Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She relaxed , as satisfied as if she had chaired a difficult meeting through to its triumphant conclusion or been acclaimed at Board level for the fresh approach of her latest report .
2 Above , we see that there is in fact a significant right field advantage for the verbal tasks , trigram and word recognition and also a significant lack of right field advantage for the spatial tasks of dot location and counting .
3 As expected , shadowing did result in a significant reduction in right field advantage for the verbal task .
4 Above , we see that there is in fact a significant right field advantage for the verbal tasks , trigram and word recognition and also a significant lack of right field advantage for the spatial tasks of dot location and counting .
5 It was , however , also found to cause a slight change in right field advantage for the visuo-spatial task .
6 A further problem is that a BAe takeover would strengthen German objections to Ferranti winning the radar contract for the European Fighter Aircraft since it would mean BAe gaining a disproportionately large share of the total project .
7 Instead of prolonging the dogfight with West Germany 's Telefunken over their rival bids for the radar contract for the European Fighter Aircraft , the two hi-tech defence manufacturers have decided to do the really European thing and co-operate ; Ferranti would use the Telefunken data-processor in its ECR-90 radar .
8 Instead of prolonging the dogfight with West Germany 's Telefunken over their rival bids for the radar contract for the European Fighter Aircraft , the two hi-tech defence manufacturers have decided to do the really European thing and co-operate ; Ferranti would use the Telefunken data-processor in its ECR-90 radar .
9 Its answer to the problem is either that it is entitled to more money from central Government , regardless of how much its rate support grant for the social services sector has risen , or that it needs the unfettered right to raise further taxes locally .
10 Among these a need for cross-curricular study featured prominently , as did various areas where curricular provision had yet to be developed ( e.g. the tutorial programme , a life-skills ' curriculum , curriculum provision for the able child ) .
11 In addition , Aviram and Brook ( 1983 ) have provided evidence for a direct effect on in vitro platelet function for the cholesterol-rich lipoprotein , LDL and the triglyceride-rich lipoprotein , VLDL .
12 When mechanisms are being compared it is often more meaningful to obtain the response function for the complete system or for part of the system .
13 The spur — which must be 2.5mm 2 cable — runs to a fused connection unit ( FCU ) , which should contain a 5amp fuse to provide the correct fuse protection for the new lighting sub-circuit .
14 Self-interest becomes inextricably entwined with concern about the effects of public policies on the running of prisons , income support for the unemployed , tax evasion , smuggling , pollution , health care and the enforcement of minimum-wage and safety legislation in industry .
15 CHESTER Branch fought off tough competition , not least from the existing account holders National Westminster , to win the banking contract for the new Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Trust .
16 On 3 June word came that the gallery would get no grant to cover the 1991–92 deficit , and the base grant for the current fiscal year would climb , not the desired C$6 million , but C$1 million to C$9.5 million , with no guarantee of end-of-year supplements .
17 September ICI wins Us Environmental Protection Agency Stratospheric Ozone Protection Award for the commercial introduction of ‘ Klea ’ 32 .
18 Less easy for ( and possibly of less interest to ) preclinical staff is dealing with a case study for the new pathway ; such a case might start with the pharmacology of tetracyclines , pass through their therapeutic use in general , and end on a debate about whether oxytetracycline should be used as prophylaxis for traveller 's diarrhoea in Mexico .
19 The disadvantages of a Marcus parser for the current application include :
20 In the UK in 1957 the Physical Society published a group of reference papers on the British work , including the now famous Lawson criterion for the thermal insulation ( confinement time ) required to give a net gain of energy from a thermonuclear reactor .
21 Bill Hamilton was the architect and building contractor for the new wing here eight years ago , and he 's about to get to work on a completely new building for obstetrics and gynaecology .
22 The Control Server family of products includes an SQL Monitor for the remote monitoring and tuning of client/server applications , a Configurator for capacity planning and design monitoring of databases , and a Backup Server for large database backup and recovery .
23 Apart from the budget , Britain hopes to set the negotiating mandate for the new members queueing to join , probably initially Sweden , Finland and Austria .
24 Born in Southampton , he was educated as a private pupil at the Brighton Institution for the Deaf and Dumb by the sign and manual system .
25 He was a President or Vice President of many deaf organisations , including the Royal School for Deaf Children , Margate ; the Charitable and Provident Society for Granting Pensions to the Aged and Infirm Deaf ; London Deaf Cricket Club ; the London branch of the B.D.D.A. He was also a committee member of the Brighton Institution for the Deaf and Dumb , and of the Winchester Deaf Diocesan Mission .
26 William Blomefield Sleight , who was born in 1849 , was the son of William Sleight , the much respected headmaster of the Brighton Institution for the Deaf and Dumb .
27 With their debut album for the superb independent label Dorado , D*Note are going to go clear .
28 The result represented the third successive regional election defeat for the federal Christian Democrat ( CDU ) , Christian Social Union ( CSU ) and Free Democrat ( FDP ) coalition since the all-German election in December 1990 .
29 If you are using stocking stitch for the main part , or any double bed pattern knitted using a 1x1 setting , then a 1x1 rib will probably be the one you choose .
30 She is a voluntary visitor for the West Sussex Association for the Disabled and sits on two village committees and looks forward to serving on the Executive Committee of the Medau Society .
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