Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] have [art] long " in BNC.

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1 I SPENT most of Friday morning having a long talk with Paul Seddon — Assistant Commissioner Seddon , who is our department 's special representative at New Scotland Yard .
2 Similarly , in England football hooliganism has a long history .
3 The Social Work Department has a long tradition of working in collaboration with other service providers .
4 Opposition to a fixed European exchange rate has a long history within the Labour movement .
5 Folk music has a long association with classical music , why not include that ?
6 National Assistance which followed on Poor Law Relief has a long history .
7 But the intelligence fraternity has a long track record of trying to fool others and in the process usually ends up fooling itself .
8 A new song , ‘ Pussy Cat Meow ’ , celebrates them and a dream Kier had a long time ago .
9 The infantry version had a longer shaft , but both versions were essentially spiked maces .
10 Ideal dairy land has a long growing season , no summer drought period , a stable soil structure with good drainage to avoid excessive poaching , and an unfailing water supply .
11 JC seh has a long history , almost certainly originating from a verb ( which later became reanalysed as a complementiser corresponding to " that " ) in one of the West African languages of the Kwa group .
12 The University of Chicago Press has a long list of titles for the coming spring season , in contrast with last year 's more restricted offering .
13 The UK group has a long standing commitment , made to the Hong Kong Government , to broaden the shareholder base of Hong Kong Telecom and a deal with CITIC would be consistent with that .
14 The 17.5 per cent stake represents roughly a quarter of Anglia 's market capitalisation , but David McCall , chief executive , said he believed ‘ the share price has a long way to go yet ’ .
15 Hillend Ski Centre has the longest artificial ski run in Europe , so is by no means ‘ small ’ .
16 The ‘ need ’ theorists ' concept of self-actualization or self fulfilment has a long history ( Jung , Adler , Goldstein , Rogers ) yet remains one of the fuzziest and least developed in psychology .
17 The concept of an independent development agency has a long tradition in Britain .
18 We recall that the confessional idea has a long history .
19 Delhi Junction had a long , curving , double-arcaded front , in redbrick Eurasian Gothic , with small crenellated towers , the only hint of decoration being supplied by blinds on all the windows .
20 The typical pilgrimage church has a long , aisled and galleried nave , wide transepts and a large sanctuary .
21 SWELTERWEIGHT Fender Champ 25SE Fender 's new Champ 25SE has the longest reach , boasts the biggest biceps and packs the heftiest punch of any previous incarnation of the model .
22 Local government audit has a long history .
23 Nothing much between the two teams on form … they 're two places and eight points apart … both are in the frame for the play-off places but the promotion race has a long way to go yet …
24 Ions with the lowest energy ( E ) observed on any one field line have the longest time-of-flight , t , and were therefore the first injected : they crossed the magnetopause at X , a distance d from the satellite ( where is the ion mass ) .
25 Like copyright , patent law has a long history and has developed as a means of protecting innovation which has a benefit to innovator and public alike .
26 To take one example , in November 1987 the North-West Regional News introduced by Stuart Hall had a long feature as their opening item :
27 The Oxenhope Straw Race has a long way to go before it reaches its centenary , but the aims of the people who organise it and take part are the same as those who in the nineteenth century began the hospital sings at Holmfirth and Mapplewell .
28 The Training scheme has a long and proud history .
29 Cancer research had a long tradition of support from private contributions , but new charities devoted to particular diseases , such as arthritis and rheumatism , leukaemia , and muscular dystrophy , were founded and became a great source of strength to workers whose interests had or might have application to the desired objectives .
30 THE QUEEN 'S HEAD , said to be a 14th Century inn has a long gallery , now glassed in , facing east , but it is not an original structure .
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