Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [v-ing] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The awards will be presented at the House of Sport on October with each category winner receiving an engraved Wassail goblet donated by sponsors Tyrone Crystal .
2 A. undigested incisor from barn owl assemblage ( ×10 ) ; B. incisor from short-eared owl assemblage with superficial digestion along its entire length ( ×11 ) ; C. detail of superficial digestion caused by short-eared owl ( ×75 ) ; D. detail of same with the prism structure of the enamel apparent ( ×375 ) ; E. incisor in premaxilla from long-eared owl assemblage with tip digestion of the enamel ( ×30 ) ; F. detail of same ( ×85 ) ; G. isolated incisor from long-eared owl assemblage with tip digestion of the enamel ( ×15 ) ; H. digestion and splitting of incisor from European eagle owl assemblage ( ×56 ) ; I. digestion of enamel and dentine from tawny owl assemblage producing an uneven surface on both ( ×11 ) ; J. enamel removal from middle of incisor from kestrel assemblage ( ×13 ) ; K. detail of digested enamel edge ( ×375 ) ; L. heavy digestion of enamel and dentine from hen harrier assemblage ( ×18 ) .
3 He wishes to support a television advertising launch with a selective direct mail campaign containing an introductory product offer .
4 Other events have included a Guatemalan refugee representative giving an educational workshop to sixth-form Spanish students in the Central Library , Foyle Street .
5 Another example of gentrification is the Yuill 's development of ‘ St John 's Green ’ between Percy Main and the Meadowell Estate using an Urban Development Grant .
6 Gun battles between rival gangs of inmates had left 18 prisoners dead following an unsuccessful assassination attempt on Olivero Chavez Araujo , a self-styled drug baron serving an eight-year sentence for drug trafficking .
7 On May 15 the government approved a revised budget plan allocating an extra ISl2,500 million to the 1990 budget specifically for absorption of the immigrants and including plans for 70,000 new houses to be built in 1990 .
8 OpenView release 3.0 is made up from several components : SNMP , incorporating HP 's OpenView Windows graphical user interface allowing users to customise applications ; OpenView Windows application programming interfaces , APIs , picked up by OSF 's DME ; and a Distributed Management component running an Ingres-based SQL database .
9 Jenkins took my arms and helped me up several flights of stairs , like a Boy Scout assisting an old lady .
10 There was the pretty girl from the village shop wearing an emerald-green dress more suited to a wedding .
11 With a wardrobe comprising jeans and sweatshirts , a make-up bag containing an eight-year-old foundation and a hairstyle that had n't changed in ten years ( husband Steve never noticed when she 'd been to the hairdressers ) , Juliana felt in a rut ‘ I feel I 'm 30 going on 40 and would love to look more stylish , but I just do n't know where to start . ’
12 To mark the country 's first successful bone marrow transplant involving an un-related donor , Norwegian television arranged for her to meet Janet for the first time in front of an estimated two-and-a-half million viewers .
13 Should the lexicographers wish to proof ranges of dictionary text before approving it , a request may be made to the Computer Group using an appropriate control document .
14 α 1 -microglobulin concentrations were measured by enzyme immunoassay using an identical methodology to that described for transferrin .
15 She 'd come to seduce the man , for goodness ' sake ; right now she felt more like an job applicant attending an important interview .
16 THE UPHEAVAL in the US airline industry continued yesterday , with property developer Donald Trump announcing an unsolicited $7bn bid for American Airlines , the country 's largest carrier .
17 The existence of two clusters of related genes implies a duplication event covering an ancestral cluster : the degree of divergence of the comparable related sequences in each cluster can be used to estimate the evolutionary distance of the duplication .
18 By a 45-vote majority the Congress supported the continuation of the monetary reform policy freezing an estimated US$115,000 million in private financial assets .
19 When asked in 1983 to conduct a similar investigation of the purported Hitler diaries of 1932 and 1935 , Grant found that high grade waste paper containing an optical brightening agent had been used in the pulp and these were not in use at the alleged time .
20 The Japanese government announced on Nov. 25 that it would agree to co-sponsor with the United States a UN resolution imposing an indefinite moratorium on the use of drift nets from the end of 1992 .
21 It has announced its intention to co-sponsor with the USA a UN resolution imposing an indefinite moratorium on the use of drift nets from the end of 1992 .
22 In a multimedia application using an ultra-large hard disc , DVI could be used to compress and decompress video and images .
23 Not only was maintaining the British war effort imposing an ever-increasing burden , but subsidies to allies seriously inflated that burden .
24 The high beech hedge providing an arched entrance to the kitchen garden was at one time 20 seedlings collected in the Savernake forest .
25 The conventional way of starting a course race using an imaginary line between two designated points , usually a boat and a buoy .
26 Coal miners may be a suitable group for gastric premalignancy screening using an upper gastrointestinal symptom questionnaire and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy .
27 The classic example of large sample research involving an inadequate sampling frame is the Literary Digest 's attempt to forecast the results of the US presidential election in 1936 .
28 Know-how is all important — and it is quite typical for a deputy head following an advanced part-time degree in education management to sigh with relief at the start of a module about , for instance , the management of assessment and to say that this was precisely what his head — with an eye mainly on the short term — hoped he would get out of the course .
29 And here is the militant Palestinian writer Ghassan Kanafani recalling an Arab family 's departure from that same country just a few months later :
30 Never would he forget sitting beside her in the night air watching an open-air performance of The Parvenue and listening to the band at Fort House on Thursday evening .
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