Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] seen in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Austen Chamberlain , despite his limitations , was an ally of a staunchness rarely seen in politics .
2 The crag rat , or Rattus lithographus , is a strange specimen rarely seen in limestone hitherto because of the friable nature of the rocks , until now usually preferring Lakeland granite or Pennine gritstone .
3 The other types of leather corals usually seen in dealer 's tanks are the various species of Lobophytum .
4 ‘ Cut out middleman 's profits — buy direct from the manufacturer ’ is a phrase often seen in newspaper advertisements , implying that the retailing and wholesaling functions are otiose , or at least inefficient .
5 Contemporary dedications at Rome reflected the growing trend of relatives of military commanders to glorify their illustrious ancestors , a trend also seen in portraiture ( see chapter 2 ) .
6 In recent years , however , the canine colon has become a standard model for colonic motility studies and , although it displays some kinds of contractile activity not seen in man , it has been useful for investigating neuropharmacological interactions .
7 A prominent feature was the surviving aggregates of endocrine cells marking the former position of glandular bases where colonic crypts had been destroyed ( Fig 2B ) , a feature characteristically seen in graft v host disease .
8 A vet has borrowed medical technology normally seen in maternity hospitals and is using it on farms to bring more certainty to lambing .
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