Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] so [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 Route not so difficult as expected , although more ‘ scrambling ’ needed than before .
2 " Though many ( candidates ) may have ample material they mar their chances by solecism , malapropisms , dreadful spelling and grammatical errors sometimes so gross as to obscure meaning " .
3 But it was not the face , or the manner which struck Wilson most so much as the lithesome body .
4 The later , more sophisticated theories tended to view the question of salvation not so much as God winning back the world from the Evil One and reconciling humanity in himself , but in terms of a legal arrangement entered into by God and man because of the perfect death of the sacrificial Lamb : God the lawgiver lets off sinners , as it were , because of Christ 's substitution .
5 It can thus be seen that both in this chapter and in the closely related one on adult education which follows , the Report addresses English professors and teaching staff not so much as professionals but as responsible public figures ; as socially concerned part-time and even voluntary preachers functioning to disseminate a national culture .
6 He was invariably escorted by the SS Security Officer , and while the Nazi ogled her , the Dane never so much as looked her way .
7 It was the disgrace — Ethel and Ma not so much as allowed to speak to me … ’
8 The railway lines define the neighbourhood all right : Railway Hotel on the corner that the Council 's started using for temporary accommodation for other single mothers not so lucky as she , as the social worker kept telling her ; Railway Cafe opposite the launderette with coloured transfers on the window and a goldfish tank next to the curry puffs and ketchup bottles .
9 Nothing raises hackles quite so much as the question of access to the countryside .
10 Nothing raises hackles quite so much as the question of access to the countryside .
11 I stood leaning on the staff , grinning and throwing an arm in the air as he approached , but he and his companion never so much as looked as they sped back to Adrar .
12 He presented this assumption not so much as a prediction as a factual observation : " This war has not been settled by the battle of France .
13 Nigel Lowson , however , now head of geography at the £9,150-a-year Tonbridge School in Kent , remembers Tim not so much as a staid , jolly , reliable type as a chap with a sense of humour .
14 Of the bronze statuary , most beautiful was the 5½ inch high Hellenistic figure of a nude youth ( around late second or early first century BC ) , which sold to the European trade for $170,000 ( est. $40–60,000 ) , though nothing excited the crowd quite so much as the Roman porphyry .
15 No nation quite so much as the British likes its art to tell a story ( witness the pictures of Victorian England ) and no nation went overboard quite like the British to buy the Vung Tau cargo ; but with French , German , Italian , Dutch and Taiwanese buyers sharing out these decorations of the age of William and Mary , we must assume that the ‘ shipwreck factor ’ in these prices appeals to more than the nation which owned the Titanic and whose schoolboys read Mr Midshipman Easy and Moby Dick .
16 When the accompanying chords are detached , it is not necessary to make the melodic line quite so powerful as it has to be to come through a mass of sustained harmony .
17 However much the Donation had been perfected and refined by the twelfth century to fit into other papal arguments , there still remained the basic problem not so much as to the origin of power as to its descent .
18 It 's really , I mean next year I was sort of quite co I 'm quite committed to not having a year off so much as just exploring things and that 's what
19 The defendants ' operations were not destructive of telegraphic communication generally , but only affected instruments unnecessarily so constructed as to be affected by minute currents of the escaping electricity .
20 Which means , if I 'm not mistaken , that you have n't come here to offer me my son back so much as to ask me to relieve you of Miss Gristy .
21 As the eldest and most senior member of the regular troupe William Hartnell was frequently the cause of many a recording break due to memory lapses occasionally so hilarious as to cause Directors and artists alike to question their accidence .
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