Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [verb] [art] great " in BNC.

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1 The Support Force crossed the great divide and for that the profession ought to be grateful .
2 Only the shortest of memories will have forgotten how declining Western industries successfully sought tariff and quota protection to counter the greater efficiency of Far Eastern competitors .
3 High scores on the oral hygiene index carried a greater risk of coronary heart disease than on the periodontal index ( table III ) .
4 The mobile diabetic eye screening programme detected a greater prevalence of advanced retinopathy in diabetic patients living in rural areas .
5 Raffles , stalls and a junior golf competition on the practice green ensured a great time was had by all .
6 The CLO study group included a greater proportion of non-smokers and non-drinkers than the severe reflux oesophagitis group , strong evidence against smoking and alcohol as pathogenic factors for CLO .
7 The bowel site had the greatest effect on crypt cell production ( ileum>caecum>distal colon ) .
8 Instead we did the trail just south of Reykjahlid , climbing a lava mound overlooking the great lake .
9 The Sausage Appreciation Society says the great British banger is here to stay .
10 I already had a stitch scar running the greater part of my left leg .
11 Of these the Poor Man 's Lawyer scheme involved the greatest number of solicitors and barristers , having begun at Toynbee Hall in 1893 and spread from there .
12 He states that businesses with the highest investment intensity have the greatest chance of improving ROI when one takes the longer run into account .
13 ‘ The view that the book club market has no great overlap with the bookshop market just wo n't wash anymore .
14 Of all grammatical types , the verb metaphor displays the greatest amount of interanimation .
15 At lower levels , too , cost-centre managers have been given more flexibility with personnel management providing a greater link between performance and promotion ( Thorpe
16 Field archaeology attracts a great deal of interdisciplinary interest since it offers so many varied and interesting problems .
17 Although not quite so export orientated , the Electronics sector sustains the greatest number of jobs through its exports followed by the Mechanical engineering industries .
18 Those not receiving insulin therapy had a greater prevalence ( 45.6 per cent ) than those on insulin ( 30.7 per cent ) ( P<0.001 ) , although this relationship was not found in blacks in whom the prevalence of hypertension was similar regardless of the type of diabetic therapy .
19 Senior management capability has a greater impact .
20 More urban than its northern neighbour , Bury South has a greater proportion of council tenants .
21 The Victoria Gillick campaign to deny contraceptive advice to girls under sixteen without their parents consent did a great deal of harm in this respect .
22 Whether people named defence as the Conservatives ' main campaign theme depended a great deal upon the date of the interview and rather less upon their personal characteristics or even their pattern of media use .
23 For example , in red deer , longevity , offspring survival and home range quality have a greater effect on the reproductive success of hinds than on that of stags .
24 A packed Bloomsbury Theatre heard the great tenor work on arias from Verdi 's Un Ballo in Maschera with singers Jillian Foster ( soprano ) , Sarian Crevelle ( mezzo soprano ) , Ya Lin Zhang ( tenor ) and Gerard Quinn ( baritone ) .
25 Miss Gracie Fields was the visiting star whose War Bond show made the greatest impression on Canadian listeners .
26 Among mammals , however , the desert camel shows the greatest tolerance to dehydration .
27 The Filmophone Company had a great deal of legal trouble with the British branch of another company , the German ‘ Phonycord GmbH ’ .
28 Highways officials say position of the crossing point provides the greatest safety benefit to the most vulnerable road users , and maintains free access and exit from the fire station and garage .
29 Some work was obviously seasonal with stock work and crop work giving the greatest variation .
30 But the record shop remains a great place to do a large part of your Christmas shopping , and with a little imagination you can find great gifts without resorting to the obvious Greatest Hits albums or the record token cop-out .
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