Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [pron] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 I have considerable sympathy for what the two new clauses seek to do .
2 So it went on for two long hours during which the thousands present learned nothing about Fascism except the bravery and pertinacity of its young adherents in dealing with this very perilous situation . "
3 It 's not easy to find words for what the two of them meant to me at that time .
4 Of course , the price and income range varied , and so with it did the ‘ life-style ’ — a term for which the Fifties were still groping .
5 Its culmination is the Joint Committee , as a result of which the three UK and Irish Institutes now speak with one voice on ethical issues .
6 The astonishing speed with which the two brother radicals developed their Pantisocratic scheme was testimony not only to the transforming effect they had on one another , but to the very weak foundations upon which the whole enterprise rested .
7 US West Inc , which last week was talking about the multimedia database system it is developing with Oracle Corp ( CI No 2,166 ) , is stepping up its commitment to infotainment by agreeing to pay $2,500m for a 25% stake in Time Warner Inc 's Time Warner Entertainment affiliate — in which Toshiba Corp and Japanese trader Itochu Corp each has a stake — to seal a deal under which the two companies will collaborate to develop electronic superhighways — full-service cable networks offering interactive programming , entertainment and information .
8 Indeed , by incorporation into him the two have become one new humanity .
9 Relationships in which the two individuals concerned are of exactly equal status are very unusual .
10 The division of labour by sex , the segregation of male and female roles in marriage , and the socialization of females for domesticity are all aspects in which the two cultures closely resemble one another .
11 Relations with America are on the mend after months in which the two countries had been arguing about the fate of nuclear weapons on Ukrainian soil .
12 The terms of reference show some overlap with those of the Crowther Committee , there was considerable overlap in the pool of CACE research on which the two committees drew , and some similarity in the recommendations offered ( see 1959 Crowther ) .
13 Equally , from the tenant 's point of view the interest granted him under a tenancy at will is so precarious that he would almost always be better off with a fixed term to which the 1954 Act did not apply .
14 This , perhaps , made us feel that here in this sunlit place serenity bore a deeper meaning , it was the peace for which the thousands lying here had given their lives .
15 Since the publication of his The Seven Lively Arts in the 1920s Seldes had been a linchpin of New York 's arts scene .
16 Their geographical location tended to coincide with those areas in which the 1936 rising had been successful .
17 Paris : Intense speculative interest in merchant bank Paribas was the feature of a session in which the CAC-40 index posted a record 1,961.74 , up 19.2 .
18 Those are trials in which the one defendant makes accusations against the other , and the other often makes even worse accusations against the one .
19 More like a divorce in which the two parties occasionally meet for companionship and sexual pleasure without strings .
20 He recalls that ingenious nylon synthesis in which the two reagents are dissolved separately in two immiscible solvents .
21 But in general , here , too , was a major issue in which the 1970s had been wholly unproductive , in which Celtic nationalism had been inflamed but left impotent and dissatisfied , and real questions about accountability and democratic participation left unanswered .
22 An election campaign in which the two principal parties find it difficult to believe what the opinion polls are telling them is a rum do .
23 This was dealt with relatively simply in what is now section 80 of the 1985 Act to which the 1989 Act added section 80A .
24 Fortunately for the British these American worries were counterbalanced by the degree to which the two countries were being drawn closer together by nuclear and missile developments .
25 It had been run nose-first into the boat house where it lay like a huge , sleek beast in an undersized pen , the deep V of the forward end tucked under the gallery on which the three of them were standing .
26 The need to separate the functions of chairman and chief executive has been a raging debate in City of London parlours for the past couple or years , and companies at which the two roles are combined in one person have been under enormous pressure to accept a separation of powers : now the same debate could take off across the Atlantic as Compaq Computer Corp 's ( non-executive ) chairman Ben Rosen tells the House Telecommunications and Finance Subcommittee that the troubles that have beset some of America 's largest companies can be traced to cozy relationships between their boards and their chief executives — he declares that the boards of most US companies are chaired by the company 's chief executive , who picks the board members and controls the agenda — ‘ With an appropriate form of corporate governance , I fully believe that the current problems of IBM , Digital Equipment , Westinghouse and other major American corporations could have been addressed and probably solved far earlier with much reduced ill effects , ’ Rosen told the legislators , adding that a company 's chairman should be a ‘ truly outside independent director , ’ not the chief executive or a former chief executive , and that all board members , with the exception of the chief executive , should also be outsiders , who should get their directors ' fees in the form of shares or options .
27 * Greenpeace has announced a plan by which the 16 RBMK reactors could be shut down without the loss of net electricity capacity .
28 Now , however , I want to concentrate on the 15 years during which the two of them lived and worked together , and Pollock made a bid to change the course of what was then thought of as modern art .
29 Menem visited Paraguay on Nov. 27-28 , 1989 , for talks with President Andrés Rodríguez , at the conclusion of which the two heads of state signed a joint declaration covering economic and hydroelectric co-operation and border integration .
30 The National Rivers Authority is to close a loophole under which the 12,000 sewage works in England and Wales can cause highly toxic pollution of rivers without fear of prosecution .
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