Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [art] [noun] time " in BNC.

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1 Television programmes during the day time encouraging grooming and self-presentation at interviews also helped to reinforce the idea that it is the individual 's fault .
2 ‘ Oh , where 's Ricky ? ’ moaned Perdita for the millionth time .
3 The information on obtaining funding for a part time senior registrar post given by J E Morrell and A J Roberts will soon be superseded .
4 The main purchaser was Mr ( not yet Lord ) Roy Thomson , who got a national foothold through The Sunday Times .
5 One or two burglaries during the day time .
6 Dealers at this firm suffered the indignity of getting illegally fined for coming in late in the mornings , even if it was only five minutes after the starting time of 8.30 a. m …
7 if the landlord and the tenant have not agreed the Market Rent three months before the relevant review date it shall be determined by ( 1 ) an independent surveyor acting as an expert appointed in default of agreement by the President or ( 2 ) at the election of either party ( made not later than the making of an application to the President for an appointment time being of the essence ) by the person ( if any ) appointed to determine the rent payable under the headlease acting in the capacity in which he is appointed thereunder
8 PETER FRASER , owner of the Classic Bookshop and opponent of the Net Book Agreement , has complained to Michael Joseph and the Booksellers ' Association about The Sunday Times 's special autumn offer of Edith Holden 's The Nature Notes of an Edwardian Lady , published tomorrow .
9 The USSR and Argentina have each made a submission for the fist time in the competition 's history .
10 These natural discontinuities in our perception of the responsibility time span create hierarchical strata that people in different companies , countries and circumstances all seem to regard as genuine and acceptable .
11 Returning now to the referral and investigation work undertaken by the team between October 1987 and March 1988 , Table 3 provides some detail about the range of activities on which the total time of 253 hours was spent and shows that the bulk of the activity time was spent in direct contact with children and/or their caregivers .
12 You can read the actual old newspapers in the offices of the Oban Times , not a microfiche in sight .
13 Oh we used to work er f er six days a week , er all day Saturdays erm eight to eight and er eight till eight at n at er eight till seven at night or er or eight till eight at erm most shifts was early , they used to have a a an hour er an hour break of a dinner time er sometimes they only used to have half an hour at night because , I mean well once you 've got er y y you was there , once you get you shift done it was no good sitting there doing for an hour and er it , it varies on what production what was wanted and how far advanced you was or how far behind you was , you know , but er the average hours was as I say was ten hours a shift that was working shift , you worked ten hours and then a break in between , ten minutes , half an hour
14 Andrew Neil of the Sunday Times ( the one she did it with ) : Donald Trelford of the Observer ( the one she did n't do it with ) and Peregrine Worsthorne , former editor of The Sunday Telegraph ( the one who criticised the one she did it with , and who was sued for his criticisms , and lost ) .
15 Until recently art critic of The Sunday Times , Marina Vaizey was paid just over £30,000 a year with free BUPA cover .
16 In general , the amounts of refluxed acid were low , the average person having acid in the oesophagus for about 3% of the recording time .
17 There is even an echo of the testing time of his twelfth year in the fourth book in the sequence , The Betrayer , when he has to find a way of helping one of the Confederates , involved in a misguided conspiracy against the young Emperor , without being disloyal to his ruler .
18 In June 1989 , Neville Hodgkinson and Peter Gillman of the Sunday Times reported that Clive Ahrens had been found to have aluminium in his hip bone , laid down as a band ( as is common in people living in areas of high lead in water ) .
19 A doorstop like The Sunday Times is , of course , not meant to be read in toto .
20 However , on 4 October 1987 , Barrie Penrose , a very experienced journalist with the Sunday Times , identified these two as Michael Randle and Pat Pottle , members of the left-wing radical group , the Committee of 100 , not CND , and in February 1962 both were sent to prison for 18 months for offences under the Official Secrets Act .
21 The panel — Maggie McKernan , publishing director of Phoenix House ; David Blow , manager of Waterstones in Camden ; Catherine Eccles , m.d. of Granta ; critic D J Taylor ; and BOYB novelists Adam Lively and Will Self — discussed the merits of the promotion , and the reaction which greeted the announcement of the selected 20 authors in the Sunday Times in January .
22 And then on Thursday Bill 's coming to play with you and you 're going to nursery and then on Friday you 'll see Lucy in the day time
23 Sir , — I believe the following extract from the Sunday Times could do only good if the facts were fully appreciated by the general public :
24 If the oratory of George Bush does not convince on its own , consider an extract from the Sunday Times magazine : it is about conditions in a refugee camp .
25 In addition to such items as a fridge and a vacuum cleaner , she has a dishwasher , central heating , hired domestic help and the use of the family car in the day time .
26 Louis Blom-Cooper , QC in the Listener , Bernard Levin in the Observer , Leo Abse , MP in the Spectator all called for an immediate inquiry , while Julian Symons in the Sunday Times , C. H. Rolph in the Times Literary Supplement , Mervyn Jones in the New Statesman all declared categorically that Meehan was innocent and should be granted a free pardon under the Royal Prerogative of Mercy .
27 IN 1989 Hannah achieved a long-held ambition when a new friend , Mrs nancy smith , who has a farm in Stokesley , took her to Stokesley Show — an event which usually merits two full pages of text and pictures in the Darlington Times and Echo which are always read with deep interest by Hannah , who loves flowers , particularly roses .
28 Er let me read this few paragraphs from the Sunday Times report .
29 He began work as a journalist on the Melton Times in his home town , Melton Mowbray , and then worked in Coventry before joining the West Midlands Gas Board in 1962 to edit employee publications .
30 As part of the process of opening up to the West , Kim used the occasion to give an interview to the Washington Times in which he called for improved relations with the USA and said that he wished to see a US embassy established in the capital , Pyongyang , " as quickly as possible " .
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