Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [pers pn] [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 Other long-tail types impair flight and show greater sexual dimorphism , but variation in their initial evolutionary cost suggests differences in how female preferences for them may have evolved .
2 For example , It turned scarlet does not entail It turned red , since the referent of it may have been some other shade of red to begin with ; nor , obviously , does the reverse entailment hold .
3 They take for granted , that if Christianity were true , the light of it must have been more general , and the evidence of it more satisfactory … if any of these persons are , upon the whole , in doubt concerning the truth of Christianity ; their behaviour seems owing to their taking for granted , through strange inattention , that such doubting is , in a manner , the same thing as being certain against it .
4 He wondered why Pinkie mentioned Laura , then realised with sinking heart that she was no longer keeping her discontent to herself and the echo of it must have travelled for some distance .
5 She might then have been younger than Oswiu and her liaison with him could have occurred c .
6 At all events the rent from them must have been very considerable .
7 Daily Telegraph If you did not put aluminium in you would have water that was cloudy .
8 This well known fact was somehow never discussed in public by the girls , for public admission of it would have destroyed and inhibited its oddly private thrill , and would have shamed the vain ones into cowering in their cubicles , as the timid and modest already did .
9 Part of him would have been sorry to hear that she had been shot , or sentenced to a long term of imprisonment in the filth of an Austrian gaol .
10 We hope that people trying to read the shell-growth record will now be aware that part of it may have been erased .
11 Far from relieving the companies from burdens and expense it adds to them ; for those companies that take advantage of it will have to prepare two distinct sets of accounts and reports , the full version to circulate to their members and the expurgated version to be made available to the general public .
12 The senders of it must have had misgivings as to whether he would obey as they appear to have decided to back it up with physical intimidation .
13 If he had been asked where he got it , that obstinate jaw of his would have remained clenched , but Isambard knew how to ask his questions now .
14 This Melanie of his must have been a right madam , thought Leonora when Penry went off to get himself a glass of whisky .
15 Bureaucracy for them will have two important dimensions .
16 Their total vote of 1,510 was 600 votes short of Conaty ( Independent ) with 2134 , and no amount of vote transfer between them could have postponed the elimination of any of them until after Conaty .
17 For instance , it is estimated that around 1m of the 1.7m new jobs forecast for the mid 1990s will be in the professional and managerial areas , and demographics suggest that a substantial proportion of them will have to be filled by women .
18 According to Eadmer there were over sixty in about 1080 , and a high proportion of them must have been Englishmen of the old foundation .
19 Only a century ago , a fair proportion of us would have died in childbirth , or been dubbed dowagers by 40 .
20 It is possible that her attitude towards me could have been coloured , even determined , by her own suffering .
21 I vividly remember , although I was in a thoroughly sleepy condition , telling him that in my view the only proper justification for an enquiry about Mr Profumo 's personal life depended on the possibility that some act of his might have compromised security , because he obviously had information which was secret .
22 We 'll have a bit of this type of We 'll have , have a bit of that tying wire .
23 The duchess being bride to the heir presumptive , with the princes gone , any issue of hers would have been regarded by many as rightful sovereign of the realm .
24 McLeish had to remind himself that the dead girl behind them would have felt none of this dank chill .
25 Any member of stab who went into the Biology Lab before her would have needed a good excuse to explain his presence there , unless , of course , he was a member of the Biology Department .
26 Now , in retrospect , she could see that marriage to him would have been a ghastly mistake , and that her reaction to discovering that he had been seeing other women while he had been engaged to her had had far more to do with wounded pride than with a wounded heart .
27 then you er everyone sang Happy Birthday and somebody arrived down the aisle with a couple of balloons for her should have done that for me too , on my
28 This is generally called the tepidarium but it is doubtful that it was in fact such a room for it would have been too immense to heat and no hypocausts have been discovered under it .
29 In Doctor Faustus whether heaven and hell are ‘ discovered ’ in a manner which confirms conventional expectations of them can have drastic implications for the play 's destination , the impact it makes on its audience .
30 The shame of it may have caused the slight stroke that overtook him , or perhaps it preceded the disaster .
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