Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [vb base] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 The difficulties of accounting precisely for how readers of the play text get from the words on the page to judgements concerning the " personalities " of characters are overcome , to some extent , by the analysis of their conversational behaviour and using the powerful interpretative apparatus of discourse analysis and pragmatics to this end .
2 How does the role of an export agent differ from the role of an export salesperson ?
3 The Secretary of State must explain how the assumptions of the review team differ from the assumptions that he now makes .
4 Pensions as a form of work reward suffer from an absurd time-lag ; no one at 25 years of age thinks in 40-year time horizons .
5 Similarly , when life sentences are reviewed , the trial judge makes a recommendation to the parole board but complaints have been made that too frequently junior Ministers in the Home Office depart from the recommendation , usually by increasing the length of the period of imprisonment .
6 That little pussy cat come from the pet shop .
7 Keep the creamy brown body meat separate from the flaked white claw meat .
8 The present powers of local authorities in respect of town planning derive from the Town and Country Planning Act 1968 and the equivalent Scottish Act of 1969 .
9 They moved outside and saw a Land Rover pick-up emerge from the trees .
10 Defects in harmony ( balance ) and soundness of the body structure detract from the dog 's appearance and working ability .
11 Will emphasis shift from the provision of services with a high value-added component to the bulk handling of a large number of fairly simple enquiries ?
12 How can a sweat shirt come from a garden ?
13 How can a sweat shirt come from a garden ?
14 Radio 4 's DAILY SERVICE broadcast live from the Elmwood Hall .
15 From the water companies ' point of view , the advantage of indirect systems is that they reduce the effects on the mains of heavy demand ( first thing in the morning , for example ) and that they keep most of the householder 's water system separate from the mains supply .
16 The models employed to develop the control programme vary from the simple ‘ proportional ’ or ‘ rollback ’ model which assumes , for example , that a region with sulphur dioxide levels twice the NAAQS will attain the standard if total sulphur dioxide emission in the region is halved , to more complex diffusion or dispersion models .
17 How does the children 's librarian in a public library service differ from the good primary teacher or the teacher-librarian in a school ?
18 These criticisms of stratification theory derive from the known importance of gender as a criterion of social differentiation in modern society .
19 The cab came from a Massey-Ferguson 1200 and cost £600 , and a solid steel radiator surround from the same model was turned upside down and fitted to the new tractor .
20 Ms Tyson may protest too much ; but she could certainly argue that at no time in the previous two administrations did everyone involved in trade policy sing from the same songbook .
21 Many spring-flowering bulbs do well under deciduous trees , but if you want something to provide permanent ground cover choose from the relatively few plants that tolerate dry roots and poor light .
22 In terms of worker participation three alternative options are available to a European Company ; a German model with workers represented on the management bodies ; the Franco–Italian system of a works council separate from the management board ; and the Swedish model , under which individual firms establish an agreement on participation with the workers .
23 The foreign intelligence operations were now to be conducted by a new and as yet unnamed state agency separate from the KGB ( although Primakov was also named first deputy chair of the KGB ) , and would concentrate on national security and on monitoring the international drugs trade and terrorism .
24 The Bourbon group derive from a cross between two Chinese species , but took the name from the Ile de Bourbon , later renamed Reunion Island , in the Indian Ocean , from where they came to Europe in 1817 .
25 I mean un unless you make the control room blast proof , which is maybe a thing to be looked in to in the future and then again they 're speaking about making the accommodation module separate from the platform itself which is another thing , but I mean that 's all to be looked at .
26 ‘ Most people in the health service suffer from the feeling there are far too many layers of authority above them and far too many constraints about what people can do when it comes to running their own unit better .
27 All of the ways in which the design of the Williamson scheme differ from the design of the ERM serve to make the former more durable — largely , it must be admitted , by making it less ambitious .
28 Further major changes were recommended by the Civil Justice Review , although these did not extend to the creation of a small claims court separate from the county court .
29 We will make houses which meet high standards of energy efficiency exempt from the first £1000 of stamp duty when they are sold .
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