Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] give a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The wide angle X-ray diffraction patterns obtained from pastes of either artificial granules of PHB-rich whole cells of Alcaligenes eutrophus show only an amorphous halo , whereas crystalline PHB powder gives a series of sharp peaks ( Fig. 1 ) .
2 The Coal Research Establishment gives a figure of 32,273 hectares — nearly the size of the Isle of Wight .
3 Successful multi-stack designs are often produced with additional stacks , so that the user has a choice of step length , e.g. a three-stack , sixteen rotor tooth motor gives a step of 7.5 degrees and by introducing an extra stack ( with consequent reorientation of the other stacks ) a 5.625 degree step is available .
4 You can use vodka or brandy as a preservative but given these are usually less than 50% proof you would need at least 20ml in a 100ml stock bottle to give a 10% alcoholic solution .
5 She said : ‘ If enough interest is shown through people contacting me on Barlaston extension 2486 , then I will arrange for a specialist consultant to give a talk . ’
6 Members of the Brunswick Poetry Group giving a reading of their own poetry in very varying styles .
7 He was invited by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother to give a recital for the Royal Family at Windsor Castle .
8 The IOR rule gives a benefit to larger mainsail areas versus adding sail area to the foretriangle .
9 WHITEHILL Town Council gave a grant of £75 this week to St. Matthew 's Church , at Blackmoor , towards the upkeep of the graveyard .
10 J. S. Homes , the National Liberal MP for Harwich , made an early visit , closely followed by the mayor who arranged for the town band to give a concert .
11 Typical values , for processors such ie Motorola 6800 or Intel 8080 , are T , = 10 us and T2 = 50 us and a table of stepping rates for various delays can be constructed : This table illustrates a fundamental weakness of the software-based System : the range of available Stepping rates becomes coarser with increasing speed ; for example , at 100 steps per second a unity change in delay value produces a 0.1% change in stepping rate , but at 5000 steps per second the same delay change gives a 5% difference in stepping rate .
12 The manager raised a finger and said , with pride in his voice , ‘ The Deputy Mayor gave a party here six months ago .
13 One mechanical method of generating a range of switching angles is to use a fine resolution optical encoder producing several position pulses per step , but this is prohibitively expensive for small step.angle motors ; a 200 steps per revolution motor would need a 1600 counts per revolution encoder to give a choice of 8 switching angles .
14 The grand opening parade gives a foretaste of the spectacle that 's to come … and over the next two hours , there 's one breathtaking moment after another :
15 I built two caves at the back , and placed a flat rock at each back corner to give a choice of spawning areas .
16 ROLLS-Royce unions are threatening a ballot on industrial action unless the aerospace giant gives a guarantee of no compulsory redundancies at crucial talks today .
17 Manager privilege gives a user the highest privileges on the system , It should therefore be granted with care .
18 Manager privilege gives a user the highest privileges on the system , It should therefore be granted with care .
19 253 hours over a six month period gave a total of only 8.4 hours per team member per month ( or only 5.5 hours per month client contact if telephone calls and professional meetings were ignored ) .
20 In 1954 the Ministry of Agriculture 's chief drainage engineer gave a paper on land drainage to the Institute of Civil Engineers .
21 Although this received some publicity , it did not compare with the media attention given a year or so later to the drug problems in Seoul .
22 She staggered and half fell and , as Raynor caught her , the wolf creature gave a howl of triumph and fell back on its haunches , making a scuttling , circling movement as a cat will make a nest for itself before sleeping .
23 In the basement of the American embassy the duty ELINT man gave a yell as his warning light blazed red in his face and the sound of a phone ringing came into his headset .
24 Of course when one thought about it rationally it was obvious there was bound to be an investigation of some kind , but throughout the long flight she had been too concerned with the purely personal implications of the news item to give a thought to those who might have a financial interest in the story .
25 In connection with the Queen of the Night and her birds , I was lucky enough to see an example of such interaction recently when I watched a woman falconer give a demonstration of her art .
26 The CET Educational Viewdata User Guide pack gives a sound introduction to Prestel in schools .
27 An open door opposite gave a glimpse of rows of barrels , and next to it a short flight of wooden stairs led to another door above the store-room .
28 The English Schools Cricket Association gave a lunch at Lord 's yesterday in honour of their retiring secretary , Cyril Cooper , and his wife , Molly , writes Christopher Martin-Jenkins .
29 Tony Dyer from the Wiltshire historic Aviation Group gave a presentation on their work to date and this was backed-up by the display of a wonderfully restored control column and seat/harness from Hurricane I P3554 .
30 She had barely skimmed over the last few paragraphs of information , used to Debbie 's ridiculous ideas about a person 's birth sign giving a clue to his character , but now the temptation to find out proved too great .
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