rigorous that any break with them would require a new genre ; the editorial leaflet makes this clear enough :
4 Daily Telegraph If you did not put aluminium in you would have water that was cloudy .
5 This well known fact was somehow never discussed in public by the girls , for public admission of it would have destroyed and inhibited its oddly private thrill , and would have shamed the vain ones into cowering in their cubicles , as the timid and modest already did .
6 Part of me would love to be in a relationship , but I 'm cautious about getting involved , even though I desperately want to be loved .
7 It was against all he believed in and yet some inner part of him would stop at nothing to attract Jeopardy 's notice .
8 Part of him would have been sorry to hear that she had been shot , or sentenced to a long term of imprisonment in the filth of an Austrian gaol .
9 I could go er that would n't be a bad idea , because part of it would make sense to finish .
10 If he had been asked where he got it , that obstinate jaw of his would have remained clenched , but Isambard knew how to ask his questions now .
11 A preliminary assessment suggests that perhaps three quarters of these specimen clauses would be caught , but that the remainder of them would need specific implementation .
12 Many pioneers of women 's education made it quite clear that they did not accept Emily Davies ' view that girls might be trained in the same way as boys , and argued that they should be given an opportunity , by way of , for example , domestic science classes , to prepare for the lives a majority of them would lead as wives and mothers .
13 She looked at her friend and wanted to ask whether she had a few days to spare , because that was how long any description of him would take .
14 ‘ This is a wonder drug and a single course of it would cost a small fortune — yet you make lots of it through delight .
15 I had made a start in Burmese at the School of Oriental Languages in London , going up from Stepney for a weekly lesson , so I could read haltingly and use a score or more greetings and questions , which deceived the kindly village people into thinking that I knew more than I did , with the result that an opening sentence of mine would elicit a whole string of Burmese from which I would only pick up a word or two .
16 A gang of them would meet there , graduating from Meccano and toy farms to risqué games of Dare , illicit cigarettes , speculation about sex .
17 ‘ But I ca n't imagine that your plan for me would enhance Bo-Bo 's pleasure . ’
18 He claimed that Iran badly needed TOW anti-tank missiles and in return for them would get the American hostages being held in Beirut released .
19 Only a century ago , a fair proportion of us would have died in childbirth , or been dubbed dowagers by 40 .
20 Section 2(5) of the 1959 Act reads : " A person shall not be convicted of an offence against this section ( ie the offence of publishing obscene material ) if he proves that he had not examined the article in respect of which he is charged and had no reasonable cause to suspect that it was such that his publication of it would make him liable to be convicted of an offence against this section . "
21 The duchess being bride to the heir presumptive , with the princes gone , any issue of hers would have been regarded by many as rightful sovereign of the realm .
22 Even if it is not used much the trenchant criticisms of it would appear to demand reform , as it appears to be a blunt instrument which ‘ should be honed down to produce a greater quality of justice . ’
23 That steely Irish charm of his would appeal to some women , I do n't doubt .
24 He had believed that a country girl like her would find him wonderful , a college man with great ambitions .
25 McLeish had to remind himself that the dead girl behind them would have felt none of this dank chill .
26 We were also convinced that unless we could get the politicians and so called ‘ medical experts ’ to start exercising their minds , then the people in communities like ours would continue to die before their time and our children would be damaged before they even got a chance to live .
27 She was wailing now like a baby herself ; marriage with him would mean more of them , her body used every night , and no theatre again , ever .
28 I 'm absolutely sure that a chat with him would help you .
29 Any member of stab who went into the Biology Lab before her would have needed a good excuse to explain his presence there , unless , of course , he was a member of the Biology Department .
30 Now , in retrospect , she could see that marriage to him would have been a ghastly mistake , and that her reaction to discovering that he had been seeing other women while he had been engaged to her had had far more to do with wounded pride than with a wounded heart .
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