Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [vb base] the first " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , if the three numbers beneath the Early Reply Bonus Seal match the first three numbers of your Early Reply Bonus Code , and you reply within 14 days , you will automatically qualify for the chance to double the £50,000 first prize to £100,000 .
2 In addition , should the three numbers beneath the Early Reply Bonus Seal match the first three numbers of the Early Reply Bonus code , the entrant will also be eligible to win an additional £50,000 , should they reply within 14 days , and win first prize .
3 Aldershot , Farnham & District AC promote the first Rushmoor Summer Double — two 10K road races at Rushmoor Arena , one on Wednesday , June 17th and the other on Wednesday , July 29th .
4 Let him who has never lifted the seam of a cricket ball cast the first stone . ’
5 Meantime Southwestern Bell Corp 's mobile systems unit and Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd 's Panasonic Communications & Systems Co claim the first commercial personal communications service in the US .
6 Moomintroll and the Snork Maiden feel the first flutterings of love and , for once , we are offered a complete family ( the Victorian habit of removing one , or both , parents was a convention that survived into Ransome 's time ) .
7 Why might a computer designer choose the first scheme ?
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