Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [verb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some of his many poems and humorous versifications were published in 1991 and in his introduction he claimed : ‘ The reasons for presenting them at all are twofold .
2 Does the Chancellor of the Exchequer recall that , in its report on the Budget , the Treasury and Civil Service Select Committee stressed that it was important that the so-called automatic stabilisers should be allowed to operate fully and that there was a case for supplementing them with discretionary increases in public expenditure ?
3 In the next chapter I shall discuss the Creole of young black Londoners in more detail , and argue the case for treating them as " new dialect learners " rather than " second language learners " .
4 The child itself would want to know who its father was , and the fact that I could get no comfort from the circumstances would be no excuse for hiding them from — him , her ?
5 There is no excuse for inflicting them on your fellow-citizens by saying it is done in a good cause .
6 Each local authority was required to estimate the needs of primary , secondary and further education in its area , and to submit plans for meeting them to the ministry .
7 The British initially negotiated with the Vichy authorities and showed no enthusiasm for replacing them with Free French officials , and in the end made belated concessions to appease Free French sensibilities .
8 If some of the ideas in this book have been new to you , you may be full of enthusiasm for putting them into practice .
9 The two , Marxist and Empirical Socialist , unite in their criticism of the utopian promise of his schemes and of the impracticability of his proposals for carrying them into effect .
10 One other scheme allowed for one-to-one tests but left the decision about including them to individual teachers .
11 proposed that we should in effect give the money to erm a non county body involved in this , to allocate , to work out both the basis of the allocation and the allocation funds in this order , we think that 's inappropriate , If we 're putting up money then we should also have the responsibility for allocating them among a until the done and the done , so I 'm at all , or whether our council or something to be set up in the future should have equal control of that , that money .
12 Only 22 , however , thought that British companies should take more responsibility for providing them with condoms .
13 It is gratifying that the initial residents have built up a very happy family atmosphere , and have expressed their thanks to the Association for providing them with what they now regard as their home .
14 — Members of Framwellgate Moor and District Royal British Legion branch have used the Framwellgate Moor WMC as a meeting place for over a quarter of a century and Legion members said thank you to the club for providing them with free accommodation during that time .
15 The following morning , three of the six were eventually discovered at various positions around the living room , the faint glimmer of life making me change my mind about dispatching them to the waste bin .
16 Celtic 's offer of around eighty thousand pounds stands and Macari is now considering a package to take him from Stoke City where he 's a firm favourite with the fans after leading them into the English First Division .
17 The CAR are studying the feasibility of converting them to electronic warfare trainers .
18 It has the advantage for believers of saving them from having to invent their own personal neurosis , and they gain from the social nature of religion rather than the purely private character of a personal neurosis .
19 Lothian Regional Council began acquiring the various disused lines in 1981 and the programme of converting them to cycleway/footpaths will be continuing until the early 1990s .
20 There is no need to introduce any technical terms for discourse types , nor should we hesitate to name them to our students for fear of burdening them with jargon .
21 By this time the cutters were being kept in commission throughout the year , the practice of laying them in winter had been abandoned so that more crews were needed to maintain continuity .
22 The maximum fees that companies can charge for inspection or copies are now prescribed by regulations ( the former practice of stating them in the primary legislation did not work well in an inflationary climate ) and these regulations clarify the obligations of companies regarding inspection and copies .
23 No visit to Holland would have been complete without a study of the important Dutch bulb industry and soon after his return Miller produced a paper , read at the Royal Society , on the practice of growing them in water .
24 Arnold , at one time headmaster of Eastbourne College , purchased a number of sites with the expressed intention of improving them as bird habitats .
25 The trial judge directed the jury if at the time he collected the coins the defendant had formed the dishonest intention of keeping them for himself he was guilty of theft .
26 Workers at the Heeley Urban Farm in Sheffield have spent several days collecting seeds from these flowers with the intention of growing them as a crop , eventually to sell the seed as an urban flower-mix .
27 The thousands of sale catalogues formerly in the collection of the London art dealers Leggatt Brothers , recently sold at Sotheby 's , have been purchased with the intention of putting them on database .
28 Where the Buyer purchases the goods with the intention of selling them to a third party for the use by that third party of the goods at work , the Buyer undertakes to supply the goods to the third party on the basis that the third party will ensure , so far as reasonably practicable , that the goods will be safe and without risks to health when properly used , and the Buyer further undertakes to procure the signature by the third party ( prior to delivery of the goods to the third party ) of the written undertaking attached hereto as Annex A obliging the third party to take the steps specified in that undertaking to ensure this .
29 It is important to bear in mind that while inflected verbs in languages such as Arabic , Spanish , and Portuguese ( to name but a few ) do carry the same information as an English pronoun-plus-verb combination , the effect of placing them in theme position is not the same .
30 The impossibility of shaking them in cross-examination would make such a reform grossly unfair to the media .
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