Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [vb base] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 THE WEDDING PRESENT release their ninth single of '92 on September 7 and have announced details of their first major UK tour in 18 months .
2 The last few weeks have seen LASMO North Sea 's Markham field produce its first gas , while gas price negotiations have been concluded in Pakistan , allowing LASMO Oil Pakistan to proceed with development plans for the Kadanwari field .
3 The Institute also recommends that the Financial Reporting Council use its annual review to draw attention to those aspects of the OFR that have been adopted and those that have not .
4 Velvet Crush take their long-term devotion to the Goddesses Of Jangle , Indiedom and Power Pop and give it a bubblegum blast that — of late — only Redd Kross have chewed on more ferociously .
5 Memories of the country 's former sadness as a battlefield and burial ground make it depressing for many English ; Bernard and Laura , by contrast , conscious that both their fathers had fought in this part of France in World War I , found this link with their native country comforting .
6 GALLON DRUNK : ‘ Bedlam ’ London swamp unit follow their two previous indie Number Ones , ‘ Some Fool 's Mess ’ and ‘ Last Gasp ’ .
7 THUNDER : ‘ Laughing On Judgement Day ’ Brit hard rock unit follow their Top 30 single ‘ Low Life In High Places ’ with a new 14-tracker
8 The pictures in the Squadron museum tell their own story .
9 Intel Corp 's agreement to have Digital Equipment Corp resell its 80860 RISC-based massively parallel processors is dead because DEC found little interest from the market , Electronic News reports .
10 Start a personal exercise programme Try your local sports centre for advice on training and fitness
11 The pans on these barrows tend to be bigger so you can carry more , and additional features like pneumatic tyres , front bracing and a tilt bar make them easier to manoeuvre when loaded .
12 A delighted England team celebrate their first Test win in New Zealand since 1978–78 .
13 Durham County B team entertain their Cumbrian counterparts at Barnard Castle golf club this weekend when players on the brink of full county honours are given the opportunity of catching the attention of selectors .
14 Oh : car of menace , car of blight Cars the atmosphere ignite Greenhouse warming , Havoc forming Parkinson must see us right We 're au fait with entropy Gaia , Ecosphere , synergy Words for greening But their meaning 's A linguistic mystery Oh : politicians must invent Worship of environment Genuflecting by reflecting Words of verdant bafflement Now our water 's unfit to drink Too much aluminium and zinc No solution To pollution No-one can stand the stink Oh : public filth and pestilence Highlights private opulence Does the glitter , clear the litter All it needs is pounds and pence GOD REST YE MERRY God rest ye merry , gentle Greens Let nothing you dismay The much foretold apocalypse Is now well under way Not even Mr Gorbachev Can stop the world 's decay Oh , tidings of comfort and joy , Oh , tidings of comfort and joy We ca n't eat meat or hens or fish The farming is too cruel The only food we now permit Is foul organic gruel Irradiated food and veg Now double up as fuel Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy Now everybody wants a car Though noise and fumes are vile The Iron Curtain fractures and The jams stretch back for miles Mobility and liberty Can not be reconciled Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy We think that greenhouse warming will Bring on the world 's demise If forests burn it 's not just trees but mankind too that fries But all this may be garbage Because scientists tell lies Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy Consumers must buy less to reach Sustainability For galloping consumption is More lethal than TB So much for Third World dreams of fleeing Grinding poverty Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy Unless we stop producing kids The planet will not cope No hope for birth controllers short of Kidnapping the Pope But since the Greens recycle people they May turn us into soap Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy In searching for clean energy The choice is pretty stark The floods that come when coal is burnt will keep us in the Ark But had Lord Marshall got his way We 'd all glow in the dark Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy Dumb animals are much preferrred To flawed humanity Ill-treatment of old people may Provoke insanity But culling seals and whales is judged The worst profanity Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy Now Mrs Thatcher goes bright green A highly suspect hue Her policies have after all Kept filth and squalor blue It 's just another way she 's found To tell us what to do Oh , tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy With greenhouse gases , PCBs Sulphuric acid rain This fragile globe 's environment Is going down the drain It is a cosmic punishment That we ca n't start again Oh , tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy Melanie Phillips OVERNIGHT FILE
15 Mandy was peering through the binoculars with the intensity of an army scout who had just discovered the enemy , and with a defeated sigh Charity let her own gaze drift in the same direction .
16 Is it true that Le Pen is to meet a number of Tory Members and , if so , will the Home Secretary make it clear that that would be wrong ?
17 ‘ Such investments outside the over-heated markets in the South East show us good initial yield and will provide increased growth as the recession lifts , ’ Mr Ridley said .
18 Twins Gayle ( left ) and Gillian Blakeney in panto costume celebrate their good news
19 Minneapolis-based buzz-pop trio issue their recent NME SOTW
20 This means in turn that lawyers trained in the civil law tradition find it difficult to characterise certain features of common law pre-trial procedures .
21 Explosives , most radio active waste , mine and quarry waste , and waste discharged under a valid trade effluent consent have their own regulations .
22 Following three ace Gunshot singles , the Portobello Road posse bring you two razor-sharp cuts from a Black British Muslim perspective .
23 Above : The rounded contours of the AquaWare Richmond suite make it perfect for period or adventurous homes
24 Those airlines with an independent safety branch conduct their own research into safety problems or commission universities or specialist organisations , both private and governmental , to research particular aspects of safety in the air .
25 Gullivers are looking after the travelling arrangements and the widespread tentacles of the Irish Tourist Board make it certain that golden oldies all over the world have got to hear about the festival .
26 Glossy , stylish covers and series titles such as Point Horror make them attractive , and the well-sketched characters and pacey action make them terribly readable — for those that have the stomach for them .
27 Will Resenence Jeopardy give me some kind of knowledge ?
28 He is helping West Midlands Transport publicise it new smoking policy on buses and commuter trains throughout the area .
29 Instead of calculating the electric field directly from the charge distribution let us first determine the potential and obtain the electric field by differentiation .
30 Railway enthusiasts are angry that Darlington borough council is not making any money available to help the town 's historic North Road station celebrate its 150th anniversary .
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