Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [verb] [pers pn] into " in BNC.

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1 If some of the ideas in this book have been new to you , you may be full of enthusiasm for putting them into practice .
2 The two , Marxist and Empirical Socialist , unite in their criticism of the utopian promise of his schemes and of the impracticability of his proposals for carrying them into effect .
3 Celtic 's offer of around eighty thousand pounds stands and Macari is now considering a package to take him from Stoke City where he 's a firm favourite with the fans after leading them into the English First Division .
4 Plainly , individual journalists have individual styles but ultimately they have to turn the result of meeting you into the type of article their publication requires .
5 ‘ It wo n't kill your Dad at all , ’ he said , as he fished in his pocket , ‘ because I have no intention of getting you into trouble . ’
6 They bought the building two years ago with the intention of turning it into an exhibition space for cultural exchanges between Europe ( mainly France ) and Japan .
7 Susan said that she had no intention of letting him into her life ; she did not trust him or his relationships with women , ‘ from what I observed of him , and I do n't think he felt very secure with me because of my straightforwardness ’ .
8 A forceful demonstration that the law is failing to realize its own professed principles may have the beneficial effect of shaming it into action .
9 The hypothesis can be tested , in an attempt to falsify it , by plugging the ears of bats before releasing them into the test laboratory .
10 Wrap ptfe tape around each fitting before screwing it into place in the radiator .
11 She had recently killed some of Buddie 's hens and turkeys by gripping their necks between her teeth and shaking them violently from side to side before throwing them into the air .
12 It is easier to fit the connections to the input/output card before fitting it into its slot .
13 Some researchers have attempted to capture the core meaning of words by decomposing them into a small set of ’ building blocks ’ known as semantic primitives [ Wilks 1973 ] .
14 In volume IV there is a description of the disembarkation of cattle at Port Askaig by throwing them into the sea to swim ashore .
15 In volume IV there is a description of the disembarkation of cattle at Port Askaig by throwing them into the sea to swim ashore .
16 Right form the start they get the club into the wrong position , meaning they have no hope of getting it into a good position afterwards .
17 She only hoped he was n't titivating himself , slicking his hair and freshening his breath in the hope of talking her into bed .
18 The place was a bit religious but they did n't kind of drum it into you , they used to go on about church a bit .
19 But I bumped into Chris who 'd been doing some session work with Steve ( Buzzcocks ) Diggle , who was looking for a guitar player to do a few gigs , and Chris kind of trapped me into that .
20 Wild creatures , tamed or untamed , shall be regarded as property ; but a person can not steal a wild creature not tamed nor ordinarily kept in captivity , or the carcase of any such creature , unless either it has been reduced into possession by or on behalf of another person and possession of it has not since been lost or abandoned , or another person is in course of reducing it into possession ( s.4(4) ) .
21 Normally he mistrusted the use of women but he foresaw the opportunity of infiltrating her into Tweed 's company in the future .
22 And he blamed another girl for getting him into the drugs scene .
23 Michael Burns , 31 , of Whorlton Road , Hardwick , Stockton , is accused of raping the girl after dragging her into an alleyway by the Newtown Social Club in Durham Road , Stockton .
24 There 's been talk on the council of turning it into a swimming pool , but they ca n't afford it .
25 Last week , workers accused union officals of blackmailing them into accepting a package which would give each former employee a week 's wages for every year of service .
26 Any question of taking her into Penzance had to be abandoned and Harriet went off alone to do the weekly shopping , thankful to be able to leave Edna in charge of Celia and trying not to feel guilty that she actually preferred such expeditions without her daughter 's company .
27 ‘ If you can hit your killer 's face before you croak we can probably get him , ’ SOCO said helpfully , as he examined a gory piece of Sellotape before slipping it into one of his brown paper bags and carefully labelling it .
28 They resented the way in which the Chancellor interfered — in effect though not in theory — with their judgements , by prohibiting the man who was successful at Common Law from putting them into force .
29 Scrub or scrape the skins of early potatoes before putting them into lightly salted boiling water and cooking until just tender .
30 Police have warned that the woman may strike again and have asked parents to check the identity of all visitors before letting them into their homes .
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