Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He also knows that there are plans for a high-speed rail link to run through Stratford .
2 Also present , sometimes , is Franck , a neighbouring farmer , who comes at cocktail hour to drink with A … and the narrator .
4 George wrote that he was not optimistic about the possibilities of getting Raffaella permission to emigrate to England .
5 It was over 60 years ago that Sir Jesse Boot ( later Lord Trent ) , founder of the Boots Company , made a magnificent gift of land and money which enabled the University College to move from Nottingham town centre .
6 Supposing Yorkshire or Cornwall decided by a majority vote to secede from Britain and elect their own government .
7 A Farmland and Rural Development Act was passed in 1988 and farmers now have access to grant aid to help in diversification projects .
8 You will also receive a cheque book which you can use with your Auto Cheque card to pay at shops , garages , restaurants etc .
9 Obviously this requires confidence on both sides and careful preparation ; inviting someone into class on a Friday afternoon to talk about engineering can be a disaster , but a timely introduction of an engineer to a project on water power can add to the reality and interest of the work .
10 Former England football manager Bobby Robson has donated a signed football shirt to auction for Hartlepool Hospice funds .
11 Turn into Swan Street through the car park to emerge in Albion Place .
12 Malik , who rescued Rugby from extinction in 1986 by buying the clubhouse from the liquidators , has alleged breach of contract in commercial dealings with the club and has used his ownership of the drive and car park to sue for trespass .
13 Examples of technology exchanges include the agreement between Hitachi Ltd and Oki Electric Industry Co to align on standards for embedded control chips , and the agreement between Hewlett and Convex Computer Corp to cross-license compiler technologies .
14 You do have some control over the costs in the form of wage bills so you may require information about that area , and your daily cash takings and some idea of stock turnover to control for pilferage of goods or cash .
15 2.3.2 Standard forms include provision for rent reviewer to act as expert
16 A total of 47 delegations from the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples ' Organization ( UNPO — see p. 38027 ) , meeting in The Hague on Aug. 6 , discussed the political crises in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union , and agreed to establish an Urgent Action Council to respond to requests from groups threatened by state violence .
17 For example , if you have decided that it is essential for your long term plan to learn about computers then every moment that you are not doing this activity is a wrong use of your time .
18 Mr Hussain was refused entry clearance to come to England , mainly because he could not say what were his long term intentions .
19 If you feel that you are lacking in energy , and are feeling tired and listless , it may be that you are suffering from anaemia , which can be remedied by iron tablets ( your doctor can give you a simple blood test to check for anaemia ) .
20 St Peter 's College plan to go into partnership with Oxford and Oxfordshire Museum , who want to occupy the older prison buildings .
21 Picasso Museum to grow by 30%
22 Most of our testers considered the driving position and seats close to perfect , but a couple of the taller specimens would have appreciated some sort of steering wheel adjustment to play off comfort against a clear view of the instruments .
23 ‘ The allocation of trainee posts on the department establishment to allow for intake and progression through pre-licentiate and licentiate periods ’ …
24 I remember the amounts because for several years , it was my Saturday job to go to St. Martin 's Church Vestry to collect the money which was paid out by the Parish Clerk , Mr. Daniel Sutton , who before retirement had been Headmaster of the Church School .
25 They cleaned themselves up quickly , instructed all the others to shower again as thoroughly as possible in view of the AIDS risk , and then went into the interview room to talk to Steve 's parents .
26 The seminar , held in London in November , was a new departure in LASMO 's investor relations programme and was held to enable the investment community to get to grips with all aspects of the LNG trade — an industry which is very different from the oil and gas business in which LASMO has always been involved .
27 Maxwell added : ‘ Before we can talk in terms of shares we must ascertain whether the Inland Revenue aim to deal with Mr Flashman as an individual or if Barnet FC is also liable . ’
28 Ireland assistant coach Gerry Murphy says that a realistic aim for this 1992–93 season is to try and win home matches or at least make it extremely difficult for an opposition team to win at Lansdowne Road .
29 On 11 July Sir Frederick Holliday resigned as chair of the Joint Nature Conservation Committee after accusing the Scottish Office of undermining the committee 's powers by setting up a review body to deal with Sites of Special Scientific Interests ( SSSIs ) .
30 ‘ I invite the Government to set up a review body to investigate in depth the whole of our system of administration of justice .
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